- Comment on In what way(s) are my observations wrong? 3 days ago:
- Political labels are pointless. Because the meaning changes depending on the perspective of the person giving the definition.
Words do have meaning, political labels included, changing meaning of them depending on the context is usually a sign of dishonest arguments. ‘Left’, ‘right’, ‘progessive’ ’ conservative’ and the like are defined terms that carry meaning. People trying to change those are most often trying to shift the perception of reality, for example calling Hitler ’ left wing’ is clearly revisionist nonsense trying to white wash their own agenda.
- “Conservatives” ala Donald Trump, MAGA, Ted Cruz. Would be better described as "Regressives ". (Because they pine for time that didn’t really exist in the 20th Century).
From Wikipedia: Conservatism has varied considerably as it has adapted itself to existing traditions and national cultures.[…] Conservatism may be either libertarian or authoritarian,[14] populist or elitist,[15] progressive or reactionary,[16] moderate or extreme.[17]
Simply put ‘Conservative’ is just the family name, the currently governing conservative flavor in the US you could call regressive, true, but in other areas of the world you might not.
- Dismissive terms are all that you need to sway the opinion of a trumper (call something “woke” and BAM!. You’ve convinced them.).
No argument here. Punchlines are always easy especially if they meet frustrated minds.
- All USA media talking heads (specifically talking about podcasters and news shows, not talking about non verbal). Are propaganda which its users are addicted to. (Outrage addiction)
It’s a lot more complicated than that I’d say, but a lot of it fits the description, fair enough.
- The word “Christian” is now synonymous with hate and bigotry. I’ve made the distinction to now call people who are religious (Christianity) “Followers of Christ”.
Similar to the first point ‘Christian’ is just the family name, I think what you’re trying to describe are ‘Christian nationalists’, with emphasis on nationalist.
- Comment on Is this a c/ for making fun of conservatives? 1 week ago:
I haven’t paid much attention but from what I can gather it used to be a ‘legitimate’ conservative community, where some people posted outrageous bs, think of reddit s r/thedonald sub. A couple of days ago some people noticed that there are no mods anymore in the community, for whatever reason, so the shit posting, cons trolling began and the community all of a sudden bloomed.
I’d reckon there aren’t many of them original folks around anymore, thankfully. Just scroll down, it was a very trashy community, celebrating deaths from miscarriages and such.
- Comment on Sounds like a problem for them, not me. 2 weeks ago:
I had that in Germany once or twice, but it was always that I’ve put the request in on short notice, we were a pretty small team, so three people at once wasn’t quite possible. But it was always the young parents planning a vacation during school holidays with their kids, so I understand that this collided and took my vacation outside those holidays.
- Comment on Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 hits 1m sales in just one day 3 weeks ago:
It even runs much better on the same hardware.
That’s great news, I was worried about performance.
- Comment on As Kingdom Come Deliverance II releases, what are your memories of the first title? 4 weeks ago:
The beginning, where you are fleeing on horseback along that creek into the valley. I was amazed how real the terrain felt to me, it wasn’t just designed terrain, with random hills, valleys and forests, it felt naturally, alive to me.
The creek split the valley, which was in the beginning soft hills with a light forest on them, the deeper you got into that valley the terrain gradually became rougher, with big boulders and cliffs. RDR2 had a similar feel of terrain that just felt more naturally than in most games.
- Comment on Wolves lose EU safeguards, opening way for culls 2 months ago:
Oh oh, I better go into hiding then.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
…that is not the gotcha you think it is… in fact you just made their point for them with that comment.
- Comment on Big Ol' Beavers 4 months ago:
Bieber is German for beaver. Finally someone made the connection.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Covfefe? I think so.
- Comment on How come the US does not put a bounty on Putin like they did Bin Laden? 4 months ago:
ze button and launching ze nukes.
But I’m Le tired.
Have a nap, then FIRE ZE MISSILE!
- Comment on I miss Adam West... 5 months ago:
Doesn’t matter if true or not, I choose to believe this now. Nobody ask for sources!
- Comment on Why do boomers hate squirrels so much? 5 months ago:
My grandpa took issue with the seagulls harassing everything else in his backyard, so he bought a slingshot and shot them with grapes “They don’t get hurt by a squishy grape, they get scared and the pigeons are happy about the grapes”
- Comment on It seemed like a good idea at the time 6 months ago:
I was about to start the same list. Also - sand at day is warm and kinda soft, lying on sand at night is cold and as hard as concrete.
- Comment on It seemed like a good idea at the time 6 months ago:
For starters never go camping on a beach, it’s almost always miserable.
- Comment on Uh oh 7 months ago:
Who cares what this living example for why you should take your meds has to say?
I feel like all this attention it brought him only amplified his mental disorders. I sincerely hope that he is getting the help he clearly needs and that the media will leave him alone for the sake of his sanity.
- Comment on Does voting for Biden change anything if I live in a deep red area of my state? (Ohio) 7 months ago:
Berthold Brecht:
Anyone who stays at home when the war begins and lets others fight for their cause must be careful: because whoever did not share the fight will share the defeat.