- Comment on Why is it that in every movie podcast, when they happen to mention actor RALPH Fiennes, always say RAY Fiennes? 6 days ago:
Fiennes does seem to come from a posh background, doesn’t he?
Then maybe a commoner trained in Shakespeare can and does develop that poshness, the ability to deliver it effortlessly.
Was, for example, Peter O’Toole a noble or a hoodlum? Because there seems to be a bit of both in him at the same time.But then I take a look at the full Fiennes family name and oof… there’s some olde stubbornly blue roots in there, in plain sight. The kind of thing you would spy on the guestlist for the weekly Saxe-Coburg canasta evening.
So is Rafe like the black sheep of his family, because he went prancing off to theater school and the bohemian lifestyle instead of a sturdy and dignified profession, like banking?
- Comment on Why is it that in every movie podcast, when they happen to mention actor RALPH Fiennes, always say RAY Fiennes? 6 days ago:
Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I am flabbergasted and illustrated, simultaneously and at the same time.
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Why Are People Surprised When Trump Actually Follows Through? 1 week ago:
the vast majority of US citizens are abjectly fucking stupid who have no clear understanding how absolutely anything works or any understanding of how consequences follow actions
This happens both equally with the maga batshit crazy voters, and the narcissistic “my vote is a pure and delicate flower”/“bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL” non-voters.
Which is of course exploited by bad-faith actors pushing these lazy idiots back down on the couch and stroking their hollow vanity, to not do what they already didn’t want to do - doing the homework instead of just getting their “facts” from twitter or tiktok or whatever, taking the time and effort to register and vote, if just once a year, or at the very least once every two years for the midterms.
These idiots want instant results, have not a shred of a clue as to what political inertia is; just as medieval as maga, they want a political messiah with a magic political wand.
The 2010 midterms proved that these fickle mediocre idiots did NOT have Obama’s back, and lazily initiated a cascade that drowned their own future, rewarded the fascists for their virulent hysterical opposition, and to this day remain mindlessly, narcissistically oblivious to the fact.
Their mediocre motto as a mediocre electoral block is “If at first you don’t succeed, give up.”So much of the world has rightly lost all faith in the intelligence and decency of the average american. As in - they have none, distractedly and lovingly fondling their purity, then sniffing their fingers and picking their teeth with those nails.
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
Quantum mechanics is an area of physics that leans on measurement as a central concept. What things are doing between measurements is not its’ concern, and don’t even stop and think about it, you’ll go nuts, just shut up and calculate!
- Comment on Bernie Sanders talking to progressives about how the Democrats' messaging needs to change [Day 82] 1 week ago:
The average USA voter has already given hitler the keys to the kingdom.
In 2016, the battleground state non-voter empowered the goose-steppers and crippled everyone’s future.
In 2024, the average USA non-voter ignored every single alarm bell going full blast and destroyed any hope for that future.And still the average USA non-voter sits, twiddling their thumbs, waiting to be catered to, to be dazzled. Waiting for their own version of a messiah with a magic political wand, too lazy, ignorant to the point of medieval, and impatient to even begin and try to understand the principle of inertia, how political will builds up over time and several election cycles.
The right-wing propaganda trick is to get people to NOT do what they didn’t want to do in the first place - homework is boring, voting is lame, amirite?
After a quarter of a century of having hope in the eventual decency of the USA electorate, the entire world has given up on them, as moscow and beijing salivate like hungry rats. Now it’s every man for himself.
The average non-voter must be very proud; must feel very special right about now. Congratulations. - Comment on My kids bored out of their minds with a house full of toys, don't know how good they got it 3 weeks ago:
“We have done it, Assurnipal my friend. Now we sit back and wait until someone invents the internal combustion engine.”
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Because the thing you want, is to keep these shitheads living in your head 24/7.
- Comment on She would be proud 3 weeks ago:
“I remember back in the day when I squirted JUST LIKE THAT.”
- Comment on Hey kid, wanna buy some eggs? 3 weeks ago:
This is 'Murica, needs more GUN!
- Comment on It's a skill 3 weeks ago:
Relaxes stressfully
We need to make up a new similar-but-different word, to get rid of the oxymoron. Going through the motions of superficially relaxing could be stated as:
Relaxifies stressfully
- Comment on Once you roll down the stairs, you're all set 3 weeks ago:
Might as well have slapped an “A.I.-powered for your convenience and safety” sign on those doors, while they’re going through the mindless bullshit motions.
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 3 weeks ago:
Microplastics. - Comment on I'll show them 3 weeks ago:
What are the options for someone watching on a Roku or Firestick?
- Comment on 3 weeks ago:
Kessel Run. In less than 12 parsecs.
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 3 weeks ago:
I’ve been calling it that for eight years now. Give or take.
- Comment on Uncanny sandwich 3 weeks ago:
Squint your eggs!
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 3 weeks ago:
Mexico reporting in, just yesterday I had two avocado toasts with four poached eggs on top.
Now where are those Dairy Section decals of the orange intestinal parasite that say - “I did this!”?
- Comment on Happy New Year! Thought I'd share my new year's resolution to the people here 1 month ago:
MK Ultra
- Comment on the aliens monitoring our planet know that we are idiots 1 month ago:
REAL intelligent species celebrate the Half-Life Of The Proton Day!
- Comment on Le Reddit Army is Here 1 month ago:
Then they don’t vote and NEVER figure out that they were manipulated into inaction, they were given that extra nudge to sit and stay home on Election Day.
- Comment on Pluto's Orbit 3 months ago:
Pluto Party Time!
How much longer? I"ve got my costume ready and everything… - Comment on Australia struggling with oversupply of solar power 3 months ago:
That fucking doublespeak clickbait headline, straight out of goddamned Orwell.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 3 months ago:
The opposite of a Bullwer-Lytton!
- Comment on Mushrooms 3 months ago:
Then the sun develops a fungal infection, and don’t scratch that itchy rash, it’ll only make it worse.
- Comment on Mushrooms 3 months ago:
Knee deep in the hoopla
Smoking from a hookah - Comment on Like Fleetwood Mac? Get ready for 4 months ago:
Buy it at your local Fleetwood Mart.
- Comment on ... 4 months ago:
And under socialism in the 20th century, science was an institution that only funds research that advances whatever narrative the hermetic powers-that-be decided to push and strengthen their grip on power, their obsession with secretiveness and projecting an image of infallibility.
Take the Soviet Union.
T.D. Lysenko and his crackpot food engineering ideas is one such glaring example. But boy oh boy could he talk a “toe the party line” game and suck up to Stalin.
Or how about how the kremlin rendered nearly one quarter of Kazakhstan uninhabitable due to their relentless nuclear testing. And they nearly did that for all of western Europe with Chernobyl.In the name of workers and science, we shall poison your land. Science for the workers’ paradise, rejoice, comrades!
- Comment on sometimes it's just easier 4 months ago:
Thank god the redtangle is there
- Comment on Should you trust that doctor? 4 months ago:
But what about Doctor Detroit, then? And Doctor Strangelove?