- Comment on Vaultwarden a Self Hosted Password Vault [tutorial] 8 months ago:
KeepassXC does TOTP out of the box.
- Comment on Shower thoughts are wasting water. 8 months ago:
Who here really has the time to stand, think and waste in the shower?
Me, my village gets its water from a spring in the mountains above that provides many times what we consume. The energy to heat it comes exclusively from photovoltaics and solar thermal panels between April and October. Standing under the hot shower is literally free for me in those months.
Rest of the year, eh, okay I either pay for electricity or stuff four more pieces of wood into the stove for half an hour worth of hot shower water, so, basically free as well.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
During the gold rush, shovel manufacturers had a steady income.
- Comment on US to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs next week 9 months ago:
I don’t know where you are
Germany, 3-phase, 400V to the home is pretty much the standard here.
We use split-phase, where we have two 120v lines that use a common neutral
Yeah, yeah, I know. It was frustrating in the beginning of electric cars - all the manufacturers put those single phase chargers into their cars because US and Asia just didn’t need anything else and we were left bumbling along at 4.2kW charging to avoid too much asymmetric load (most providers here limit you to 20A asymmetry although I’ve been known not to give a fuck) while two wonderfully capable phases sat around doing nothing and the third was only used half the way at most.
This is really where smart appliances should be heading.
Yeah, that looks interesting, although it’s unusual to see any “intelligence” delegated to the panel housing. Usually here, the panel cabinet is something like this:
…which is a mechanical housing and some very basic distribution on the lower left. Everything else is built while the distributor is fitted. Look like this in the end:
Anyway, you can get this functionality right now, for example with a go-e wallbox and the go-e controller and retrofit it without touching the rest. That’s not really a reason not to get an electric car.
- Comment on US to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs next week 9 months ago:
Dunno. I’ve got 3 phase, 400V, 100A service which results in 68kW useable. However, because one of sub junction boxes which, unfortunately the wall boxes are connected to is wired internally with 10mm², I’ve enabled peer to peer load management across my wallboxes for now so they never pull more than 28A per phase. I’ll get to rewiring that, for now it works just fine.
The go-e wallboxes I have support a central controller which in turn can measure current on all three phases into the home, e.g. to use a solar system to its maximum, but also to limit absolute load on the house connection. They just use three hall sensors for power measurement as far as I know, so installation is relatively unintrusive.
I went without that and solved the whole solar optimization using EVCC and regarding absolute load I’m just yoloing it, but then again, I do have a neat safety margin.
- Comment on US to impose tariffs on Chinese EVs next week 9 months ago:
100A*240V is 24kW. I don’t know what else you’re doing, but a 7.2kW car on board charger is well within that.
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
I haven’t found the time to research an answer for you, sorry. The way I’d go is: create a veth of your physical uplink and stuff it into its own namespace with dhcp client and wg userspace tools. Do not configure the original interface in your initial namespace. Use the approach wg-netns uses to spawn the tunnel interface in initial network ns. Done.
- Comment on Every time I get an email about 9 months ago:
“We value our customers privacy”
I mean, I can imagine that. I’m sure they know the exact market value of every behavioral data point they can extract from me.
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
There’s readily available docker containers for it but I wanted to build it by hand. Well, more or less, Extremely hacky but it works, so fine for me.
I started out with cheating and used this wrapper around wg-quick that gives us a persistent network namespace with the tunnel interface in it:
cat /etc/systemd/system/wg-qbittorrent.service [Unit] Description=WireGuard Network Namespace for qBittorrent [Service] Type=oneshot Environment=WG_ENDPOINT_RESOLUTION_RETRIES=infinity Environment=WG_VERBOSE=1 ExecStart=/opt/wg-netns/bin/wg-netns up /etc/wireguard/wgconfig.yaml ExecStop=/opt/wg-netns/bin/wg-netns down /etc/wireguard/wgconfig.yaml RemainAfterExit=yes WorkingDirectory=%E/wireguard ConfigurationDirectory=wireguard ConfigurationDirectoryMode=0700 CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_SYS_ADMIN LimitNOFILE=4096 LimitNPROC=512 LockPersonality=true MemoryDenyWriteExecute=true NoNewPrivileges=true ProtectClock=true ProtectHostname=true RemoveIPC=true RestrictAddressFamilies=AF_INET AF_INET6 AF_NETLINK RestrictNamespaces=mnt net RestrictRealtime=true RestrictSUIDSGID=true SystemCallArchitectures=native [Install]
Then I built a static binary of qbittorrent using this really neat docker image:
…and stuffed the result into a systemd service that runs it in the namespace wg-netns provides:
cat /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent-nox.service [Unit] Description=qBittorrent-nox service wg-qbittorrent.service wg-qbittorrent.service [Service] Type=simple PrivateTmp=false #User=qbittorrent ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ip netns exec ns-qbittorrent sudo -u qbittorrent /opt/qbittorrent/qbittorrent-nox TimeoutStopSec=1800 RestartSec=15 RestartMaxDelaySec=600 RestartSteps=10 Restart=always [Install]
To get the webui out of that I stuck two instances of socat together at the stdout and from there it depends on whatever you want to use as a reverse proxy on the host - or you bind to a network interface if you trust the network:
cat /etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent-webui.service [Unit] Description=qBittorrent-nox webui forwarding into its namespace wg-qbittorrent.service wg-qbittorrent.service [Service] Type=simple PrivateTmp=false ExecStart=/opt/qbittorrent/ TimeoutStopSec=1800 Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install]
cat /opt/qbittorrent/ #!/bin/sh set -eu exec socat tcp6-listen:"8080",reuseaddr,fork,range=[::1]/128 "exec:ip netns exec ns-qbittorrent socat stdio 'tcp-connect:',nofork"
Works, is reboot safe, stopped caring about beauty at that point.
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
Well, for one, using one of those VPN providers has kept DMCA takedown notices away from me or the hosting provider of my seed box. So that is useful.
- Comment on Novel attack against virtually all VPN apps neuters their entire purpose 9 months ago:
When I design someone, critical applications get their own network namespace with only the VPN interface inside anyway. So, yeah.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
Miele is never cheap but nobody ever paid suggested retail either, I’m sure.
- Comment on A YouTuber let the Cybertruck close on his finger to test the new sensor update. It didn't go well. 10 months ago:
That’s just a normal word a this point, I’ve seen it in use for years in car tests.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
No, my point is: using it as I described really saves money. The effective power price for my heat pump over the last year is at about 20% beneath market average because I use the thermal mass of my floors to store energy during low price hours. That needs to run automatically, controlling that by hand would be massively annoying or not possible at all when I’m not home.
In addition, when one of our cars is started at one of our respective work carparks the hot water supply is checked and gets heated if it is below the necessary temperature for a shower. So either the day brought enough solar energy that it’s hot enough anyway or the water is heated very specifically for the after work shower for a person returning home. That prevents the heat pump from having to keep high temperatures all day in winter.
The blinds follow the sun when the room temperatures pass 22°C and the solar panels deliver more than 2kW, because in that case it’s obviously sunny. Saves a lot of energy for the AC.
All that saves way more than 100€/year, so remotely controllable fixtures stop being just a gadget when you start to think about the whole energy management in your house, is my point.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
Why is nobody here asking for a local API? Are we as techies just accepting that this NEEDS a server component run by the manufacturer?
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
The idea is that you can use peaks and drops in electricity pricing to optimize the usage and also to lower the house temperature when nobody is home and raise it again when an occupant enters maybe a 1km radius around the place again.
The way you’re using it is just a gimmick, that’s true.
- Comment on After 16 years, Ecobee is shutting down support for the original smart thermostat 10 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
There were CCS the North American kind, CCS the European kind and Tesla. Everybody in the US has pledged to switch over to Tesla in the last year though.
- Comment on Germany just now approved new laws that make setting up solar on your balcony super easy 10 months ago:
Run that tool with two 400W panels for more exact estimates.
- Comment on Germany just now approved new laws that make setting up solar on your balcony super easy 10 months ago:
Google for “Balkonkraftwerk”.
- Comment on Germany just now approved new laws that make setting up solar on your balcony super easy 10 months ago:
Basically that. As long as he’s using 100% himself it doesn’t really matter, but a friend of mine has one of those old Ferraris meters and getting full price for every kWh fed to the grid means, the whole thing pays for itself within two years.
- Comment on Fisker now expects to go bankrupt within 30 days 10 months ago:
Oh, okay, I was already checking for typical signs of a stroke.
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck turns into world's most expensive brick after car wash 10 months ago:
Dunno, for my car it is a bit more. No automatic wipers, no automatic braking and it prevents the parking lock and the parking brake from engaging.
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck turns into world's most expensive brick after car wash 10 months ago:
Probably prevents auto engagement of the parking lock which would result in damage when the car gets dragged along the chain drive in the car wash. At least that’s what that does in my car.
- Comment on Apple keeps flogging 8GB of RAM for its Mac computers but it's still a dead horse 10 months ago:
I mean, it’s sounds a lot, but when I mesh some medium sized part from my 3D scanner for some diy project 50GB of that get used easily.
- Comment on If you’ve got an EV, Google Maps is about to become much more valuable | New updates address one of Americans’ top concerns about owning an electric car: finding a place to charge 10 months ago:
That’s what ABetterRoutePlanner is for.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Oh, okay. It sounded like that because the unit is called cups and I could imagine someone pouring sugar and the like into a cup and then into the bowl.
I just with things while baking and recipes here usually show ingredients in gram and mililiters, but the cup thing sounded reasonable because cups are available everywhere, scales maybe aren’t.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Cups are great,
Looking at the wide range of cups in my drawer, I’m not so sure, tbh.
- Comment on C O L O N I Z E 11 months ago:
I’m so glad my house is inorganic from the ground up to the roof timber. Yes, wet spots would nourish mold, but the concrete and the bricks themselves wouldn’t be much affected by it. Or termites! Imagine having a house that could be rendered unusable by an overlooked insect problem. I just don’t like the idea.
- Comment on XZ tools and libraries compromised with a critical issue 11 months ago:
Currently the explanation that fits the situation best: One of the two maintainer accounts of xz acted as a bad actor. It is unclear whether there’s an actual person behind that account, so further speculation regarding motifs doesn’t make sense.