- Comment on immich v1.127.0 released with manual face tagging feature 1 week ago:
Haven’t heard about this project before. I was using a self hosted Nextcloud instance so far. What would be the benefit of switching to immich? I guess immich does have some advances features, like the tagging was mentioned, specifically for picture management.
- Comment on Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled 7 months ago:
At least link the full article and not just the headline… smh. Here is also the follow-up article with comments from Firefox’s CTO.…/Firefox-defends-itself-Everything-done…
- Comment on WhatsApp and Signal messages at risk of surveillance following EncroChat ruling, court hears | Computer Weekly 7 months ago:
Honestly mentioning Enchrochat together with other mainstream message clients is kind of misleading. The Enchrochat message client was also E2EE. However Enchrochat was also a company that sold their own mobile phones with a prorietary OS on it together with own sim cards and only those phones were able to connect to each other. And law enforcment had enough evidence that they sold those hardware in shady untracable ways similar to drugs. At that point there was no western government that didn’t want to help seizing their infrastructure and taking over their update services for example.
The bigger problem however for the general public is that certain politicians want to break encryption all together by forcing companies to implement backdoors on client side. This has been an ongoing discussion for 2 years in EU parliament and it has to stop:…/now-eu-council-should-finally-understan…
- Comment on WhatsApp and Signal messages at risk of surveillance following EncroChat ruling, court hears | Computer Weekly 7 months ago:
Well just recently researchers discovered a campaign installing backdoors on iPhones using a chain of several 0-day expoits or in this case using also 0-click exploits, where no interaction from a user is needed. However those attack chain are so advanced that practically normal law enforcement would never be able to do it. But theoretically yes some well equiped state actors are able to infect you without noticing. If you are really intrested to see how advanced these attack are search for “project triangulation” or watch the recording from last years chaos computer conference: ……/37c3-11859-operation_triangulation_what…
- Comment on Pioneering internet messenger ICQ shuts after 28 years - CNA 8 months ago:
165166320 here
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck turns into world's most expensive brick after car wash 10 months ago:
Found another article analysing this incident and how unlikey it is that the car wash itself caused the screen brick and that Tesla screens generally can run somtimes into those errors and resetting it ususally worked in other Teslas:…/whats-going-on-with-the-tesla…
- Comment on Ableism in the Signup Process 1 year ago:
Yeah I think that is exactly the question that Op wanted to ask. Is there an “easy to implement” solution already available for visual impared persons if so you could advertise it to Lemmy admins. If not the question would be how difficult it would be to develop something and if it’s “worth it” really is another very subjective question.
- Comment on Ableism in the Signup Process 1 year ago:
I think you should all chill out a bit in the comments. It is totally fine to hint at problems for disabled persons. Of course Op could have used different wording but I think their noble intent is clear. Now of course it would be nice that Op already presented a set of solutions to the problem they noticed but it is totally fair to not have them. I’m sure there are decent alternatives to visual-only captchas. So instead of telling Op to “fuck off” you could all be either ignore this request or try to actually be a decent human being and offer possible solutions. Now of course the admins have to decide it those other options are technically feasible. You have to keep in mind that many small instances do not have resources to those kind of technical experiments when they don’t work out of the box.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
yeah cameras and their software is pretty much one of the few vendor specific aspects left in the android world that is worth comparing and maybe worth paying for. Of course flagship models like Pixels and the S series from Samsung certainly csn deal with QR codes these days
- Comment on It’s Surprisingly Easy to Live Without an Amazon Prime Subscription 1 year ago:
I found out that even without prime the delivery speed is sometimes the same here in Germany. They say it would take 1-2 days longer but quite often my amazon packages arrived early. Same for packaging cost. Sometime they adverdise the 0€ shipping costs with prime but it literally is also 0 without prime. I mean they are not lying, just not telling the whole truth xD
- Comment on The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition | Free on Epic Game 1 year ago:
Thx for the hint, it’s on Steam x-mas sale btw., including the DLC
- Comment on Polish Hackers Repaired Trains the Manufacturer Artificially Bricked. Now The Train Company Is Threatening Them 1 year ago:
It’s 37c3, but thx for the hint. The talk is called Breaking “DRM” in Polish trains by Redford, q3k, MrTick
I will try to watch it on stage, unfortunately still no final schedule available
- Comment on What the hell! Let's all just go crazy! 1 year ago:
I think what you said is slightly wrong. Island and isle are both English words that seem to have no ethymological connection. However close semantic relation of “isle” might have cause the introduction of the “s” at some point. Isle itself probably comes from latin “insula”. The French still have only one word “Île”. Germans have “Eiland” and “Insel”.
island [OE] Despite their similarity, island has no etymological connection with isle (their resemblance is due to a 16th-century change in the spelling of island under the influence of its semantic neighbour isle). Island comes ultimately from a prehistoric Germanic *aujō, which denoted ‘land associated with water,’ and was distantly related to Latin aqua ‘water’. This passed into Old English as īeg ‘island,’ which was subsequently compounded with land to form īegland ‘island’. By the late Middle English period this had developed to iland, the form which was turned into island. (A diminutive form of Old English īeg, incidentally, has given us eyot ‘small island in a river’ [OE].)
Isle [13] itself comes via Old French ile from Latin insula (the s is a 15th-century reintroduction from Latin). Other contributions made by insula to English include insular [17], insulate [16], insulin, isolate [via Italian) [18], and peninsula [16].
- Comment on A Googler who just resigned after 18 years reflects on the decline of the company he loved 1 year ago:
Thank you so much for sharing. I found the rest of this persons web content equally interesting, e.g. their CV.
- Comment on I somehow got addicted to making phone cases for friends and family since I successfully printed TPU the first time. 1 year ago:
ah this is the professional CAD tool from autodesk. I only used the minimalistic web version of Tinker CAD, probaly enough to do small customizations on cases
- Comment on I somehow got addicted to making phone cases for friends and family since I successfully printed TPU the first time. 1 year ago:
What modelling software are u using?