- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 3 days ago:
“Fanperson” is an insult now? Cry me a river, snowflake. Also, you weren’t disagreeing, you were explaining something to someone perceived less knowledgeable than you, while demonstrating you have no grasp of the core difference between stochastics and AI.
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 3 days ago:
Here we go… Fanperson explaining the world to the dumb lost sheep. Thank you so much for stepping down from your high horse to try and educate a simple person. /s
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 3 days ago:
Not sure if we need that particular bubble to pop for us to be drowned in a sea of shit, looking at the state of the world right now :( But silicon valley seems to be at the core of this clusterfuck, as if all the villains form there or flock there…
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 3 days ago:
I feel like I have found a lone voice of sanity in a jungle of brainless fanpeople sucking up the snake oil and pretending LLMs are AI. A simple control loop is closer to AI than a stochastic parrot, as you correctly put it.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
It used to be a legitimate choice to publish for Windows. Even when Microsoft started trying to force every private file into the cloud, I wouldn’t have chosen such drastic words. But with the fall of the divided states of america to an authoritarian regime of rapist / pedo billionaires, if you still develop for Windows, where do you draw the line? Gas chambers? And my objection to Windows is not because of Microsoft. It’s because of being the government system, that the totalitarian government has its hands on all kinds of backdoors and will use them to sabotage democracies whereever they can.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
see my other comment
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
see my other comment
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
My point is Windows is an ecosystem enabling totalitarian regimes and exposes all user privacy to corporations. Developing anything for Windows-only strengthens that ecosystem and is thereby anti-humanity, antidemocratic and just overall an awful decision.
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 2 weeks ago:
Windows only - no interest.
- Comment on Milan says no to all outdoor smoking in Italy's toughest ban 1 month ago:
Not enough. Fuck passive smoking.
- Comment on Two 26-Year-Olds: One Killed a Homeless Man, Another is Suspected of Killing a Healthcare CEO 2 months ago:
I think that’s the point of the article.
- Comment on Microsoft Teams is dog shit 3 months ago:
Troll elsewhere, dipshit.
- Comment on Microsoft Teams is dog shit 3 months ago:
oh yeah, those for sure!
- Comment on Microsoft Teams is dog shit 3 months ago:
Fuck Microsoft. But first, Fuck Google, Fuck Amazon, Fuck Facebook. I am sure I could think of a few more that are worse than Microsoft, as bad as they are.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
You’re essentially allowing different game companies to install a rootkit on your computer so you can play a video game.
Put like that, makes it even more obvious how insanely stupid some gamers are, doesn’t it?
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
Only if those other partitions are not encrypted. Sure, it could still wipe them - but that’s something that backups are good for, and something you would certainly notice immediately :)
- Comment on Federated social media from before it was cool 4 months ago:
I noticed they seem to be intentionally locking out smaller domains and I hope that backfires. Not holding my breath though.
- Comment on Federated social media from before it was cool 4 months ago:
Ah, I see. A youngling who never heard of the usenet.
- Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare) 4 months ago:
Mobile one absolutely. And they make humans more stupid and the world worse.
- Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare) 4 months ago:
So how good did I think my point was? VR is an artificial hype, especially in a time where almost all major game releases lack in story and already put way too much money into graphical effects. It’s a gadget.
- Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare) 4 months ago:
let me be the one to say: the only people who “need” VR are those earning their money with selling VR products. No one else in the whole wide world actually needs VR.
- Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare) 4 months ago:
Ease of adoption (or appearance of)
Thank you for acknowledging that point. Because since Win7 or so, Almost all major Linux distributions are shitloads easier to learn that any windows environment, no matter how unfamiliar you are with Linux. Basically, all major desktop environments behave like an optimized WinXP desktop.
- Comment on Man-in-the-Middle PCB Unlocks HP Ink Cartridges 5 months ago:
so basically just the hackers to come up with this workaround :D
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
aren’t perfect either
You misspelled “are fucking morons” :)
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
When individual copyright violations are considered “theft” by the law (and the RIAA and the MPAA), violating copyrights of billions of private people to generate profit, is absolutely stealing. While the former arguably is arguably often a measure of self defense against extortion by copyright holding for-profit enterprises.
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 5 months ago:
But they don’t have to make any OS “office-wide”. All they have to do is
- move from a centralized micro-management of every workstation to a scenario where users can be provided a prepared workstation, but may configure one themselves
- transition to a security policy that assumes every single workstation is insecure, and regulate the network traffic to allow only those protocols that are required for the business, protecting each machine from the next (this would prevent so many major security incidents where a single machine gets compromised and then the whole network is affected)
- provide central infrastructure as open protocols - IMAP (or POP3/SMTP), HTTPS, FTPS + file & printer sharing as desired
- enforce open formats within the enterprise
If necessary (assuming you have really irresponsible users), before authorizing users to set up their own machine, they can do a qualification check - or have the user’s line manager approve the “individual setup”.
This would enable power users productivity and even if you don’t change anything for the vast amount of users, it would pay off rapidly. If you can move regular workstations away from the bloatware that is Windows, you would boost the overall productivity immensely.
Specifically, what I am arguing against is:
- locking users into an eco-system for any kind of service (e.g. MS Exchange servers, MS Active Directory)
- outsourcing your IT competences to Microsoft (because let’s be real, that’s the actual reason IT departments go for Microsoft: corporate IT is outsourced as a service, this means lowest bidder, and the lowest bidder will happily take Microsoft’s offer to take care of any “real” issues and only provide a really, really dumb and helpless first level support)
- having tons of services listening on every workstation that no one ever needs (just open your windows control panel (while it’s still around) and check out all the running services, of which you could disable > 50% if Windows would let you, without impacting the operational state of your machine) and each one presenting a vulnerable interface to the network
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 5 months ago:
You have zero reading comprehension. Good job wasting your time on a pointless rant.
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 5 months ago:
Do I sense some inner tensions due to frustration with using Microsoft’s sorry excuse for an OS?
- Comment on Microsoft releases a new Windows app called Windows App for running Windows apps 5 months ago:
Gold medal of tautology. At this point, people still using windows voluntarily don’t deserve any better. And IT departments having a choice but forcing windows on users deserve to be burned at the stake.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
which is basically what we do using ublock origin - and then they inject ads directly into the video stream, and a custom UI wouldn’t help.