- Comment on Unsubscribe 2 days ago:
I make significantly less than that and make more money than the median in both my own country (a decent bit more) and the US (a lot more). It is mathematically impossible for expenses that high to be the norm.
If you have kids or other dependents like elderly or disabled family members in need of support, I’m sure it can get very expensive very fast, and it’s quite obvious the average american does not make enough money. But $250 a day is an insane number for an “average” person. Even if you pay 3k a month in rent idk how you would get to that number.
Fwiw my own recurring daily expenses (disregarding things like saving for holidays and such bc otherwise it’s just my income) including saving up money as a safety net/for retirement are around 70€. More than triple that seems pretty unfathomable to me even in a country with even higher cost of living.
- Comment on This is also when I conveniently forget you called, making your preferred method of communication incredibly slow compared to texting. 2 days ago:
Not a single person in my life has ever had an issue with the fact that i prefer to be texted and reserve phone calls for more immediate issues. My time belongs to me and no one else so I have no obligation to answer people, and text is faster to parse for me and always has a protocol available if I need it later.
Calling someone isn’t disrespectful. Calling someone that has made it clear they do not want to be called except for emergencies is. In my case I’d just mute all calls from them after it happens the second time.
- Comment on Emma 3 weeks ago:
There is. Since the cake is in the shape of a 1, unless you want the name to be sideways when you look at it in the correct orientation, you have to write it vertically.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 5 months ago:
They can delete 6.5 billion accounts without claiming they are active users.
- Comment on Composite plastic degrades easily with bacteria, offers environmental benefits 5 months ago:
Airtight packaging? I don’t see many things not sold in plastic wrapping.
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Afaik they all kill you by being introduced into your bloodstream, the difference is mainly how they’re able to accomplish getting there. So any poison will kill you if you inject it, but venom will mostly be safe to ingest barring any wounds.
- Comment on Looks like it was a ... boobie trap 6 months ago:
From what I’ve seen you have crossdressers self identifying as trap on one side and people that are unaware that group exists and think trap is exclusively a derogatory term for trans ppl (or think enjoying crossdressing MUST mean you’re trans) on the other.
It’s a whole mess as any offensive language tends to be, because words rarely ever only have one meaning and there’s also more than one language in the world but terms still cross from one language into others.
Honestly as long as you’re trying to be considerate of others I don’t think anyone can fault you, and that goes for everything. People will try to speak for everyone, but even when they do speak for the majority there are usually exceptions.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
Sure, but where’s the upside? (ethically, not sure if consuming your own meat could have some sort of weird effect on you, even though afaik the usual cannibalism issues wouldn’t apply). If anything it’s more ethical to take it from yourself because you consent to it, the farm animal probably doesn’t.
- Comment on Custom ROMs have had just about enough of being Android's second-class citizens 6 months ago:
Afaik GPL 2 would be stopping google from making android closed source anyway, unless I got something wrong about the license terms. But if anything that supports your argument. The main reason google is generally supportive of open source is that they recognize that they benefit from it. The moment that changes, google will try their best to close off anything it can (granted I don’t think it’s that likely to change, but they’re already abusing their position plenty).
- Comment on Israeli minister says it may be ‘moral’ to starve 2 million Gazans, but ‘no one in the world would let us’ 6 months ago:
Plebeians were specifically the free roman citizens, explicitly not owned. Please heed your own advice, internet person that seems to be economically left but socially further right than the average nazi.
- Comment on Major Windows BSOD issue takes banks, airlines, and broadcasters offline 7 months ago:
Are you implying they should somehow have perfect quality control? Generally the lost customer trust is enough of an incentive to not let things like this happen. Things slip through QA, and the only way to prevent that in 99.99% of cases is to invest MASSIVE amounts of money that really aren’t justified for everything. Aviation does this, because there is significant risk of death if something goes wrong, so regulations force them to. Other industries arguably should (car manufacturers…), but a random security software? No.
- Comment on Alignment Chart Shitpost 7 months ago:
Those are probably fine, yeah. Though germany has just as much of an issue with “flushable” wet wipes to my knowledge. I’ve certainly never encountered actually flushable ones in the wild.
Really cool product though, needs to become more widespread (or just bidets lol)
- Comment on VTuber nanda ga Haishin Kiri Wasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta • VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream - Episode 1 discussion 7 months ago:
As someone only vaguely familiar (I watch aome vtubers, but didn’t pick up on much direct parody other than genital jousting, just that one of the other vtubers reminded me a lot of ookami mio (was that her name lol) and my closest thought about MC was that the dichotomy reminded me of what I know about haachama), I thought it was pretty hilarious in a “i should drunk watch this with a friend and have the greatest time” kinda way. To me it was mostly stupid sex humor and sometimes that’s just all I want.
- Comment on The “Netflix of anime” piracy site abruptly shuts down, shocking users 7 months ago:
For one, they’re not weebs they’re just anime otaku, but also that is only a subset of anime and it’s mostly just a judgemental stereotype. They have ads on the subway for birthday events for popular anime characters ffs.
- Comment on Steam announces game recording beta. 8 months ago:
Achievements or multiplayer matching not being implemented in the game itself isn’t on GOG. They still allow you to download and launch any game you’ve bought, without even requiring galaxy.
Also lesser known is the fact that there are DRM-free games on steam. Download them once, you can play without having steam running or even installed. Using a client to download isn’t inherently DRM either.
- Comment on Like a prion 8 months ago:
Apparently it’s closer to 100 times even.
You can fit a lot of very thin long thing into a small 3d space
- Comment on Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds 9 months ago:
Am I misunderstanding something or is that article saying “it’s not CI/CO, it’s actually CI/CO”? The incorrect assumption people make is that somehow the only change to energy intake and expenditure is food and exercise (which we have known for very long to not be the case and it’s insane to me that people believe that), not that the law of conservation of energy somehow doesn’t apply. If you expend more energy than you take in, you will lose weight. But measuring either of these things properly is close to impossible and certainly not as simple as “put your height and weight and what you eat and how much you exercise into a calculator”.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
I played it on a pc that was ok at the time and the physics engine glitched out so things that were supposed to be sitting still on top of/next to each other would randomly collide and sometimes fly off. Still had fun with the game though.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
There just flat out is no solution to gender seperate spaces.
Allow only biological women/men? Transphobic, issues for some intersex people, and you now have transpeople that are clearly not the gender their birth sex suggests in the “”“right”“” bathroom, so even for transphobes this doesn’t work.
Have someone stand in front and judge if people are feminine/masculine enough? Absolutely not holy fuck
Allow people based on gender identity? Any bad actor can just pretend. Absolutely the easiest option though, and imo the best one if we have to seperate them. Thankfully also the one usually implemented.
Allow people based on the gender on their ID? Still sucks for trans people as getting that changed isn’t necessarily easy, plus assuming we don’t havr someone check everyone at the entrance, trans people would be more likely to have someone complain and have to justify themselves. If we make it as easy as it probably should be, bad actors can abuse it just the same.
Thinking about how to make women feel safer in for example gyms seems like a better long term solution for absolutely everyone, but also doesn’t feel like it’s talked about a lot.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
I appreciate some good trolling that doesn’t actually harm anyone. And in this case it also certainly generated discussion, so I’d say it’s more than trolling anyway.
- Comment on The “Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state” petition just got a response. 9 months ago:
I’d be fine with a minimum support time if an end of life date is not made clear when buying. Say a game has to be able to run for at least one more year after purchasing unless there is an explivit warning about the planned shut down date. That would at least seem reasonable to me.
Of course the optimum would be requiring either offline functionality, or, even better, enabling fans to host their own servers once the official ones shut down. That way games could be preserved for much longer.
But at the very least, people shouldn’t lose access after an unreasonably short time.
- Comment on "Arknights: Rise From Ember" (Season 3) Announced with Teaser Visual, PV 10 months ago:
It’s good enough that I’m actually looking forward to this, and was very much hoping there would be more seasons. It’s not anything groundbreaking but it tells the arknights story well, and that story is a pretty good one.
- Comment on The best censorship is creators' self-censorship. 10 months ago:
Germany is even worse and it’s not even CC companies’ fault. You can’t buy h vns on steam (or gog) in germany, with the reasoning being “the user’s age can’t be verified”. Thankfully jast works.
Which I could accept if other 18+ games, like… gta v, weren’t perfectly purchasable. I’ve kinda been thinking about complaining to the youth protection agency responsible, maybe if they also make steam ban sales of hugely profitable games they’ll care, or the legal debate about verifying age there being a privacy violation would kick off. But I also don’t want it to get worse.
- Comment on Ookami to Koushinryou: merchant meets the wise wolf • Spice and Wolf: merchant meets the wise wolf - Episode 1 discussion 11 months ago:
Well, it is as much slice of life travel romance as it is medieval economical drama, so the story overall is relatively slow paced. The pacing usually picks up at the end of each smaller story arc though (which is mostly the end of each LN volume, which iirc the original anime covered 3.5 of in 25 episodes). Assuming similar pacing I’d guess 4-5 eps in you should know if you’re interested. The very start is imo still a bit more slow paced than the rest of it, but it’s rarely fast, with the character development happening just as slowly.
- Comment on Baldur’s Gate 3 boss says gamers don’t want mass subscriptions 1 year ago:
Technically public still means you act in the interests of the owners, aka shareholders (at least in germany anything else is illegal), it’s just that naturally that will always be profit for the majority.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Yea, from how you made it sound it seems similar to how it ended up being in nier - make a choice that does seem like it’ll end the game, but really it’s probably not very serious - credit roll, hope you saved recently. It would’ve very much benefited from simply autosaving at the correct time.
Imo it kinda depends on what kind of ending it is, if it’s still conclusive but maybe a bad end, that seems alright. Just if it clearly leaves me unsatisfied I’d be annoyed. I’d still really prefer just having a reload option, but I’d also rather game devs stick to their vision, just like fromsoft ganes really don’t need an explicit easy mode.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
Because I am going to know ahead of time if a game does that? And it’s not like I didn’t enjoy nier automata.
Also no ones saying games can’t have anything like that, just that it’s not really what would generally be considered good design.
- Comment on Games that force you to make hard choices 1 year ago:
The random premature endings were already annoying in nier automata, and that did have save files. I almost never replay things, I get extremely bored. Took me forever to get through the second playthrough of nier automata as well, since that is so similar to the first.
If a game pulled that on me I just wouldn’t play it ever again and watch a cut scene compilation or something.
- Comment on What a bargain! 1 year ago:
There’s like ultrasonic cleaning machines for glasses they’re pretty great. For me getting my glasses clean properly takes forever, if I had such a service near me I’d probably use it sometimes (as it is I just don’t bother properly cleaning them and just wipe them occasionally)
- Comment on We Can’t Hire You. Developers’ Challenge 1 year ago:
Yea, that one point in the post doesn’t necessarily make much sense (though this really depends on how the corresponding questions were phrased). Doing what you think is right over what you’re told is good if it’s a question of morals, it’s not good if you’re in a situation where you might not have the full picture. Though the correct thing to do when you’re told to do something you don’t agree with in this case would regardless be to bring it up and have a discussion about it.