- Comment on Is the UK shut down during easter? 2 months ago:
Yeah you get reduced hours with a number of things, particularly buses. Shops have more incentive to stay open, though.
Classic examples being Good Friday running like a regular Saturday, Saturday running like a regular Sunday but Easter Sunday is as normal because everything is already sparse enough.
- Comment on Russia ready to wage cyber war on UK, minister to say 3 months ago:
Yeah, this article is saying they’re ready to do something they’re already doing.
The one thing I would say on top of your comment, however, is that North Korea have generally been less interested in attacking other state actors and more interested in monetary crimes, like when they stole millions in crypto. China and Russia generally don’t devolve into that kind of “petty” crime; not sure about Iran though.
- Comment on Unidentified drones spotted over three US airbases in Britain, USAF confirms 3 months ago:
Lol was thinking it might not have been a good idea to move back to East Anglia, but hey ho…
- Comment on KFC drops pledge to stop using ‘Frankenchickens’ in the UK 3 months ago:
I would lean towards there being chickens available, but KFC doesn’t want to pay for them. They want one supplier to provide all of it, rather than a bunch of smaller suppliers.
But you’re absolutely right, this is the kind of question the author of this article should have asked.
- Comment on Special relationship at risk if UK bans arms sales to Israel, says Trump adviser 5 months ago:
Special relationship at risk if UK bans arms sales to Israel, if Trump wins the election.
- Comment on Transport secretary considers ban on floating bus stops in UK cycle lanes 9 months ago:
Yeah, I mean apparently this is being driven by charities for the blind, but you can even see in the main image for the article that there is a defined crossing over the cycle lane with different texture pavement tiles. The blind are far from being ignored here.
- Comment on The “Require videogame publishers to keep games they have sold in a working state” petition just got a response. 9 months ago:
The petition isn’t over with this response, it’ll run for 6 months and if it breaks 100,000 signatures it is required to be debated in Parliament.
- Comment on ‘Huge disappointment’ as UK delays bottle deposit plan and excludes glass 10 months ago:
Recycling is bullshit, we should be re-using glass with a deposit system. Like much of Europe.
- Comment on Two UK water companies lack complete maps of sewage networks 10 months ago:
You don’t apply for a permit, you go to LinesearchbeforeUdig - This is a free service anyone can use, and you’ll get emails from various asset owners with maps of what they have in the area you select. Some might try to charge for this, these ones are assholes.
As far as the law is concerned, it’s up to you to make sure you do it right and the costs for doing it wrong will all fall on your shoulders.
The only permit you need AFAIK is planning permission - which won’t be granted until you convince them you’ve done a sufficient line search. Aside from that, you need permission from the land owner, of course.
- Comment on Leasehold charges to be capped at £250 rather than cut to zero: Report – Mortgage Strategy 10 months ago:
Exactly. The whole “privatise the profits, socialise the losses” needs to end.
- Comment on Rwanda bill set to become law after protracted stand-off with Lords 10 months ago:
You should remind those people that the Rwanda deal is two way, the UK is taking vulnerable refugees from Rwanda in exchange.
- Comment on Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials 10 months ago:
The majority of children involved are already dead now.
- Comment on RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says 10 months ago:
Are you saying Israel has ambition to invade and conquer the entire region?
- Comment on RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says 10 months ago:
The UK sells Israel weapons. The US sells Israel weapons. Unlike other countries, Israel pays more reliably. A good salesman looks after their best customers.
Also, it seems that since Israel suffered no significant damage from the attack, they’re not going to retaliate now. So the support worked, because otherwise there probably would have been more than minimal damge to Israel, they would have responded and we’d have open war between Israel and Iran.
- Comment on RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says 10 months ago:
The fuck do my people have to do?
Have allies before you get invaded, or have nukes.
- Comment on RAF fighter jets deployed to shoot down Iran drones, MoD says 10 months ago:
Aren’t we supposed to help defend our allies, and vice versa?
- Comment on MP raises security fears over a Chinese firm's involvement in North Sea windfarm developments 10 months ago:
Cables can be fixed by anyone, China don’t make the cables.
- Comment on World first UK prototype could pave the way for constant energy all the time - from space | Science & Tech News 10 months ago:
Yup that’s what I gathered from this. Literally had the “duh” realisation as I was writing that comment.
- Comment on Cass review urges ‘extreme caution’ in prescribing puberty blockers to trans youth 10 months ago:
This is the claim from the Guardian article about this:
Puberty blockers and hormone treatment had been given to young patients despite a lack of research into their impact
Frankly I find that hard to swallow, given that puberty blockers existed long before they were used to treat trans people. Puberty blockers were used to treat children with extremely early puberty, their effects are generally well known. Sure, there’s always the classic “more study is needed” line in academia, but this almost presents it as careless implementation of a new drug, rather than a known and approved drug given to more people.
- Comment on Palestine activists arrested after halting production at Yorkshire weapons factory 10 months ago:
Why are you trying to turn this into personal attacks all of a sudden??
- Comment on Palestine activists arrested after halting production at Yorkshire weapons factory 10 months ago:
The factory makes drones for Israel, Israel used a drone in this strike, but that doesn’t necessarily mean this factory made this drone.
- Comment on World first UK prototype could pave the way for constant energy all the time - from space | Science & Tech News 10 months ago:
There may be times when the sun is eclipsed by the earth, but this will be infrequent.
This will happen once per day lol. For a geostationary orbit anyway, as the orbital period is 24 hours.
The point, as you mentioned before, is that the nighttime/eclipse part of this period will be very short and the day very long. Our night lasts hours, a geostationary satellite’s night is minutes (maybe a little over 1 hour for the longest ones).
This website calculates eclipse periods for satellites:…/… Apparently it’s a seasonal thing, like 3 months you get daily eclipses, 3 months you get no eclipse, then another 3 months on and another 3 off. The 3 months with eclipses are the around the equinoxes, so Feb-Apr and Aug-Oct.
- Comment on Palestine activists arrested after halting production at Yorkshire weapons factory 10 months ago:
Is this the factory that produced the drone used in the recent attack?
- Comment on Britain developing new, sovereign nuclear warhead 11 months ago:
Also Trident is a multi-stage rocket, they haven’t even got the first stage working right in the last two tests, let alone the final delivery stage.
- Comment on Britain developing new, sovereign nuclear warhead 11 months ago:
No they haven’t. Did you even read what that treaty is about? Countries that already have nuclear weapons get to keep having nuclear weapons, and countries that don’t have nuclear weapons will agree not to develop them in exchange for receiving peaceful nuclear technology. Aside from that, countries must “pursue” disarmament, but the treaty does not actually require it to happen.
Given the recent stirrings of Russia, and our proximity to their main path to the Atlantic (where most of the world’s undersea internet fibres are), disarming would be incredibly foolish.
- Comment on Minimum wage is UK’s ‘most successful economic policy in a generation’ 11 months ago:
That’s because there haven’t been any successful economic policies since then.
- Comment on Channel 4 presenter among more than 250 UK stars victimised by deepfake porn 11 months ago:
I’m gonna go against the grain and no doubt be downvoted, but surely this is overblown compared to the level of actual harm it causes? They’re not real images, almost everyone is aware they’re not real images, they don’t have a negative impact on the lives of the victim beyond them being creeped out that people are perving over them (but again, everyone knows it’s not really them).
I can see it has the potential for actual harm, eg a stalker developing worse behaviour, but I don’t really see that it meets the threshold in and of itself. It’s only slightly worse than doing something someone else doesn’t like or saying something offensive.
- Comment on UK starts early trials of World's first pothole preventing robot 11 months ago:
So they’re basically putting tar in the cracks that civils workers have stopped filling themselves when they reinstate the road after digging it up.
- Comment on Boys admit killing more than 20 animals in break-in 11 months ago:
My example was off the mark now that I look at it, but your statement is equally flawed.
A sociopathic killer would be one that kills through careless and irresponsible behaviour, it’s just there’s no use for such definition as it’s already suitably covered by manslaughter. A better political example might be: Boris Johnson is a sociopath, and as the result of his careless and irresponsible behaviour many more people died during the pandemic. Meanwhile a psychopath might be seen as someone who intentionally kills with a similar disregard.
So, to fix my example, Boris and Trump killing through reckless policy would be sociopathic killing, while Trump killing his political opponents is probably more psychopathic killing.
Technically though, there’s no such thing as a psychopathic killer either, as in clinical terminology both psychopathy and sociopathy refer to people living with Antisocial Personality Disorder.^1 Most mental health professionals won’t differentiate between the two nor use either as a diagnosis, but some psychologists or researchers consider psychopathy as an extreme form of Antisocial Personality Disorder.^2 However the actual diagnosis used these days is apparently Antisocial Personality Disorder.
- Comment on ‘Desperate neglect’: teachers washing clothes and finding beds as poverty grips England’s schools 11 months ago:
30 years ago, France, Germany and Italy were about as wealthy as one another. Now, Italy is markedly poorer. That is the direction they’ve taken the UK, and it’s probably too late to fix that.