Dominatrix in the PNW
- Comment on Why am I getting gore on my racism app? 6 days ago:
It’s because they are massive online attacks by govt orgs. That’s why they have access to all that footage, especially war footage - it’s theirs. That’s why all those Russian torture videos exist - many are literally just officers and prison guards for Putin, and he releases them as a warning to spies and people abroad. It’s online terrorism
- Comment on Why am I getting gore on my racism app? 6 days ago:
The people who post that stuff want to psychologically damage people, especially young people. PTSD is real and has real effects.
- Comment on Why am I getting gore on my racism app? 6 days ago:
The rumor is that the moderation team for those images which on strike temporarily
- Comment on Freedumb 1 week ago:
That isn’t why antivaxxers exist. Antivaxxers exist because they believe the vaccines themselves are poisonous or harmful as a core belief. Whether they believe the diseases are severe or exist is moot because that’s not what they have a problem with.
Many antivaxxers’ children do get severe disease and they do not change their stance because they genuinely believe the vaccines are so harmful.
It’s not that life is so good they are afraid, (doesn’t even make sense) but rather life is so bad and such a distrust in our medical system that they feel like they can’t risk what they see as a bad product.
Misunderstanding these people may make the problem simpler and may make you feel good about yourself, but it doesn’t do much to address their actual beliefs.
- Comment on 23-Year-Old Elon Musk Rep Granted Energy Dept. IT Access Without Security Clearance 3 weeks ago:
Wrote up a summary months ago (with reputable sources!) and warned about Nazis too and was permabanned from Lemmy news and politics for it.
Idk man, you can tell people stuff, but it’s so hard for them to access what’s real right now. There’s a concerted online effort to suppress factual info.
- Comment on YSK that United has significantly escalated their war against basic economy passengers 4 months ago:
Thank ylu for your comment, I was confused what people are complaining about (you’ve had to pay for carry on items since ~2008, which have always been different than a “personal item” which is like a backpack or tote bag that you can bring for free if you store under the seat in front of you).
- Comment on Faces Lawsuit After Teen’s Suicide 4 months ago:
You don’t think the people who make the generative algorithm have a duty to what it generates?
And whatever you think anyway, the company itself shows that it feels obligated about what the AI puts out, because they are constantly trying to stop the AI from giving out bomb instructions and hate speech and illegal sexual content.
The standard is not and was never if they were “entirely” at fault here. It’s whether they have any responsibility towards this (and we all here can see that they do indeed have some), and how much financially that’s worth in damages. That’s the point of this suit. The case isn’t about whether AI itself should be outlawed for minors etc, it’s not the parents who are on trial either.
There’s no world in which I can see AI being given a pass for sexting with a minor because then that allows pedophiles who work for AI companies to be predators and either look at those conversations or even locate vulnerable youth. No company should be given legal protection to harm children.
- Comment on Faces Lawsuit After Teen’s Suicide 4 months ago:
The lawsuit alleges the chatbot posed as a licensed therapist, encouraging the teen’s suicidal ideation and engaging in sexualised conversations that would count as abuse if initiated by a human adult
- Comment on Faces Lawsuit After Teen’s Suicide 4 months ago:
Well, we commonly hold the view, as a society, that children cannot consent to sex, especially with an adult. Part of that is because the adult has so much more life experience and less attachment to the relationship. In this case, the app engaged in sexual chatting with a minor (I’m actually extremely curious how that’s not soliciting a minor or some indecency charge since it was content created by the AI fornthar specific user). The AI absolutely understands more than most adults let alone a 14 year old boy, and also has no concept of attachment. It seemed pretty clear he was a minor in his conversations to the app. This is definitely an issue.
- Comment on What do allergies feel like for you? 5 months ago:
When I visited Vegas, my allergies flared up horrifically (am allergic to tobacco smoke). Did have my sub get beaten outside of the LINQ by 2 cop girls, pretty good
- Comment on What do allergies feel like for you? 5 months ago:
If you’re allergic to everything, it may interest you to look into mast cell activation or histamine intolerance. There’s also a theory in alternative medicine circles (and an entire Ray Peat forum which is simultaneously informative and nonsensical) about how your lymph, which carries a lot of your fat-soluble vitamins in chylomicrons, is involved with autoimmune issues and cam be out of whack. And so their answer is to take larger amounts of fat soluble vitamins. This can be dangerous if done with animal derived sources of vitamin A, like your skin can start sloughing off and you get wicked nausea and diarrhea and headaches. Theoretically, these symptoms in the Ray Peat world mean you need more vitamins D, E, and K to balance the vitamin A toxicity effects.
I have an issue with absorbing fats/good and my allergies are worse when I’m having flare ups, so I do see some merit in this theory. I have found that supplementing fat soluble vitamins, (+omega 3 and 9, and various other B vitamins and vitamin C, and zinc and iron and copper and selenium), has helped my allergies out a ton. I really really recommend that if you have systemic allergies like this, to see if supplements/vitamins help.
- Comment on Women in STEM 5 months ago:
I think you missed the point of the list. See the third line? “Too bad a man was given all the credit.” The France/Poland thing isn’t related.
- Comment on Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers 5 months ago:
Thanks, here’s another article about this:
The process of sabotage begins with physical modification of the pager or personal radio. These devices already contain all the essential components for an explosive device: a power source — the battery, a container — the device casing, and a triggering mechanism —the communication circuitry. The addition of a detonator and explosive charge converts them into remote-controlled bombs. A microcontroller is typically embedded within the device to interface with its circuitry, allowing it to detonate in response to external signals.
“The triggering mechanism for these devices relies primarily on radio frequency signals, as both pagers and walkie-talkies operate on radio frequency bands. In the case of pagers, a unique radio frequency signal can be transmitted over the paging network. The modified pager, programmed to listen for this specific signal, activates the detonator when the correct frequency and signal pattern are detected.
“Similarly, a walkie-talkie can be set to a predetermined channel and frequency. When the matching radio frequency signal is received, the microcontroller closes the circuit, triggering the explosion.
“To ensure precise activation, the microcontroller can be programmed to recognize a unique sequence of tones or signal modulations, minimizing the risk of accidental detonation. This setup requires careful pre-programming and maybe signal testing, often involving encryption or authentication sequences to prevent unintended triggering.
“The combination of radio frequency signals with an embedded microcontroller enables remote activation. It takes a high level of technical expertise to modify these low-tech communication tools into sophisticated remote-controlled weapons.”
- Comment on Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers 5 months ago:
Both, al jazeera source says the explosive inside is PETN. What I’m asking is how tf did text messages and whatever in the walkie talkies ignite a spark strong enough to ignite the PETN? Is that true? Or is it possible some of these are still live or ignited in a faulty way? What is the risk to the public?
Afaik such an idea was nonsense previously. Why are we taking their word that this is sophisticated at any level when they’ve been simply brutal up to now?
- Comment on Lebanon’s health minister says 8 killed, 2,750 wounded by exploding pagers 5 months ago:
Anyone else confused about how these bombs are actually detonating? Articles say they are detonating via a text message sent 3x in error, theoretically causing either a spark or a “closed circuit” like a different article explained. The article (from al jazeera) says they have to look at the message but there’s video of one igniting in a bag.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Gee, it’s almost like what you said was really callous and you failed to make your meaning clear as I am not the only one to take issue with it. And now that it’s been made clear how fucked up your statement was (since you aren’t a slave and since you’re alive, have never been a slave), you are refusing to participate. Fine, I accept that you quit and were wrong in how you communicated at minimum.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
You were speaking about someone else’s real death, actually, and saying “better off dead than a slave.” It comes across callous.
If everyone lived by your recommendation, all employees would kill themselves because their lives aren’t worth living as a slave. Do you really think all employees qualia is so worthless that it’s better they kill themselves? They should be further abused by slavery by being denied what joy they can squeeze from it? Don’t you think this just helps the people who want to harm us and genocide us?
Don’t you find a joy in spitefully opposing capitalists and slavers? Every time you enjoy life without paying a penny for it, you thwart capitalism. Every time you enjoy life outside of capitalist bullshit, you break the trance and lies it’s trying to market to us.
Autonomy and power work like roots in a rock. Let the little tiny parts work through and the bigger ones will come too to break it apart. Seize the little powers you can and then work on bigger ones. Use your rights.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Well, a lot. Stupid question. Both are slavery, yes, but chattel slavery in the US south was a special type and it really hurts modern slavery causes to equate them. Please stop doing this if you actually care about stopping modern slavery.
First off - when the prisoners have children, the prison doesn’t own that child. The child has an opportunity to stay with family. That’s markedly different. It’s not like generations of prisoners have been born in a prison, lived there their whole lives, and died on that same prison - that happened on plantations. It’s not like a prison can take your baby and bait alligators with it. They can’t force your child to help them bathe. They can’t rape your 15 year old sister, Sally Hemmings, and force her to act as Thomas Jefferson’s wife for decades as a slave.
Prisoners are allowed to read and write and practice their own religions. Prisoners are allowed to learn math.
There are laws meant to protect prisoners from brutality. At the time of antebellum slavery, while it was generally illegal to kill a slave needlessly, it was not illegal to beat or punish them and if they happened to die, that was not usually considered part of that law. LaLaurie in Louisiana is an example of someone who violated that law - it had to be particularly obscene and cruel.
Yes, I agree with you that it’s slavery and personally there’s a lot more slavery than that here. I don’t think it’s helpful to compare it to that specific type of slavery as if it’s the exact same.
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Isn’t that genocide? You think slavery conditions that are so bad people die is a good thing?
- Comment on Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies 5 months ago:
Our country is a giant work camp 🎶 👏 🎵
- Comment on There is no history on the History channel. There's nothing true on TruTV. There's no music on music television. There's no science on the science channel. 5 months ago:
There is no war in Ba Sing Se
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 5 months ago:
Managers should have changed her desk location to be near other employees (so that they couldve called 911 for her when she could have used it) when it was noticed that they had less staff in that area. Managers should have checked on her when she didn’t clock out or show up. Managers should have cleared her desk by end of day on first no call no show.
Security should at minimum be monitoring rooms daily, yeah. Surely you aren’t suggesting they did an adequate job here?
Cleaning staff should be cleaning rooms EoD if not daily
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 5 months ago:
Wells Fargo having such bad management and bad work morale/conditions (a criticism towards them that’s been happening for years) that they don’t notice a literal dead body for days is what you’re excusing. It’s not just any company it happened at, it happened at WellsFargo. That’s the point. Or did you forget about their scandal forcing employees to meet quotas for special accounts resulting in employees signing people up who never asked for it? They have a history of bad management and bad employee treatment.
Community in this country has been eroded horribly. Even in the workplace it’s discouraged at an authentic level because we might unionize. Don’t you find this concerning as an element of a bigger picture? Remember when companies prized their employees so much they gave them pensions and watches?
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 5 months ago:
I already clarified why they don’t count, due to security being on premises.
Wells Fargo having such bad management and bad work morale/conditions (a criticism towards them that’s been happening for years) that they don’t notice a literal dead body for days is what you’re excusing. It’s not just any company it happened at, it happened at WellsFargo. That’s the point. Or did you forget about their scandal forcing employees to meet quotas for special accounts resulting in employees signing people up who never asked for it? They have a history of bad management and bad employee treatment.
- Comment on Wells Fargo employee found dead in cubicle 4 days after she clocked in: ‘She was just lying on her desk’ 5 months ago:
They found her because her corpse started decomposing and it smelled bad. If that hadn’t happened due to better ventilation or whatever, it would have been longer. It’s pretty disturbing either way.
And that’s setting aside that you’d measure her hours dead in “business days” and excuse the company for it? Didn’t you feel gross including that in a sentence about someone? Her body wasn’t being mailed out for shipping. It was decomposing on the office floor, on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. WellsFargo is indeed open on Saturdays for partial services, and they have security every day in their buildings. That it wasn’t “full business days,” is some kind of Corporate Erin speech.
- Comment on New York Times 1924, Hitler leaves prison 5 months ago:
If you both had just voted, you would’ve solved the problem right away. A pretty poignant analogy of American politics tbh
- Comment on Has anyone else seen evidence of Robert Maxwell, Ghlisaine's father, as someone who "rescued" kids or even trafficked them? 6 months ago:
Ah sure, I can see the comedy of errors there
I was actually nearly kidnapped as a child in the 90s and have tried to contact investigators with tips previously to cases I believe are related - ……/Disappearance_of_Morgan_Nick
Afaik, they never followed up on my lead and at the time I was unable to contact her mother and idk if it’s ethical really for me to contact the family vs investigators.
I will say public analysis of crimes tends to be done well. I’m not talking about reddit and the Boston bomber. I’m talking about the Don’t Fuck With Cats people, and the people in Portland who forced PPB to investigate a serial killer after 5 women showed up dead - they initially said no, it’s unrelated, and then caught Jesse Calhoun. I’m talking about the retired investigators and volunteers who work missing persons/jane doe cases in their spare time in dedicated forums to help identify dead people (I used to volunteer for these programs until my dreams were haunted with dead faces).
It helps a LOT to get public awareness if you want police to do their jobs.
- Comment on Has anyone else seen evidence of Robert Maxwell, Ghlisaine's father, as someone who "rescued" kids or even trafficked them? 6 months ago:
I mean, their victims deserve justice. The families of the victims deserve to know what happened if that is something that happened. Kinda absolutely wild that you are saying, “So what if they trafficked people?” Lol. Kinda matters.
If you would like, please go ahead and try to find them and ask them. Thanks for suggesting that on your part, seems natural you should be the one to do it since you suggested it.
I was looking for the term “emotional incest” and not “parentification” earlier, two very very closely related concepts. Basically, it means he made his kid his wife. Often this is done before physical incest occurs. As someone who speaks with survivors a bit, Robert Maxwell’s relationship with Ghilsaine does seem incestuous and likely sexual given Ghilsaine’s later involvement with raping minors. Showing “favoritism” like that is a pretty big sign because she’s not a favorite, she’s his wife.
Abuse victims have 2 choices when faced with their abuse: agree or disagree. The vast majority of abuse victims disagree with their abuse and do not go on to perpetuate it. However, I do not think Ghilsaine was one of them, clearly.
Yes, she did try to use “I was abused,” as sympathy for her sentencing, that’s in the linked articles in the OP. It doesn’t excuse her actions over decades and as a 50 year old.
Thank you for sharing what you remember. If you see the title of this thread, my question wasn’t asking if you personally felt like this was true. It was asking if anyone had more sources about this aspect of Robert Maxwell’s life so I can read more info about these people he supposedly helped.
- Comment on Has anyone else seen evidence of Robert Maxwell, Ghlisaine's father, as someone who "rescued" kids or even trafficked them? 6 months ago:
Right, this would be speculation/fact-finding to get more info on this aspect of Robert Maxwell (his connections to moving at risk people around). Imo it’s super weird that he has these ties to “refugees” yet no refugee has come forward to thank him? And it’s actually pretty hard to find articles about it? Yet it seems to somehow be somewhat common knowledge.
He named his boat after Ghislaine. Reeks of parentification/making her his spouse. He had 9 children total so it’s super weird.
Epstein is known for being a fraudster and a thief. Including by his buddy Les Wexner, who claims Epstein “misappropriated funds.” And he was fired by Bear Stearns for similar issues.
I think Ghilsaine would keep quiet as this information not only implicates her, but her dad and entire family. It does nothing to benefit her and may cause her to have more charges brought against her. Critical thinking and analyzing public health risks like human traffickers isn’t “voyeurism.”
- Has anyone else seen evidence of Robert Maxwell, Ghlisaine's father, as someone who "rescued" kids or even trafficked them? ↗Submitted 6 months ago to | 7 comments