- Comment on Sun God 2 days ago:
Im struggling to parse this. The picture of the sun with the tiny dot when compared with the artists impression you posted. It just wont click together. How can the sun appear so big from the telescope compared to mercury but be so small from mercury’s perspective?
- Comment on New Junior Developers Can’t Actually Code. 1 week ago:
100% agree.
I dont think there is no place for AI as an aid to help you find the solution, but i dont think it’s going to help you learn if you just ask it for the answers.
For example, yesterday, i was trying to find out why a policy map on a cisco switch wasn’t re-activating after my radius server came back up. Instead of throwing my map at the AI and asking whats wrong l, i asked it details about how a policy map is activated, and about what mechanism the switch uses to determine the status of the radius server and how a policy map can leverage that to kick into gear again.
Ultimately, AI didn’t have the answer, but it put me on the right track, and i believe i solved the issue. It seems that the switch didnt count me adding the radius server to the running config as a server coming back alive but if i put in a fake server and instead altered the IP to a real server then the switch saw this as the server coming back alive and authentication started again.
In fact, some of the info, it gave me along the way was wrong. Like when it tried to give me cli commands that i already knew wouldn’t work because i was using the newer C3PL AAA commands, but it was mixing them up with the legacy commands and combining them together. Even after i told it that was a made-up command and why it wouldn’t work, it still tried to give me the command again later.
So, i dont think it’s a good tool for producing actual work, but it can be a good tool to help us learn things if it is used that way. To ask “why” and “how” instead of “what”.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 1 week ago:
Have you tried getting a pet?
Having another life to care for can give your life meaning.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
I wish i could add childishness to my pihole blacklist.
Seriously, think about what you are angry about here. Is this what matters to you?
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
Sorry, that isn’t what I was trying to say. It’s not about “letting the bully do it” (which isn’t what i said at all, so i dont know why you put it in quotation marks)
It’s just a name. It’s nothing. Better to fight him on denying trans people, or taking away rights from women, or reversing climate change deals, or letting a lizard faced man child dismantle the federal governement, or promoting racism, and nazi-ism.
The name of a fucking body of water means absolutely nothing compared to some of the shit he is pulling.
I dont think being concerned with the name of the gulf matters at all compared to this.
Did you see recently the thing about plastic straws? That he wants to bring back plastic straws? This is the kind of thing he wants to change! Trump is a complete moron and he is causing a crazy amount of damage to the US and the rest of the world. But you want to fight him over changing the name of some water?
No! i will not accept my downvotes, i stand by what i said. Its not important, you are directing your anger at the wrong target.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
President of mexico is just showing themselves to be as big of a baby as trump. Best thing to do is ignore it. Its of such little importance.
- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
Sorry, dude, i was making a joke. I appreciate that there are mitigations for this now, like anti fog lenses.
- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
Ahh, yes! But try opening an oven!
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search 1 month ago:
This was back in 2011
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search 1 month ago:"W….
Quick google search. First result. From 2011
- Comment on non-tailscale sever 1 via tailscale router cannot ping server 2, but server 2 can ping server 1. Why? 1 month ago:
Do your access rules work in both directions? Do you have any strange routing going on? Do you need to configure a static route for the returning traffic?
Sorry, knowing very little about your setup means i can only suggest vague possibilities based on networks i work with.
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search 1 month ago:
Remember when they proved that bing was just providing google search results?
Like it straight up sent your search query to google search and fed back the results in the bing skin.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 1 month ago:
Qm i in the wrong thread? I thought this was about smoking, not veganism.
- Comment on Spotify Wrapped 2024 controversy explained — what you need to know 2 months ago:
Wasnt aware of this issue. Mine was accurate.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 2 months ago:
But in your example, humans are part of the environment. Or at least they are a factor in your ability to survive. Part of being adapted and being able to survive is surviving your predators. Dont you agree?
I dont know if i agree that being adapted to “elephant tasks” is a good marker to measure how adapted elephants are. If an elephant can eat, reproduce, and defend or hide itself from predators or deadly flora or weather, etc, then i would look at the elephant and argue it is well adapted.
Unless you think that predators change things or you dont consider humans as predators because we dont always kill for survival.
I dunno, im kind of just fleshing this out in my head as we speak.
- Comment on AND THEY DIDN'T STOP EATING 2 months ago:
I’m not disagreeing with you here, but wouldn’t it be fair to say there is a gradient, but it is dynamic and defined by the current environment and what it takes to survive it?
Maybe the goal posta keep moving but we are talking about a very large time scale, so long that, for at least a couple of million years, what could be defined as more or less evolved might seem or be descibed as pretty solid.
Although i suppose its not fair to say more or less evolved and might be more accurate to say more or less well adapted.
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 0 comments
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
Say what you like but people have been screaming for a ff7 remake ever since ff10. I think thats too soon to count as nostalgia. We just wanted ff7 to look like ff10.
- Comment on The Genesis of a joke. 3 months ago:
What a feeling.
- Comment on The Genesis of a joke. 3 months ago:
I’m not a fan
Of this joke.
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 4 months ago:
I looked this up after typing a response to make sure I wasn’t mistaken, but its only honey bees that die when they string you
From google “First off, male bees in any species cannot sting as only females have the bodily anatomy to do so. Secondly, only the honey bee can die after stinging, this is due to the honey bee’s stinger. A honey bees stinger is made up of two barbed lancets, meaning when they sting, the stinger cannot be pulled out again.”
I didnt realise that the worker bees were female! Male bees are good for nothing but breeding. They cant even sting. Bloody layabouts!
- Comment on Who all wants a silent spring? 4 months ago:
No, i dont think so. They are different. I think wasp stings are slightly alkaline, and bee stings are acidic. They need different treatments.
- Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 5 months ago:
Whilst i dont agree with them that this is an anxiety attack (although it does sound like it’s potentially related to anxiety or nerves) i dont think it’s fair to put them down for “playing psychic doctor” as you put it.
OP came to lemmy to ask for people to help them determine the cause of this problem. They are asking people to, at least in some way, “play doctor”
I k ow there is little information to go on but for all.we know the person your replied to might actually be a doctor and GPs do telephone appoi tments where you tell them your symptoms and they diagnose over the phone.
This isn’t a far stretch from that. I just think a lot of assumptions have been made here, and therefore, you aren’t much better than the “doctor” you are responding to.
(Having said all that, they blew a gasket whe you called them out, so perhaps they are a little too sensitive to be someone who needs composure, like a doctor)
- Comment on Home Depot 5 months ago:
In genera, i think this is a pretty good comment.
- Comment on Marques Brownlee says ‘I hear you’ after fans criticize his new wallpaper app 5 months ago:
The first time i saw one of his reviews, i thought, “This guy isn’t genuine.” “That’s not an opinion. it’s a specification disguised as an opinion.”
He gave off real shill vibes, and then i later found out he was an apple simp, and it all came together. He isn’t super biased, but he definitely gives more providence to apple products.
His recent review of the apple vr headset was too nice. He said some bad things but qualifies each critisism with a “but i like that” or “but it’s not a deal breaker.”
Maybe i created a bias against him based on my early impressions, but i just get a bad vibe from him. He doesn’t seem to give his opinions.
I will say, though, an exception would be that rabbit thing he reviewed poorly recently and got some backlash from the manufacturer for. I believe he then came back and justified his review. Although everyone was reviewing it poorly so he would give the game away if he said it was good. So perhaps its not an exception… i dont know. Im just freestyling this comment…
- Comment on RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it 5 months ago:
The second sentence in ops post here on lemmy.
- Comment on RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it 5 months ago:
Thats fair, but equally you should read the post.
Like you have never had to dilute a clickbaity title before…
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 5 months ago:
You mentioned it turns out you have ADHD (turns out so do i) and that you began medication for that and it reads that this medication began at around the same time as you started on nicotine again.
I am inclined to ask the question. Do you think perhaps you are associating the effects of the ADHD treatment to nicotine use?
There certainly are some documented benefits to nicotine use. And much of what you say is verifiable. However, many of the benefits you describe can be associated with the treatment of ADHD aswell.
I accept i dont know your personal situation. I only read your comment and noticed the timing seemed to be a bit close.
On the subject of vaping, i personally experienced some sticky phlegm and trouble coughing this up as well as issues with lung capacity and the dependance on the nicotine made me extremely irritable and unable to concentrate until i vaped.
Also it takes longer than a few months to break a nicotine addiction. I still uphold the idea that there may have been some withdrawal going on there.
However i am happy to conceed the point if you genuinely disagree. As i said i have no idea about your personal situation.
- Comment on How do people in this day in age become nazis/neonazies sexist or even incels when there is so much knowledge against it? Do they get anything out of being that way? 5 months ago:
Would i wrong to venture the guess that you didnt like quitting vaping because you were suffering from nicotine withdrawal? I swapped to vaping after years of smoking and eventually quit vaping. It was not enjoyable to quit but i feel a million times better not being beholden to the habit. My lungs feel better, my brain feels better, my stress levels are lower.
What benefits does nicotine bring other than satifyi g your craving for nicotine.