- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
Unfortunately, I don’t, but I can get an exam pretty quickly, I think. My friend/coworker really needs glasses in general and I’ve been bugging her to go, so maybe this is a good way to get her to finally do it, too.
- Comment on YSK: There's a protest today at noon at your state capitol. 3 weeks ago:
Ugh, I really need to order some glasses. I’m blind as a bat without contacts but I’m also not trying to end up literally blind if the cops break out the tear gas (and Denver PD is still settling lawsuits from the 2020 protests, so I have zero faith in them to not escalate). Didn’t have “buy glasses to protest the rise of fascism” on my 2025 bingo card but I probably should’ve.
- Comment on Eat that ramen 3 weeks ago:
It’s chill, we’re all gonna die of cancer from all the microplastics in our brains anyway. Or in Civil War II or something. Whatever.
- Comment on If it would solve world hunger, what would be the largest item you could fit in your ass? 1 month ago:
Is there like, prep time? Or do you just have to decide and make it happen on the spot?
- Comment on SAD 1 month ago:
Yeah dude, it was some time in 2014. I’m good with that.
- Comment on Yule Tidings 1 month ago:
Damn, look at this guy going right to the “bending the laws of the universe” boasts.
- Comment on Absolute slander 3 months ago:
Valid question. I haven’t eaten there in years.
- Comment on Absolute slander 3 months ago:
Maybe Chick-fil-A wouldn’t give them a third sauce packet. Did you ever think maybe this person was doing their best in a sauce-deprived world?
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
Oh yeah, and the misunderstanding could be solved if the leads had one 5 minute conversation.
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
The latter is Lifetime.
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
Just add her falling in love with (and then subsequently blowing up?) a man in a flannel shirt and I think you could talk hallmark into it.
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
Wow how dare you? Big city career woman goes home to small town for the holidays and falls in love with her childhood sweetheart and dumps her evil fiance who worked on Christmas, big city career woman who swore off men falls in love and surprise! he’s actually the prince of a small but wealthy English-speaking country in Europe, and big city career woman goes home to small town for the holidays and saves one of the local businesses from foreclosure and falls in love with the owner who is also hot Santa are totally different stories.
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 3 months ago:
The only thing I disagree with is that he finds being president stressful. He’s both incredibly stupid and lazy, so I don’t think he really even gives a shit about what his staff is doing as long as they keep jerking off his ego and don’t interrupt his golf and McDonald’s time. He’s likely not even aware of most of it, except whatever gets fed to him to post on social media.
- Comment on bitey 4 months ago:
Man, we gotta pump those numbers up. Get our bite force on the next level.
- Comment on "You'll end up in a van down by the river" if you do drugs, don't go to college, etc. advice never includes the warning: "Don't suffer major Depression that gives you complete apathy for existence." 4 months ago:
Jokes on those people, now people live in vans on purpose (and I definitely can’t afford one).
- Comment on Vinegar 4 months ago:
The vinegar situation where I am atm has kind of made me more depressed? Some of it is straight up ass, and the salt & vinegar chips have been pretty terrible across the board. I love vinegar, too, so I’m very sad. Maybe the vinegar has to taste good to work.
- Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 4 months ago:
Maybe she’s poisoning you just a tiny bit at a time. Kidding, but have you guys eaten a meal at home together without you feeling sick?
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 5 months ago:
My mom and I have talked about that kind of thing and she knows to call me directly if someone ever tries to say something happened to me. She’s not stupid, but maybe just not growing up with people constantly trying to scam her at every turn hasn’t prepared her for the depths these assholes will sink to, and they’ve gotten so much more sophisticated.
- Comment on New Email Scam Includes Pictures of Your House. Don’t Fall For It. 5 months ago:
I keep kind of hoping I get this one. I’m ace, so I definitely haven’t been watching porn of any kind, and my house has changed dramatically since the last time google came by, so it would just be entertaining. But then I see people on nextdoor all freaked out that “someone has pictures of their house,” and it makes me wish for a large, extremely targeted sinkhole to open up under all these scammers.
- Comment on Kevin's a lady's man 5 months ago:
Well in that case, can Kevin sleep with me?
- Comment on Humans should lay eggs 5 months ago:
No thank you. The eggs would have to be enormous to develop into a human baby, and laying one of those every month would suck.
- Comment on I hope you don't have any plans this evening. 5 months ago:
It’s almost 9pm where I am and there’s no sign of it. Jesus better hurry his ass up if he wants to be on time.
- Comment on Is assasin's creed origins good? 5 months ago:
I enjoyed it. It’s definitely a different feel than previous AC games, so if you go in hoping for that, you might be disappointed. I think it’s definitely worth checking out, especially if you can get it on sale.
- Comment on children 6 months ago:
Yeah, my teachers would’ve been pretty concerned if I couldn’t spell July in 4th grade (instead they were like, “she’s super book smart but holy shit she has zero social skills,” on all my report cards). But I guess you never know what else was going on. I have a friend with a learning disability who is smart but still can’t spell even as an adult. Some of my other friends are way smarter than me and spelling just isn’t their strong suit for whatever reason.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
Yes but the post title is what I was responding to.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
No kidding. I’m apparently the only person who has ever had an amicable divorce where we just realized we weren’t compatible and never felt the need to bash each other. The post-divorce crowd can be pretty dire. They should mandate a certain number of therapy sessions before you can sign up for a dating app.
- Comment on How does renouncing citizenship work? 6 months ago:
Yeah you didn’t remember correctly at all. The fee to renounce citizenship is ~$2300 for everyone. For the IRS piece, you file a final tax return the year you renounce citizenship, and they check to see if you’ve been compliant and paid everything you owe for the previous 5 years, but the exit tax only kicks in if you’re worth over $2 million, paid an average of a shitload of taxes (like more than twice the US median household income, so most people aren’t going to qualify) over the previous 5 years, or don’t certify that you’re in compliance. IF you have a lot of money, they treat it as though you’ve sold everything you own and calculate what that would be worth, deduct $821,000 (as of last year), then tax the rest of the amount they calculated. Then you’re done, unless you happen to have US income after that.
- Comment on Rural Towns Are Aging, Cash-Strapped and in Desperate Need of Workers 6 months ago:
The small town a lot of my family lived in has literally nothing to do. Going to Walmart and teen pregnancy were basically the activities of choice. Now meth (and teen pregnancy, tbh) is the activity of choice because people are so fucking bored. You couldn’t pay me to live there. Plus, the jobs that are available are almost universally garbage. It’s great that you’re happy there, but plenty of the people who live in those towns are miserable but don’t have the ability to leave for some reason or another.
- Comment on dumbass 7 months ago:
Yeah, but what about what the rest of us deserve? It’s so awful.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
Honestly, sounds like my dog. She would throw pretty much any other dog under the bus, especially the ones with the gall to approach her fence.