Dang it, why are they not working more jobs?!
I volunteer to run Dave Ramsey over with a bus. He’s an out of touch dipshit that no one should take seriously.
Submitted 10 months ago by M0oP0o@mander.xyz to aboringdystopia@lemmy.world
Dang it, why are they not working more jobs?!
I volunteer to run Dave Ramsey over with a bus. He’s an out of touch dipshit that no one should take seriously.
Mfer I’m about to move back with my parents specifically so I can buy a house. Even cutting back luxury spending (read: eating more than rice every night), my rent takes up too high of a percentage of my monthly income for banks to loan me money.
But I’d expect nothing more intelligent from a property-flipping UTK alumni. This kind of stupidity is exactly what that university spits out.
Yeah, but have you thought of instead of moving in with your parents you just worked jobs non stop? You don’t have to spend on housing if you work 24/7.
This man gets it!
This has been one of my friends suggestions to me, he brags about how he does bullshit jobs and works multiple at the same time and now is a perfect time for me work about 3 jobs at once even though he is a project manager and “software developer” and I am customer support and installation which means I have no time and work 50+ hours a week and am only allowed to bill 40. He makes 360k a year and works like 12 hours a week in total.
My dad recently suggested I hire people in India to do my job and then pocket the extra money and find a new job while they do my work.
I fucking hate modern society.
You should be getting 5 full time jobs, thats what our parents did, thats how they got it so nice! Bootstraps boy!!!
Delusional boomer vomits his priveliged opinion all over the stage. News at '11.
Just stop with the avocado toast and starbucks
…and those damned machiatos.
We millennials are this close 🤏 to not being blamed for everything. Come on gen z, it’s your turn!
Dave Ramsey is not a finance guru. He’s a corporate whore who is paid to shill whatever narrative he’s told to.
Ramsey is allowed a large platform because he kept to the script of never blaming real power for societies woes. But I wouldn’t even call this propaganda, it’s just older generations being assholes to younger ones. Nice world he’s leaving his family.
Why does the article mention his stupid opinion and then refute it with statistics?
At the turn of the millennium, the median house sold in the U.S. went for $165,300, per the St Louis Fed.
By the end of 2023 that median had increased more than 150% to over $417,000—excluding a peak at the end of 2022 when it sat at near $480,000.
The National Association of Realtors has highlighted income hasn’t kept pace—for more than half of 2023, the median family income didn’t meet the qualifying income to be able to purchase an existing home with a 20% deposit.
For those who may want to move out of their mother’s basement, rent has also more than doubled in the past 20 years while the median household income has increased just 10%, per the St Louis Fed.
Just leave that ghoul in the dustbin and quit feeding him.
Although it does feel like rage bait and they’re making money off the clicks/engagement…
If it’s true that they are
that would be good journalism right?
Yes, that’s true. At the same time though, the above points can be made about articles reporting what Trump said, but is it really necessary to publish such a piece or would resources be better spent elsewhere?
When he dies, let’s all eat avocado toast on top of his grave.
Another proof that boomers actually know shit about how the world now runs.
What a fucking idiot
Is there a non paywall link so I can at least read the article before calling him an out of touch piece of shit?
Try this one.
“Slams!” Everyone take a drink.
These people are out of touch. I’d like to see what happens when simply berating people doesn’t fix the problem. What an ass.
TheAlbatross@lemmy.blahaj.zone 10 months ago
I just signed a new lease on a single family home that went for $3,400 in 2020 and $4,100 in 2024, David.
SuperSynthia@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Funny enough ( not funny at all actually) your old grow up home adjusted for inflation accounts for just under $700k. So they added 900k on top of that. Over two times the price for the same home accounting for inflation
M0oP0o@mander.xyz 10 months ago
Something, something inelastic demand.
Alk@lemmy.world 10 months ago
I have to buy a house to take care of my aging mom (long story, it’s the best way I promise, I wish it wasn’t), and it will be my wife and I, my sister in law, and my mom with her retirement pay all living in and paying for one house, and we still can’t afford most 3 bedroom houses. Not even in a big city. It’s madness. The 3 non-retirees I listed all make more than minimum wage. It’s infuriating that 3 employed adults can’t afford to house and take care of one single elderly person in the current state of the US.