- Comment on Not even OpenAI's $200/mo ChatGPT Pro plan can turn a profit 3 weeks ago:
You’re right, that’s definitely what Sam is trying to do here. Unfortunately for him, he’s still an idiot, and he’s inadvertently telling on himself here by openly confirming what’s been well understood for a while; ChatGPT simply is not profitable to run because the models are so stupidly inefficient. That’s a real problem, and one that they’ve shown no meaningful plan for solving.
- Comment on Not even OpenAI's $200/mo ChatGPT Pro plan can turn a profit 3 weeks ago:
If AI cost peanuts to run, this would be a very reasonable point. But it doesn’t. It’s staggeringly expensive to operate something like ChatGPT.
So any use of genAI has to consider the question “Do the benefits provided actually justify the cost?”
Obviously, in a capitalist society this turns into “How can we monetize this?”, but even in a fully socialist society it would still be necessary to ask if this technology is actually providing sufficient societal benefit to actually justify the material resource cost of running it.
- Comment on Not even OpenAI's $200/mo ChatGPT Pro plan can turn a profit 3 weeks ago:
This is exactly the problem. There are plenty of people who will crawl out of the woodwork to tell you how they’ve found a way to make AI “useful”, but very, very few could put their hand on their heart and say that it was “essential” to their workflow or their own happiness and wellbeing in any meaningful way.
- Comment on Not even OpenAI's $200/mo ChatGPT Pro plan can turn a profit 3 weeks ago:
Which is fine in theory, but “expected” based on what?
They haven’t demonstrated any ability to meaningfully improve their models (“meaningfully” meaning "sufficient to actually address the very serious concerns about their practical usability), they haven’t shown any ability to meaningfully capture enterprise sales for their API, and their conversion rate on free users to paid users is abysmal. Their only stated plan to increase revenues is doubling their prices, which given their already terrible user retention doesn’t actually seem like a reliable way to bring revenue up. Jacking up prices only works when your users find you indespensible, and everything OpenAI offers can be found elsewhere for less.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Your specific questions have already been answered elsewhere in this thread, but I just want to add my usual plea to not use Portainer.
I’ve spent a lot of time with Portainer, both in my homelab and at work, and in both environments I eventually replaced it with Dockge, which is far superior, both for experienced users and newbies.
Basically, the problem with Portainer is that it wants you to be in an exclusive relationship with it. For example, if you create containers from the command like like you described, Portainer only has very limited control over them. Dockge, on the other hand, is very comfortable switching back and forth between command line and UI. In Portainer when you do create your compose files from the UI, it then becomes very difficult to interact with them from the command line. Dockge doesn’t give a shit, and keeps all the files in an easy location you choose.
Dockge will also do what you described in 5) take a docker command and turn it into a compose file. And it gives you much better feedback when you screw up. All in all its just a better experience.
- Comment on Employees at FromSoftware owner Kadokawa reportedly "thrilled" about possible Sony takeover 1 month ago:
FUD means “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt.” I’m not following how you think that’s what’s happening here? I mean, I think you’re accusing the Kodokawa execs of bullshitting, but what they’re expressing is the opposite of FUD.
- Comment on GOG Plans To Preserve "At Least 500 Games" Through Its New Program By The End Of 2025 | Time Extension 1 month ago:
This whole thing is very confusing to me, because it feels like it’s just, y’know, the thing that GOG already did. Like, we all remember that GOG used to be short for “Good Old Games” because the point was that it was a digital store that preserved old games and made them playable on modern systems… Right?
Listen, I love GOG, they’re great, but isn’t this just them jumping on a bandwagon by promising to do the thing they’re already doing?
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 1 month ago:
They’re not.
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 1 month ago:
Good to know. As I said in another comment, I’m not endorsing the product, just explaining the use case.
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 1 month ago:
Perfectly valid. I’m not endorsing the product, just explaining the use case.
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 1 month ago:
I remember once seeing an explanation of how us tech people magically know what to do with any program that was like “We don’t. We just look for something that seems vaguely familiar and try clicking it.” Three bars in a hamburger shape? That’s a menu. Oh, look, a cog, that always means settings, what we want is probably a setting. Etc.
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 1 month ago:
I don’t mind you asking the question, but the answer is “No comment.”
- Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 1 month ago:
If you’re trying to figure out who this is for, the answer is “My clients.”
We deploy systems that have to run as servers, but need a UI because the people maintaining them are brain dead idiots. Windows Server isn’t an option because each system sells at a fairly low price point; adding on the cost of a server license would kill our margins. So we need an OS that runs like Linux, but looks like Windows.
Now you might be thinking “Just use KDE? It’s got a start menu, everything is still in basically the same places, and the only software anyone runs is a web browser.” And you would be vastly underestimating the degree to which moving any component of the UI even the slightest bit causes the average user to shit their pants in terror and freeze up like a deer in the headlights. You’ll point to the start menu and they move the mouse towards it like you just instructed them to defuse a bomb. Eyes closed, they’ll instinctively lean back from the screen in sheer terror as they click.
These Windows alikes are useless for any Linux user, but incredibly helpful for people like me who have to turn Windows users into Linux users.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
A lot of the game is built around guilds and player to player interactions.
For a while that was true. But that entire design direction has basically been abandoned. Clans are more or less a vestigial organ at this point. Literally the only interaction I have ever had with a member of my clan was when I asked for an invite.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
The core story content is single player only. The rest is multiplayer, but unlike Destiny there’s nothing that requires you to form your own group outside of the game, and all the gameplay is designed in such a way that you really don’t need to communicate. You can basically just turn on public matchmaking and get a bunch of humans who might as well be bots for all you’ll have to actually interact with them.
You can play all the content solo if you want to, but the difficulty might get a bit much, especially starting out (there are also certain game modes / mission types that really lean on having a full group).
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
If you’re a Destiny refugee, the most obvious answer is Warframe, which just keeps on getting better and better.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I want to point out that even if they are, the incentive is still having the desired effect, because in that scen it makes it much more profitable to sell an EV than to sell an ICE vehicle, meaning the manufacturers are going to push the EV’s more. And given that incentive, they would still be strongly incentivized to price the EV’s in a, way that compares will with their ICE offerings, even if they could theoretically sell them cheaper.
A big part of getting results is understanding how to turn greed to your advantage.
- Comment on The Onion buys rightwing conspiracy theory site Infowars with plans to make it ‘very funny, very stupid’ 2 months ago:
I genuinely don’t know how they plan to make a parody of InfoWars that will not be indistinguishable from the original thing.
- Comment on I present: Managarr - A TUI and CLI to help you manage your Servarr instances 2 months ago:
Obscurity is not the same thing as security.
- Comment on I present: Managarr - A TUI and CLI to help you manage your Servarr instances 2 months ago:
You know those can be self hosted, right?
And yes, but all means just set up your own Wireguard or OpenVPN access if that’s what you prefer. You do you bud.
- Comment on I present: Managarr - A TUI and CLI to help you manage your Servarr instances 2 months ago:
But that implies you do have your SSH open to the world, right?
The way I access my private web interfaces remotely is through something like Netmaker, Tailscale or Zerotier. Same thing for SSH. No way in hell am I opening 22 on my router.
- Comment on I present: Managarr - A TUI and CLI to help you manage your Servarr instances 2 months ago:
I’ll admit, as neat as this is, I’m a little unclear on the use case? Are there really situations where it’s easier to get a command prompt than it is to open a webpage?
The CLI side I can see more use for since that does expose a lot of actions to bash scripting, which could be neat. But on the whole I can’t say I’ve ever really found myself thinking “Man, I really wish I had a UI for managing Radarr, a program that already includes a really good UI.”
I know it’s shitty to hate on something just because you’re not the target for it. That’s not my intent, it’s more that I’m just fascinated by the question of how anyone has a burning need for this? It feels like there must be something I’m missing here.
- Comment on Slay the Princess - The Pristine Cut is OUT NOW! 2 months ago:
Agreed. Insanely good game.
- Comment on Your politics can affect whether you click on sponsored search results, new research shows. 2 months ago:
Yeah, the logical inference here is that there’s a strong correlation between being stupid enough to click on adverts and being stupid enough to vote for conservatives.
- Comment on Eat lead 2 months ago:
“It Is Useless To Attempt To Reason A Man Out Of A Thing He Was Never Reasoned Into.” - Jonathan Swift
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 2 months ago:
And if you had offered any point of contention to my suppositions, I could respond to that. But as I’ve already explained, you didn’t actually counter a single one of my arguments, or even understand what the subject of the discussion was.
I’m sorry, but I’m done responding to this. I’m not obligated to waste my time on nonsense that doesn’t even rise to the basic factual definitions of “an argument.”
- Comment on The Death of the Junior Developer 2 months ago:
Keep in mind; this article is by people building an LLM based product.
They have a deeply vested interest in the narrative that LLM driven products are an inevitable landslide that every company needs to either integrate, or risk being wiped out.
Keep that bias in mind. They want you to think the great flood is coming, because they’re the ones building boats.
- Comment on 'It Has Plateaued': Should We Be Worried About Console Gaming's Future? 3 months ago:
The fact that “plateaued” is a cause for concern is everything wrong with our global economic system. Infinite growth shouldn’t be a necessary component of stability. A plateau should be a goal to aspire to.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 3 months ago:
This is a very poorly expressed argument. Even if we suppose that everything you’ve said is true, the existence of a second plausible explanation doesn’t invalidate the first. You’ve not actually any reason why any of what I said is wrong, you just said “X is possible, therefore Y cannot be true.”
Also, I want to note that this particular digression wasn’t about cryptocurrency at all. The point I was responding to was a claim that blockchains had uses other than as currencies. So you really might want to step back a bit and consider what you think is being discussed here, and what you’re actually trying to say.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 3 months ago:
The reason major businesses haven’t bothered using distributed blockchains for auditing is because they fundamentally do not actually help in any way with auditing.
At the end of the day, the blockchain is just a ledger. At some point a person has to enter the information into that ledger.
Now, hear me out here, because this is going to be some totally out there craziness that is going to blow your mind… What happens if that person lies? Like, you’ve built your huge, complicated system to track every banana you buy from the farm to the grocery store… But what happens if the shipper just sends you a different crate or bananas with the wrong label on them? How does your system solve that?
The data in a system is only as good as your ability to verify it. Verifying the integrity of the data within systems was largely a solved problem long before distributed blockchains came along, and was rarely if ever the primary avenue for fraud. It’s the human components of these systems where fraud can most easily occur. And distributed blockchains do absolutely nothing to solve that.