- Comment on Designed by men, for men: Why sex with robots does not have appeal among women 4 days ago:
Ok, then a vibrator is a robotic dick.
- Comment on cilanto 🌿 1 week ago:
Every been in a public bathroom that has that pink soap. Cilantro tastes like that smells.
- Comment on I'll take a liberal. Just 86 the tofu. 3 weeks ago:
The Chadwich doesn’t even come with a side of guns. What is this weak beta shit.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Now I understand all those videos of guys thinking it’s a covid test and getting mad. That looks almost identical to a covid tester I had.
You should see a doctor for better confirmation. My understanding has been, if you see positive on the test, see the doctor for actual confirmation since various things can throw the at home testers off.
- Comment on TikTok Users Gleefully Embrace Even More Chinese App To Spite US TikTok Ban 1 month ago:
Smoking is bad, we ban it. Fuck you I’ll do meth!
Might be hyperbole, bit this is some dumb stuff and really to me does just how addicted and short sighted people are. I didn’t give a shit why they’re banning TicTok, instead of taking this opportunity to free oneself from an addiction, you just going all in for the childish “fuck you, you can’t tell me what to do”.
Are users for this other app, beholden to China’s social credit score system, because of so, I’m getting some popcorn…
- Comment on I never realized this 1 month ago:
Terrible idea. People clearly already struggling at naming kids. Coming up with a family name will be endless letters making the wrong sound, random sections being ‘silent’, so many puns or references to things, corporate advertising “oh it’s the family!”… Terrible, just terrible.
- Comment on Why? 3 months ago:
I mean that’s a fun speech and all but they actually address it. Look into the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Then do a quick search for the Heisenberg compensator.
- Comment on Comcast, Disney, and IBM Are Among Advertisers Returning to X After Ad Freeze 3 months ago:
I mean, that’s been an accurate statement for decades.
- Comment on Entire Mac Lineup Now Finally Starts With at Least 16GB RAM, Ending 8GB Era 3 months ago:
Yep! With apples new patent pending upgrade process, it’s super easy!
You take the device that you want to upgrade and you throw it in the garbage and then you go to an Apple store and you pick up the upgraded model! It’s so streamlined!
- Comment on Clever, clever 3 months ago:
I’ll do you one better, why is Frankie Hawkes.
- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 4 months ago:
It is in fact, the call me hand from iOS
In Unicode 9, it’s label is ‘call me hand’
I get that it is the exact same symbol as other things. However, officially as an emoji it is recognized as ‘call me hand’.
My guess is to why is to not recognize any particular nation. Because the hand gesture isn’t just Shaka,… see number six.
Or see ASL, the letter Y.
- Comment on What does this emoji mean? Is this a British thumbs up? 4 months ago:
This way predates cell phones. Handsets have been in use for… Nearly 100 years I think. Not sure exactly when the gesture caught on our it’s origin.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
Here’s a bear, just leave it alone and it’ll leave you alone is incorrect. And dangerous advice. Bears are unpredictable wild animals.
men are unpredictable
So women, are exempt, women are absolutely predictable? Cool. Totally NOT sexist. Also, hot take, but what’s your stand on trans-men/women?.. Are they predicable or not?
You also seem to imply that women aren’t likely to abuse, sexually assault, straight up rape, or even kill ? Shit, i must have had bad luck, because I’ve been physically assaulted by most of the women I’ve dated, raped by one, and I’ve known countless women who’d joke directly to me “if he gets hard, he wants it… can’t rape the willing”. Cool, good to know I’ve just had bad luck…
And sorry, but people asked a question on the internet, where people chase trends and fades like mad… that’s the data source. Unreliable.
It’s sexist. I’ve proven, right there it’s sexist. Potentially, transphobic. It’s wrapped in false information, a false narrative. And then twisted at the end to try to sound like it’s not, and it comes very much across like far-right PR spin.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
Because that question was/is blatantly sexist.
Or also put forth the idea that all men, and all would be men, are dangerous predators, for no other reason than being a man. And that’s dangerous thinking.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
So the switch itself emulates older consoles… I could have swore I remember reading something like the anniversary bundle that they put out for a limited edition had a emulator that someone made.
- Comment on Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated 4 months ago:
It was a while ago. And it was scummy. Probably their response to Napster or Limewire.
- Comment on I make games and this literally happened to me this morning 5 months ago:
Fairly certain I’ve bought a game that was like 34 cents or something. I definitely charged me the 34 cents.
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
At some point, someone is going to figure out George Orwell was actually a time traveler, and he tried to fix things with books. He had to deliver the message that way because if he just shouted in the streets the things that were going to happen, he’d been written off as a madman. Change a few details here and there… and then sell it as “fiction”…
- Comment on Nintendo filed a lawsuit against Pocketpair, Inc. 5 months ago:
Dragon Ball was using capsules to store things long before Pokemon did. And Dragon Ball Z, which ended in Japan in '96 had already done storing 'creatures in capsules. Saibamen for one. And after the Saiyan saga Bulma puts her dead friends in coffin capsules.
So Akira Toriyama did it before Pokemon.
- Comment on No 'Sims 5' Coming as EA Updates Franchise With Multiplayer 5 months ago:
This is what everyone wanted! Another “as a service” game! Oh, and look, a store front!
and partner with some “Sims” players to sell their own custom in-game content through the EA store as “Creator Kits.”
Would those “players” be musicians? 100% someone is already trying to figure out how to “collab” with Katy Perry. Big IPs of other franchises (movies/games/anime)? Are they going to do limited timed events to really push the FOMO? Did they see Fortnite and thought “Lets do that!”.
- Comment on When the streamer says their favourite pokemon is Pikachu... 5 months ago:
Ditto Pikachu is best Pikachu. And I will die on this hill.
- Comment on Existing California solar customers may get blindsided with net metering cuts 5 months ago:
Well that’s fucked.
- Comment on Existing California solar customers may get blindsided with net metering cuts 5 months ago:
Are they providing support for the things?
- Comment on Microsoft backtracks on deprecating the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel | Microsoft has either backtracked or clarified its language to remove the note about Control Panel being deprecated 5 months ago:
Gives the user far too much control of their machine and you can accomplish a task far to easily.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 5 months ago:
If AI could replace anyone… it’s those dingbats. I mean, what would you say, in this given example, the CEO does… exactly? Make up random bullshit? AI does that. Write a speech? AI does that. I love how these overpaid people think they can replace the talent but they… they are absolutely required and couldn’t possibly be replaced! Talent and AI can’t buy and enjoy the extra big yacht, or private jets, or over priced cars, or a giant over sized mansion… no you need people for that.
- Comment on In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past 5 months ago:
That guy has never seen AI code before. It regularly gets even simple stuff wrong. Was he especially good is when it gives made up crap. Or it tells you a method or function you can use but doesn’t tell you where it got that. And then you’re like “oh wow I didn’t realize that was available” and then you try it and realize that’s not part of the standard library and you ask it “where did you get that” and it’s like “oh yeah sorry about that I don’t know”.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Again, please stop saying this removes protections for trans/gay.
What do you mean, again? You mean, for the first time? Because either you forgot you never said it or you’re trying to gaslight. I can’t read your mind. You don’t control me, nor anyone else. And do you want me to stop bringing it up because it’s hurting your argument? Should I throw in there too, there’s countries were you can be put to death for being Atheist? Or speaking out against the government. Why is it important for you to out these people or not consider them, because it very much seems like it’s one or the other. Why are you very much against increasing user security/privacy?
That information is already public
It’s sort of public, with steps. It should be, not public.
The blocking scenario is what happens now, you just wouldn’t know they made a new account unless you’re actually able to see it…
Are you new to the internet? That’s not how any of this would work. And I brought games in as an example, hoping to give an example you’d understand, clearly it didn’t.
If votes don’t matter now why not change it to a form where they do matter
Why should they matter? Why do you very clearly want to see what and how everyone votes? Are we going to implement social scores? If you’re upvote count isn’t high enough and your ration isn’t good enough,… hold on wasn’t there a Black Mirror episode with this exact premise?
So, if someone downvotes something, you expect them to defend it… but a simple upvote is perfectly acceptable. Just no, that’s never going to happen. Congrats you re-invented Facebook. Only upvotes and no counter feedback.
I’m genuinely lost as to why you’re not in favor if increasing security for users. I mean, I’ve given some simple examples but there’s honestly way more reasons why we don’t need everyone able to track everyone, to be able to stalk/harass everyone. And “banning” someone will do nothing since anyone who knows that’s a possibility, will just have a shadow account to monitor you.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
Agreed. I’ve never liked that it’s already as public as it is. I remember when Lemmy was taking off and there was a discussion and to me it seemed like people were in favor of Lemmy stepping up user security, but seems that never happened. If user security isn’t critical, than the Fediverse is a complete failure and should NOT be used by anyone for any reason.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
In my line of work, you need to plan and explore the extremes, else you haven’t planned and covered for everything.
So, going back to my example, say someone is trans/gay, if they can’t safely post/vote then they’re just effectively silenced. And there’s certain parts of the world where that freedom of expression might be very important to them. To safely and freely be themselves w/o worry of punishment. Making it easier to see just makes it easier for them to be discovered. Or when someone is put to death because they spoke out against something… are we going to start posting “We did it Lemmy!”.
Blocking them… means I know for certain it was someone. If I get a few downvotes right now, I can brush it off as random people. But once a name is attached, that’s when it’s going to escalate. And blocking them isn’t going to stop someone. They can just start a new account and continue and for some people, getting blocked is 100% just going to do that. We know this. Video games have been banning people for decades and that literally doesn’t stop them. Right now, votes don’t matter. If we remove that, votes will matter. And again, it’s not going to drive engagement like you think it is, let alone honest engagement. Have you left a response to every vote you’ve ever done explaining in detail why you voted that way in regards to something? If not, you’ve already failed your own ideals.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
I personally think it should be locked down and votes should be kept under a very tight lock and key.
I posted this already as a response, so I’ll sort of post it here. If we start mapping users to their IRL selves, and agencies can start capturing what someone votes on, you have a few problems. 1) Marketing agencies selling your data again. 2) Governments can start using someones posts against them. You’re might not, but there are several that will. And Lemmy is a global platform.