Comment on Is this a c/ for making fun of conservatives? 1 week ago
I haven’t paid much attention but from what I can gather it used to be a ‘legitimate’ conservative community, where some people posted outrageous bs, think of reddit s r/thedonald sub. A couple of days ago some people noticed that there are no mods anymore in the community, for whatever reason, so the shit posting, cons trolling began and the community all of a sudden bloomed.
I’d reckon there aren’t many of them original folks around anymore, thankfully. Just scroll down, it was a very trashy community, celebrating deaths from miscarriages and such. 1 week ago
Funny how liberal are quick to ban people why they disagree with, for “trolling.”
But them “trolling” conservative people and subs, is totally fine. Hmmm…
Well, doesn’t matter. The King is still in charge. And there are plenty of other serious conservative communities people can post in. :) 1 week ago
It’s because right wing trolling is a lot of telling people they shouldn’t exist for matters beyond their control and left wing trolling is laughing about how dumb and absurd that mindset is. 1 week ago
So trolling is ok if it’s left wing people doing it, right? That’s the rule you’re going with?
Hmmm, guess I’ll have to come up with an alt username, start trolling conservatives so you all like me and I can get those sweet sweet upvotes. Then I’ll slowly start sliding in some liberal trolling. Just slow enough you don’t quite get it.
Then others will jump on board, then I keep doing that until I’m fully trolling Lemmy Libs and you all will have no idea.
Wouldn’t be crazy if there were already a bunch of us conservatives working together and spreading out to do just that? Wouldn’t that be just the craziest thing?
Lemmy is is awesome… 1 week ago
lol u mad 1 week ago
Yeah, it’s generally fine to mock terrible people doing awful things. Like you.
Not that you even care about the purported hypocrisy. You love hypocrisy, you swim in it. I hope you get everything you voted for and then wonder why your children won’t talk to you. 1 week ago
Good to know. Lots of libs are doing awful things. Now I have a plan. :)
King Trump won. Accept it. Keep crying about it, but nothing ou can do about it. 1 week ago
US Constitution, Article I, Section IX, Clause XIII:
Trump doubled-down on wiping his golf shoes with the Constitution with this clause specifically. 1 week ago 1 week ago
If you have a king, then you don’t have a constitution. You really want the US to a king? 1 week ago
But everyone talks about how Europe is sooooo much better than the US. And they have a king thing going on, so we should. Right? 1 week ago
You know those are constitutional monarchies right? Their monarchs have effectively less political power than the American President by far and at best hold a symbolic role of paper stamper.
Also they have a solid history of axing them when they overstep (sometimes literally), and bringing their successors back on with further reduced function in government. These days they are basically just overpayed legacy mascots that have lucrative longstanding contracts…
Maybe America should follow suit with the rest of Europe, depose their Mad Kings and make them actual civil servants accountable to the people or just kooky sock puppets to entertain the masses with. It would be a nice change. 1 week ago
Why are you holding a turd? 1 week ago
You mean the King and/or Queen of England? The role that is entirely just a public display and they have next to no real power? 1 week ago
Lol. The kings left in Europe have little power over their people, and even less over their governments. I doubt Trump wants to be a figurehead that everyone ignores when it comes to actually governing.
Not to mention over here in France, we got rid of our kings. And when they came back, we ended up getting rid of them again. 6 days ago
The country of Europe has a king. And you’re allowed a vote. Both insane comments, and only one is true. 1 week ago
Europe is indeed better than the US. Not because of monarchies, though. 1 week ago
What is this dipshit rambling? I got banned from r/conservative within two minutes of posting a Trump tweet that criticized his own actions as President.
You wouldn’t look so stupid if conservative spaces actually allowed free speech, despite whining about it all the time. 1 week ago
LMAO 1 week ago
The commenter above is lying, unfortunately.
You would still look so stupid. 1 week ago
Well, yeah, Conservatives are garbage domestic terrorists and criminals, by default. 1 week ago
Nope. 6 days ago
Well, just take you. You presumably voted for a criminal and terrorist helping him avoid prosecution. We call that Aiding and Abetting in this country. You are now a criminal. 1 week ago