- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
improved my lemmy experience ten fold just blocking that instance.
- Comment on Companies are finding new ways to monetize personal data, too often without proper notice or consent. ICYMI, three current examples that you may want to act on to opt out: PayPal, LinkedIn and 23andMe 4 months ago:
honestly the ONLY reason I’m still on Linkedin is the entertainment value. Threads by game devs are just…wild. just that ONE specific group provides a great hearty chuckle in the morning without insanely idiotic they are.
You want to read threads by individuals who think they float on water, their shit don’t stink, and each one is a personal jesus and then fight with each other over it? go read threads by game devs on linkedin.
- Comment on Reddit says it is not covered by new Online Safety Code as it has moved its jurisdiction to the Netherlands 4 months ago:
same with me and /r/Toronto got banned for stating a long dead prime minister was horrible to indigenous people. they used the excuse that I was submitting too many articles about crimes in the city as that subreddit’s mods automatically remove any content about crime or pro Palestinian content.
Post god knows how many photos of the CN tower, the fucking sun setting or snow…hey that’s great! anything that’s news worthy and potentially paints the city in a bad light? nope, censored. It’s so bad that i’m convinced the mods there are being paid under the table by the City.
- Comment on I rented many games solely based on their covers, only to be mildly disappointed when I got home. 4 months ago:
yeah after posting this I read the story on Destructoid about it. It worked. it was a meh game but the only reason I wanted to play it was because of that box.
- Comment on I rented many games solely based on their covers, only to be mildly disappointed when I got home. 4 months ago:
I remember renting Phalanx just because of the box. like “why’s this old man playing the banjo?” then you look at the back and it’s a friggin space shooter. I had to rent it.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
ah Israelis and playing the victim, name a more iconic duo.
- Comment on X's idiocy is doing wonders for Bluesky. 4 months ago:
Mastodon is fantastic for niche things. For example myself and my colleagues use it for work stuff and I also use it with a few friends for gaming. that’s it. Beyond that if you’re going to Mastodon to reach a lot of people and chase clout or what have you you’re gonna have a bad time. you’ll just be shouting to the void in many cases. I also use it to connect with people using linux for help and suggestions.
But just read feeds on Bluesky and you’ll see many people, probably the vast majority, just say they want something that “just works” and them trying to use Mastodon was too difficult. They didn’t understand the instances and what have you. It’s a generation that’s been raised on downloading an app, tapping on it, and it works. Login with your google, facebook, or apple id…that’s it.
People these days simply don’t want to do too much to use something. they don’t want to customize their online experience like we used to do years ago. If it doesn’t instantly “work” right out of the box, they won’t use it. And even regardless of how much they’ll complain about using it and all it’s bugs and foibles (X/Twitter, Windows 11, etc) they’ll continue to use it cause, again, “it just works”.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
I honestly don’t even think they’ll get that far. I mean they’ve announced it now, yet again, for a 2026 release date…two years from now. they’ve been doing this for the past decade. “It’ll release in 2016” then it’s “Squadron 42 coming 2018” and so on and so forth. Mark my words we’ll get to 2026 and at their little convention they have to further milk their userbase of money they’ll announce Squadron 42 for 2028 but please, user, they need more backers and as a reward for backing you’ll get a fancy ship you’ll never get to keep.
- Comment on How come people who are against abortion are in favor of the death penalty? Kind of seems like a contradicition/ 4 months ago:
Because it’s not about saving lives, it never has been. It’s about control.
- Comment on X's controversial changes to blocking and AI training saw half a million users leave for rival Bluesky in just a single day 4 months ago:
Because people “just want it to work”.
from what I’ve read on bsky is that people don’t like Mastodon due to the instances. They don’t want to figure that out. Either because they’re too lazy or because they’ve spent so many years utilizing apps that “just work” that it’s beyond them.
That’s the meat and potatoes as to why Mastodon isn’t taking off, it’s “too much work” to use Mastodon.
- Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
So Star Trek Online is an MMORPG and has been around for a several years now. In the game there’s a story, a convoluted one, but a story none the less.
Now imagine every single thing that has ever happened in the entirety of Star Trek regardless of tv show, movie, timeline, multiverse, animated show, whatever. everything. think of everything that has ever had “Star Trek” in it’s title. got it? good. it’s in the game. and in the story.
One aspect is the mirror universe which is a decent chunk of the story and it’s a good excuse to bring back old Star Trek actors whose characters might be dead. Like there’s A LOT of mirror universe stuff in the game.
really at the end of the day Star Trek Online is essentially the multiverse nexus of all Star Trek.
- Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
looks like Star Trek: Suicide Squad.
And what’s with Trek suddenly being like “Yeah, Rachael Garrett…lets really bring her into the fold” it’s like show runners at paramount FINALLY noticed that Yesterday’s Enterprise is a lot of fans favorite Trek episode of all time…with the alternate timeline…focused on military and action…ah shit yeah it all makes sense now.
- Comment on The Official Teaser Trailer for Star Trek: Section 31 Is Here 7 months ago:
They should send that memo to the federation in Star Trek Online cause…holy shit.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
sorry I’m new to Linux but most of the people I’ve spoken to on various linux discords the consensus seemed to be that Mint was fantastic to start out on but most moved on to something else after awhile.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
If in the future you don’t want to dual boot you should check out CachyOS. I use that as my daily driver right now and it’s great for gaming.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
that’s generally how it works with Mint. you install it, use it for a week or two and then move onto a distro that better suites your needs. Mint is a fantastic introduction and sure many will stick with it for awhile I think most move on from it fairly quickly.
- Comment on 77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds 7 months ago:
2012 me feels personally called out by this. fuck 2012 me that lazy fucker. stackoverflow was my “get out of work early and hit the bar” card.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
Chad Raymond Hill who refuses to accept donatoins or sponsorships of any kind.
That being said the people that maintain the filter lists I believe, don’t quoute me on this, you can donate to a few of them. Really depends if they mention it on their githubs though and you pretty much have to go about finding them on your own as there’s no real centralized list of all the people that contribue to the filter lists.
- Comment on YouTube tests server-side ads to make your coveted blocker obsolete 7 months ago:
it’s total bullshit. For example if you use ublock origin every now and again sure you might get ads that pop up, but AT MOST that lasts for a day, generally it’ll last a couple hours as the team at ublock update their lists to block ads again. There’s no need, literally zero need, to remove it from your extensions. and at worst, like I got yesterday, you’ll just see a black screen that buffers for a bit before the video plays. the ad is still blocked.
you can also circumvent most of this if you use freetube. OR if you just want music the youtube-dl script on linux. I also ditched spotify for youtube-dl as I can also download entire playlists with it.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
Well this is just absolutely untrue. If there’s a pool of people who want to work then someone will just give them a job? what kind of magical unicorn world are you living in? So in your world unemployment rates just…don’t exist or are a fabrication? those people are just lazy?
If you got fired from your job and you couldn’t find another one, in your head, whose fault is that? yours? the mythical job provider who hasn’t blessed you with another?
If I ran a business and was provided the option of hiring you or someone in another country for peanuts, I’d tell you to kick grass.
But you want to work I hear you say! someone HAS to pay me to do something! nope, I’m not going to pay you, I’m going to pay this kid in India or his brother that just got off the plane half of what I would have to pay you.
Welcome to the real world.
- Comment on Wood smells like we should be able to eat it, but we can't. 7 months ago:
who smells wood and thinks “you know what? I want to slap that pine tree on my pancake”?
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
hope your job never gets offshored
you: “Yeah I lost my job, but hey, now someone in India gets to earn a living…can you help me prop up my cardboard box to keep the rain out? thanks.”
- Comment on Japan introduces enormous humanoid robot to maintain train lines 8 months ago:
yeah but wouldn’t you rather have an Evangelion future? sure mech cops are neat but how about giant mechs that aren’t really mechs and are actually your mom that you can stick a tube in and pilot? you don’t want to pilot a giant cyborg of your mother?
- Comment on Japan introduces enormous humanoid robot to maintain train lines 8 months ago:
“it is the 31st century and mankind, is once again, at war. The battlefields of the future are dominated by huge robotic war machines known as BattleMechs. Piloting these awesome weapons of war are men and women, the elite of the elite, knowing that each battle could be their last. They are…MechWarriors.”
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
mass protests, riots, a god damn revolution. But Americans are pansies and won’t do that. The common excuse of “but I have bills to pay, I have a job to go to, I can’t go riot/protest/revolt”
Cause I’m sure all the people who have taken part in all the successful revolutions in all of histories first concern was “but I gotta pay my rent”. It’s a death by a thousand cuts. the powers that be KNOW americans are pissed off and they also KNOW americans won’t do anything about it, by design. all it takes is a revolution, but Americans won’t do that, they’re too afraid.