- Comment on That explains a lot 3 days ago:
Replacing Jupiter with an equally massive black hole shouldn’t make a difference. We’d only have one bright dot less in the night sky.
- Comment on What Would a Fair and Community-Focused Monetization Model on the Fediverse Look Like? 1 week ago:
Unsubstantiated claim: Any set of rules that aim at distributing money according to some merit can be exploited in a way that those who get the most money are not those providing the most value.
- Comment on Only 22 countries have never been invaded by Britain 2 weeks ago:
Germany, and probably Austria: World War 2
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 2 weeks ago:
another charge slapped on for lying to law enforcement
Context for Germany: You’re allowed to lie to law enforcement.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 2 weeks ago:
In Germany we have a law enforcement level below the police called “Ordnungsamt” (I’m not going to try to translate that). They are in charge of these minor misdemeanors (like parking wrong, littering, speeding, etc.) It’s entirely possible that their patrols randomly check dog owners, but personally I’ve never heard of that.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 3 weeks ago:
Thanks for catching that. I’m sure there must be a fish-specific term that’s eluding me.
- Comment on Why are there silly license requirements? 3 weeks ago:
Reasons for a license to fish (from a German perspective):
- You want people who fish to know when they can and cannot fish due to the fish’s recreation periods.
- You want people to know which kinds of fish they should and should not catch, in general.
- You want people to know how big a certain kind of fish needs to be before it can be extracted.
- You want a general overview of the number of people fishing in a general area to monitor overfishing.
License to have a dog:
- Costs a certain amount of money each month. This funds public cleaning of dog poop and free dog poop bags.
Lincense for a GMRS radio:
- To prevent too many people from crowding in the same channel.
- To be able to identify assholes who jam a channel with their broadcasts.
- Comment on fck yea 3 weeks ago:
What a high it was when I did titration in high school and managed to get so close that the liquid appeared colorless unless you held a white sheet of paper next to it.
It was tinted, but just barely.
- Comment on Live, Laugh 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on idijt 3 weeks ago:
Shine on, you crazy diamond.
- Comment on i'm your god now. 3 weeks ago:
Meanwhile I’m squashing spiders that are already dead, just to be sure.
- Comment on Is the Nintendo Switch 2 the end of innovative consoles? 3 weeks ago:
I think you’re blowing things out of proportion. None of the handhelds after the Gameboy were innovative. The GameCube didn’t bring anything new. The Wii U was just a beefed-up Wii.
So every other console has been the previous generation, but better.
- Comment on If you want to work here 4 weeks ago:
Each their own or is there some partnership thingy going on? Or weekly rotations?
Or is it one big mandatory circular anus-washing meeting ‘to get to know each other’?
- Comment on Google begins requiring JavaScript for Google Search 1 month ago:
So until now Googlers sent a full web form to the backend and replaced the page contents with HTML returned by the server?
Like cavemen…
- Comment on Rate it 1 month ago:
The cat is integral to the power management!
- Cat not present: Excessive cooling
- Cat present: Perfect amount of cooling
- Cat on fire: Too little cooling
- Comment on Beautiful 1 month ago:
The outline especially on the pillows looks off.
- Comment on Just trying my best to make you turds smile 1 month ago:
Behind all my memes is an angry guy venting.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
That’s boring. Two ears only allow you to put the sound somewhere on a plane (the vertical one that cuts your body in half lengthwise). How do you know the ‘height’ of the sound on that plane? By utilizing the different distortions the sound goes through while being funneled through your auricle.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
0 3 * * * reboot
- Comment on Pee posting? 4 months ago:
If anyone were ever to work behind him on something they’re very familiar with, they’d have to tear it all down and rebuild it because he just invents his own way as he goes
That’s not the virtue you think it is.
- Comment on Get good. 4 months ago:
I’m not a wordologist. Do words become harder to say when they’re longer? I mean, alalalalalong has 6 syllables.
- Comment on I'm going insane 4 months ago:
If you’d be so kind, how far do you have to get away from a flat mirror to show your whole image?
- Comment on "what happened??" 5 months ago:
I thought Ubisoft was known for their shitty launchers.
- Comment on Aaaaah 6 months ago:
It might simply be over-exertion. I get cramps when I walk a lot. Maybe your resting position already includes tension in your calves?
- Comment on Aaaaah 6 months ago:
Apparently the link between magnesium deficiency and cramps is shaky.
magnesium supplementation compared to placebo for treating idiopathic rest cramps […] Did not significantly reduce cramp frequency measured in terms
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
Aww. I confused “communities” for “instances” when I read the title. Thanks for pointing it out.
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
Your data quality is suspicious. You list only 2 communities for Lemmy Explorer has 148. I doubt that they’re all ‘suspicious’. And if they are, then that flag is itself suspicious.
- Comment on Spreading of the 100 biggest Lemmy communities 6 months ago:
Please avoid any and all situations in which you might have the chance of handling any kind of categorized data, for the sake of all of us.
- Comment on Consumer, we have detected that you are above the poverty line. The 99¢ price printed on this Arizona tea can only applies to those below the poverty line. Your total comes to $3.67. 6 months ago:
This isn’t new. Websites have had higher prices when browsed with a Mac than when browsed with Linux.
- Comment on Guess I'll km/s 6 months ago:
TIL about dpt
Tell me you don’t glasses without telling me you don’t need glasses :D