The US film industry has been operating for over a hundred years, routinely works with firearms, and yet only 3 people have died in firearms accidents that whole time.
I’m saying this for all the gun safety “experts”. I don’t care if you’re military, law enforcement, or a private gun owner, your embarrassing yourself by lecturing Hollywood’s on gun safety. 1 year ago
Wait he was handed live gun, which was supposed to fire blanks and yet it’s him getting charged and not the propmaster. what the fuck? what am I missing? 1 year ago
It’s never as simple as you think.
Analysis of the events and circumstances, and commentary by a lawyer: 1 year ago
He says that Baldwin is unlikely charged for firing the gun but more likely for being a producer who failed to ensure that the set is safe.
The thing is that he right now is being charged for firing the gun not for falling as a producer, that’s why it seems pretty weird like they are really trying to sack him for some reason. 1 year ago
I love me some Legal Eagle, but this video is 2 years old and at the beginning he says they don’t have the full facts yet and everything is speculative since they don’t know what happened. I’m wondering if there’s anything more recent with more info about what actually happened. 1 year ago
So, there is a part where he’s an executive producer and may have ignored warnings regarding safety. 1 year ago
Anything to a Wikipedia article on the incident it was the armorer that had previous experience with accidental discharges of firearms and I guess it’s the mere point of their presence during filming to make sure all guns are handled safely. Their job was to hand a safe gun to the actor, they didn’t do it and a person died. I don’t fucking see one reason to charge the actor, regardless of whether they happen to be a producer or not, and not charge the person actually responsible for the accident. 1 year ago
The armorer trial was pushed back to Feb. 21 of this year. 1 year ago
This would be David Halls, the assistant director. 1 year ago
It has to be someone’s job to make sure guns on set are safe 1 year ago
Yeah I don’t think anyone reasonable thinks Baldwin purposefully shot that person, it was a tragic accident that was preventable at a lot of levels and while I don’t think he would be culpable were he not producing the film and merely acting in it, the fact is he is because he was 1 year ago
Public scapegoat. 1 year ago
Even if that’s true, Alec bears legal responsibility. I’m left of USA “left,” so it’s not like I am wrongfully projecting unwarranted culpability onto Alec. I’ve no problems with anything I recall him saying. I understand the emotions that may be driving Alec’s refuseal to accept legal and moral responsibility. It still doesn’t make him less responsible, legally or ethically. 1 year ago
You’re hopefully missing someone on set, unlike Baldwin