- Comment on It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play? 8 months ago:
Playing through ff7 rebirth and was trying to finish a dragon age origins play through I’ve had going on since 2022.
- Comment on If I wanted to, hypothetically, guarentee that I shit my pants 2 to 6 hours from now, how should I do it? 9 months ago:
Movieprep or kleenprep. I’ve had both and one definitely worked for me and the other only kicked in the morning off my endoscopy.
- Comment on V Rising has launched out of Early Access! 9 months ago:
Ehh can’t speak the for the parent comment but I don’t like spending more than 15 quid on indies unless it’s something I really like the look of. Like I bought stray and kena full price but I haven’t bought this when I’m not a survival fan so not sure if I’ll enjoy it despite it seeming like a good game.
- Comment on Does Arkham Knight get better? 9 months ago:
I’ve only beaten it once for some reason I can never beat the >cloudburst tank again
- Comment on Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda 9 months ago:
Not am Austin game though.
- Comment on Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda 9 months ago:
It is. Lots of “gamers” can’t be fucked learning the difference between Austin and arkane, it’s like how there’s people who think bioware Montreal is the same as Edmonton or rockstar north is the same as san Diego when north makes GTA and the other red dead. Generally gamers don’t care what studio does what just the first part of its name. Arkane Lyon are developing blade and that’s still in progress.
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
Exactly and even in the UK the laws of England won’t necessarily be the same as the laws of Scotland and Northern Ireland.
- Comment on Recommendations for Pacific Northwest Themed Games? 9 months ago:
It is a chill game. Basically you deliver mail every day to NPCs and have conversations with them. That’s basically it but I really enjoyed it.
- Comment on Gender-specific toilets to be required in non-residential buildings in England 9 months ago:
K but I’ve never seen a cinema in the UK with mixed toilets so moot to the UK. Gender neutral here is like a disabled toilet or a small cafe which only has space for a single toilet.
- Comment on UK Government Response to the Stop Killing Games Petition 9 months ago:
Don’t forget going after disabled people.
- Comment on The “Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state” petition just got a response. 9 months ago:
This is why I never saw the point in the UK petition. Fuck all chance the tories would give a fuck and it was a waste of time signing it. I very much doubt there’s even 100 mps from all parties that have any real understanding of video games or give a fuck about them.
- Comment on Tour dates 9 months ago:
Must be bittersweet learning he wrote and performed so many great ones.
- Comment on TOEM is an amazing game, here's why 9 months ago:
Basically a steam deck streams you’re library onto a handheld device, I don’t know if the PC needs to be on or not though. It’s like playing PlayStation games remotely on PlayStation portal or game pass games on an android through the app except the deck is a dedicated device like a portal but plays more than just games bought through steam.
- Comment on Half Life 3 9 months ago:
Pretty much this. I’m fairly certain that I read years ago that Gabe just wasn’t interested as well. Which fair enough valve don’t need to develop games now because they have to but because they want to.
- Comment on Disability benefit claims can’t be made on ‘unverifiable assertions’, argues Sunak 9 months ago:
Maybe I’m stupid but pip was only brought in just over ten years ago as a way to reform the system and prevent “scroungers and cheats” by the Tory’s, surely by pushing reform now that’s all but admitting they’re thick as shite and and they’re deliberately targeting vulnerable people. How does the electorate not see this?
- Comment on Yep 9 months ago:
Or yeppers.
- Comment on Everyone who reads this was at some point(s) in their life seconds away from death, without realising it. 9 months ago:
I already know of a couple occasions where I was close to dying. Once at 5 I split my head open and had to go to hospital for stitches, I had a tea towel held to my head to stem the flow of blood. The second time was three years ago when I was admitted to hospital because of a flare of Ulcerative Colitis (IBD, Crohn’s disease is the other type) and I lost so much blood over the months I had the flare that I had to get a transfusion and iron infusion.
- Comment on Remember when the body washes contained literal micro plastics and were advertised as such? 9 months ago:
I remember my sister telling me to use facial wash for acne with stuff like that in it. Thank fuck I’ve ADHD and never got a routine going with using it.
- Comment on Lawsuits test Tesla claim that drivers are solely responsible for crashes 10 months ago:
Good luck not getting killed then…
- Comment on Lawsuits test Tesla claim that drivers are solely responsible for crashes 10 months ago:
And? What the fuck does that change in regards to the lawsuit? He is the CEO and he is responsible, that’s the reality right now.
- Comment on Elon Musk says it's his turn to have the remote 10 months ago:
Skydiving without a parachute would be my first choice.
- Comment on Generative AI could soon decimate the call center industry, says CEO 10 months ago:
This has been my experience whenever I’ve phoned support.
- Comment on Best Linux Distro For Playing On Steam? 10 months ago:
Basically any that appeals. My biggest issue when I last used Linux with gaming was getting non steam games working through bottles or lutris, I had no idea how to set them up. Steam and proton played almost all of my library and worked well.
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
Welp. I don’t know if I’m capable of working to begin with my chronic illness. I’m unemployed currently and it’s not even manageable at home, I’ve been in hospital twice in a month. And I’ve been having a flare up of it since January. So most two seasons so far.
- Comment on Laurence Fox told to pay £180,000 in libel damages - BBC News 10 months ago:
He’s from a nepotistic family. Look up his siblings and dad, they’ve all been in fucking, lewis.
- Comment on Too soon? 10 months ago:
Nope. Nope. Nope. Incels are fully to blame for when they act violently. Fuck making excuses for people who think that it’s everyone else’s fault that they can’t get laid and then become bitter and hateful.
- Comment on Can an online library of classic video games ever be legal? 10 months ago:
It’s because of how shit saints row 2 and gta 4 are on PC that I use my Xbox to play Xbox 360 games.
- Comment on Can an online library of classic video games ever be legal? 10 months ago:
If copyright law is involved then you’re looking at 70 years after the author’s death or 95 years depending on which expires first for it to be public domain and only the original iteration is released into the public domain. That’s for the USA and different countries have different laws and I’d imagine that would complicate things massively as an online library would have to be compliant with various laws of different countries
So take Mickey Mouse for example he’s now in the public domain but only in his original form in the Steamboat Willie cartoon, anything that uses something more recent than that like his red shorts for example would be taken down.
- Comment on Remedy Makes Changes to Core Management Team, Wants to Grow Alan Wake and Control into Larger Franchises 10 months ago:
There’s already a sequel planned and being worked on plus a multiplayer game set in the control universe where you play as a ranger of the fbc.
- Comment on About to try the Outer Worlds 10 months ago:
The game’s maps are like walled areas of differing sizes so don’t expect open world or a sandbox. The cities are also walled and they differ in size so be prepared for that. I remember being disappointed with one city that’s built up and getting to it and finding out it’s about the same size as some others and there wasn’t much side content or exploration. The game’s writing is great and I think there’s various endings but I only played it once. There isn’t any romance with the companions but they’re well written l, there’s one in particular whose storyline I really appreciated as a queer person. Hope that isn’t a deal breaker for you as some Gamers have issues with things like that.
Overall I enjoyed it, just never felt like I needed to replay it like a Bethesda game, I play those once and do the things I want in it and move on.