Bulletproof? Is it waterproof? Ts&Cs say: ‘Failure to put Cybertruck in Car Wash Mode may result in damage’
“You wouldn’t wash a car!”
Submitted 10 months ago by EdibleFriend@lemmy.world to technology@lemmy.world
Bulletproof? Is it waterproof? Ts&Cs say: ‘Failure to put Cybertruck in Car Wash Mode may result in damage’
“You wouldn’t wash a car!”
Not even a water issue.
The advisor said that “it is a known issue in the Cybertruck that when you do a screen reset, instead of resetting in the standard two minutes, it takes five hours.”
This is crappy and lax software testing and verification testing.
What even is a screen reset supposed to be here and why would you have to do it? Asking as a pleb conventional car driver whose screen just turns on and off with the car automatically.
It’s just like in my model 3 or my wife’s Teluride, the info screen/software can lock up or get stuck in a weird state and both have a way to reset it.
Normally neither would be a big deal, I push a button(s) and the screen goes black, it comes back up, again no big deal but at least with the Teluride, there’s a the instrument cluster and heads up display to show your speed. I’m assuming the cyber truck is like my model 3 where the speed is only shown on the center screen. If it take’s five hours over the minute of downtime, well that’s going to be a problem. That said, in my model 3, I’ve only had to do this a handful of times on my model 3, mostly because the radio isn’t working and only once on the newer Teluride because the map was stupid.
That’ll be 80k, 100k.
Which is incredible considering Tesla’s software is typically considered their strong point. This is just a train wreck.
Can we just say that Cybertruck is basically a sum of everything wrong with right wing wackos?
“Look at me, I’m a badass, driving around in a badass vehicle, unlike you filthy libruls. … Aww shucks! There’s road salt! And my accelerator pedal just fell off wtf. …OH NO! A LITTLE WATER TOO! Anything but that!”
Oh no, WATER, how did they know it was one of my many, many weaknesses!
You couldn’t have predicted that with such a large amount of the planet being covered in it. /s
I’m amused that liberals bash Tesla for being a conservative virtue signaler by extension of Elon, while conservatives bash Tesla for being an EV virtue signal for liberal tree huggers.
And this, right here, is why Tesla’s stock price is down 50% from its all time high.
How are there so many things wrong with this vehicle? Like a total recall for the accelerator pedal sounds like the least of their concerns when the car can be bricked by a reboot and the exterior isn’t allowed to have bird shit on it unless it’s removed immediately.
I mean, I know why. But how? Aren’t vehicles massively regulated? How did any of these make it off the production line?
Depends on the local laws. It’s not road legal in the EU, for example
Even if it were, it weighs 3,4 tons empty. Most EU Citizens have drivers licenses that allow cars up to 3,5 tons max. weight, including driver, passengers and cargo.
It’s impossible to use in the EU without an actual truck driving license.
Thank god. At least I won’t die of cringe after seeing this on the streets.
Vehicle regulations are typically only for emission standards or exhaust loudness. For the most part as long as the vehicle can do the speed limit there’s very little regulation on the matter.
You’re forgetting the annual safety inspection required in most US states.
Gold bricks are worth like $750k so its definitely not the most expensive brick.
Yeah, but someone is gonna buy that gold off you as it holds value , not sure who they’ll be able to trick into taking it off their hands as it’ll be worth a sack of potatoes.
You’re telling me gold doesn’t immediately diminish in value after you move it a few feet from where you purchased it?
People pay money for actual bricks, I say we stop this brick-shaming.
It was an expensive brick before the car wash, too.
Did they hire former boeing engineers?
Wait, so Car Wash mode has to be on while driving in the rain also?
So Cybertruck goes 100% Elon now? … turns into world’s most expensive brick …
So, it would block the exit of that car wash because it’s playing dead and sulking?
Then you need to ask some random people to help you push it away to the side, and everyone gets a good laugh …😅
It’s almost like they make a Fisker Ocean or a Hummer EV
Would you even be able to move it? You’d have to put it in neutral first so you can attempt to push it but good luck with that if it’s bricked. I know electric cars generally shouldn’t really be towed either (a few meters might be okay but I’m not sure).
You’d rather reimburse the car wash company for two hours of that unusable place?
Found another article analysing this incident and how unlikey it is that the car wash itself caused the screen brick and that Tesla screens generally can run somtimes into those errors and resetting it ususally worked in other Teslas: cleantechnica.com/…/whats-going-on-with-the-tesla…
Reminds me when foldable smartphones first came out. If you touched them wrong the screen got fucked.
mannycalavera@feddit.uk 10 months ago
Carwash mode? U wot M8?
🤣😂… God bless these clowns for making me laugh.
the_third@feddit.de 10 months ago
Probably prevents auto engagement of the parking lock which would result in damage when the car gets dragged along the chain drive in the car wash. At least that’s what that does in my car.
Passerby6497@lemmy.world 10 months ago
…so carwash mode is just fancy neutral?