- Comment on To me, a revolution means watching all my heros die. 2 weeks ago:
To me, heros is a nonsense word. Heroes, on the other hand, should be the ones leading said revolution.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Normally I’d agree, but this guy is too damn entertaining. He’s like a living caricature.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
OP seems lost… do we have a Lemmy equivalent to r/lostredditors?
- Comment on I can write my thoughts as a title and not write a post 3 weeks ago:
If you call that bullying, you might want to get off the internet entirely.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
It’s just OP living up to their username.
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 3 weeks ago:
She’s my senator as well, and I love what she’s doing - but THAT bill is ~7 years old and dead in the water given the current administration. :-/
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
- Comment on From Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, Metal Gear Solid V will turn 10 in 2025, believe it or not 2 months ago:
I’m playing the NextGen update of Witcher 3 right now and it’s glorious. Really does hold up.
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 2 months ago:
Wow, based on how you write, you and the OP both seem very young. Do you also talk in a stream-of-consciousness manner?
- Comment on Star Citizen player reports CIG is making him sign an NDA before getting a refund 4 months ago:
God damn, it’s been a while since I’ve crossed paths with an honest-to-god rube! Keep on keepin’ on, you flickering bulb.
- Comment on have you ever been given a warning or suspension for using profane language at work? 4 months ago:
…has nothing to do with the OP’s question.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I don’t even care if I get banned from this community for saying this: I hope to your (imaginary) god that you die a horrifying and public death. Ideally sooner rather than later. You, and everyone who thinks like you, are directly responsible for SO MUCH of the evil in this world.
I FUCKING HATE YOU, and everything you stand for.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I don’t even care if I get banned from this community for saying this: I hope to your (imaginary) god that you die a horrifying and public death. Ideally sooner rather than later. You, and everyone who thinks like you, are directly responsible for SO MUCH of the evil in this world.
I FUCKING HATE YOU, and everything you stand for.
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
I’m with you. Everyone in this thread arguing for shoehorns comes off like an actual kook. Buy shoes that fit your feet, and loosen the laces if you’re struggling. Anything else is stubborn insanity.
- Comment on Where does a man get a proper shoe horn that will not break 4 months ago:
Have you ever tried loosening the laces?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
I don’t even care if I get banned from this community for saying this: I hope to your (imaginary) god that you die a horrifying and public death. Ideally sooner rather than later. You, and everyone who thinks like you, are directly responsible for SO MUCH of the evil in this world.
I FUCKING HATE YOU, and everything you stand for.
- Comment on Pee posting? 4 months ago:
Do you have the heart? I feel like someone should say something, but I’m no good at this kind of conversation.
- Comment on I'm back with another great recipe 4 months ago:
<chef’s kiss>
Pure, unadulterated genius.
- Comment on Is American politics really as seemingly satirical of itself as it is portrayed? 4 months ago:
Why would you delete that true statement?
- Comment on Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown 4 months ago:
I wish Trump and Putin could somehow be used to bash each other to death, simultaneously. So, I guess I’m as bad as you.
- Comment on Jack Black is what happens when the class clown doesn't become depressed and instead becomes even more of a clown 4 months ago:
Shot by a Trump supporter?!? At a concert in Australia?!? I think that’s a bit of a stretch, mate.
- Comment on Fruit Loops! 5 months ago:
Found the spy!
Quick, somebody shoot 'em!
- Comment on If Donald Trump was black, would he have made it this far in politics? 5 months ago:
Everywhere I come across you, you’re providing yet another example of your username being spot-fucking-on.
- Comment on Samsung TVs will get 7 years of updates, starting with 2023 models 6 months ago:
Why should a TV ever need updates? Does anyone still make good “dumb” TVs that don’t want/need an internet connection?
- Comment on Microsoft formally deprecates the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel 6 months ago:
I like the cut of your jib.
- Comment on children 6 months ago:
Were you better or worse at proofreading when you were 9?
- Comment on what's a polite way to reject a picture with a very thankful patient who was under your care? 6 months ago:
You haven’t, as you know.
I am late to this post and have now read through more than enough. You’ve been answering the OP’s actual question honestly and from your perspective, and a bunch of random weirdos are bending over backward to find reasons to argue. Thank you for your patience with them - I love it when I can add more chuds to my block list without having to go through the hassle of engaging with them myself!
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
Huh, neat! TIL
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
Are you this fun in real life, or do you save your best takes for the internet?
- Comment on Dark mode’s bright future: How dark mode will transform Wikipedia’s accessibility 7 months ago:
And Solarized sucks ass. There, I said it.
Hard agree.