The posts are funny, but I’d say that we should grift the right so that they get off big tech platforms and get into the fediverse.
Apparently the mods couldn’t resist their need for displaying openly Nazi shit. I think I heard there was a stickied post or something that was was out of line? Anyway, justifiably they got the ban hammer, and apparently nobody has stepped up to try and claim the community.
So yeah, let’s keep the mockery flowing, I say! 👍 1 week ago
I haven’t paid much attention but from what I can gather it used to be a ‘legitimate’ conservative community, where some people posted outrageous bs, think of reddit s r/thedonald sub. A couple of days ago some people noticed that there are no mods anymore in the community, for whatever reason, so the shit posting, cons trolling began and the community all of a sudden bloomed.
I’d reckon there aren’t many of them original folks around anymore, thankfully. Just scroll down, it was a very trashy community, celebrating deaths from miscarriages and such. 1 week ago
Funny how liberal are quick to ban people why they disagree with, for “trolling.”
But them “trolling” conservative people and subs, is totally fine. Hmmm…
Well, doesn’t matter. The King is still in charge. And there are plenty of other serious conservative communities people can post in. :) 1 week ago
It’s because right wing trolling is a lot of telling people they shouldn’t exist for matters beyond their control and left wing trolling is laughing about how dumb and absurd that mindset is. 1 week ago
Yeah, it’s generally fine to mock terrible people doing awful things. Like you.
Not that you even care about the purported hypocrisy. You love hypocrisy, you swim in it. I hope you get everything you voted for and then wonder why your children won’t talk to you. 1 week ago
If you have a king, then you don’t have a constitution. You really want the US to a king? 1 week ago
What is this dipshit rambling? I got banned from r/conservative within two minutes of posting a Trump tweet that criticized his own actions as President.
You wouldn’t look so stupid if conservative spaces actually allowed free speech, despite whining about it all the time. 1 week ago
Well, yeah, Conservatives are garbage domestic terrorists and criminals, by default. 1 week ago