Google develops selfie scanning software ahead of porn crackdown::undefined
Oh wow wtf is going on the UK. Prohibition never works , teenagers will be more interested in it. Ways to avoid and to overcome the system will appear.
Submitted 1 year ago by [bot] to
Google develops selfie scanning software ahead of porn crackdown::undefined
Oh wow wtf is going on the UK. Prohibition never works , teenagers will be more interested in it. Ways to avoid and to overcome the system will appear.
They’ve voted for conservatives 10 years running, even after realising that those same conservatives tricked them into Brexit…
…it’s a pretty ridiculous situation.
The annoying thing is that we haven’t really voted for conservatives.
Because of FPTP, it’s normal that ~35% of votes translates to having 100% of the say in governance, which is crazy.
And the worst part is that when multiple parties have anti-Tory stances, all that does is split the anti-Tory vote and hand the Conservative party more power.
Feelin the same here in the Land of Milk and Honey.
I know that people are scared and unsure, and that always leads them directly to authoritarianism (it did after the 1918 pandemic as well, seemingly). They want to feel safe. And any big liars and charlatans that tell them whatever they want to hear to satiate their fears, they’ll believe and follow. At this point I’m flummoxed. But I know that humans are built to adapt, and all this will all soon pass as well; in the big scope of things.
Like VPNs. Pretty simple.
Downside is it will push teens to free VPNs and those are almost always malicious.
Absolutely assinine regulatory decision brewed by people that do not understand how the world or people work at all.
They understand fine, but they’re pandering to people who aren’t capable of understanding.
You know all those multicolored hats finding exploits and creating botnets and such?
Boy am I interested in hearing about some obscure specializations and hacks in about 10 years. I bet Jack Rhysider is already getting excited.
Fancy exploits… Or at first maybe just a 17 year old wearing a costume mustache haha
Darknet Diaries is so good! I love his show.
So they’re collecting photos of minors who are most likely naked to protect those minors from the dangers of porn? Flawless work; the children are now safe.
It will probably say “by taking selfie I confirm that I am older than 18 or at least wear clothes” so it’s fine (legally (maybe))
If you read the article it’s not about naked selfies, it’s about verifying the age of people visiting porn sites
I saw a sign up/pay wall so I didn’t bother, but on principle this is fucked up enough to baselessly mock.
The technology is seen as an alternative to entering a credit card or uploading an ID because it does not involve handing over sensitive data.
Yeah sure unless you consider the depiction your face to be sensitive data, which I do.
Nah just change your face if need be.
This message was brought to you by the plastic surgeon’s union.
Average ‘Think about the children!!!’ Enshittification.
I for one cannot wait for the hacking of servers used by these websites that will allow for the blackmail of politicians.
I’m all for tracking and scanning of politicians devices. It will be a treasure trove of evidence for internal corruption and actual CP.
It’s like the UK government is trying to get Chinese level content restriction without openly admitting it…
There’s a lot more in that bill than just “protect little Timmy from the big bad titties”. It also gives a duty to “protect” users from, and allow reporting of, “illegal content”, and remember folks, whats legal today may well be illegal tomorrow!
The Conservatives come up with these “think about the children!!” porn things all the time, make headlines that their retiree voter-base loves, then silently drop the proposed changes because even they know it’s unworkable and idiotic. It’s like clockwork.
I’m not gonna lie, I learned some of my best moves by hitting that “Sure, I’m 18” button back in the day. Or I pirated it. And for previous generations, can you imagine age-blocking a box of porn in the woods?
Kids will find a way around this.
I’m not saying all of it is healthy but it doesn’t necessitate a complete lockdown.
Ah yes, learning moves from porn. Like, we all know women love the finger fish hook in the mouth thing, the violent rubbing of the clit (until she has to physically move your hand away), the slapping of the face, the cock down the throat until she gags and phlegm comes out her nose etc etc.
I’m exaggerating, but still. Porn is not sex ed. Be careful with what you learn.
And I agree, the measures to prevent kids from seeing porn all seem very privacy invading and ineffective. Maybe education is the solution, but even the idea of talking to kids about sex seem to make people’s heads explode for some reason.
Good sex as a whole is about experimenting, learning, respect, and, most importantly, consent. I personally wouldn’t have learned how to be a bit creative without some help from porn.
Tips and tricks can lead to more fulfilling relationships.
Ah yes, learning moves from porn. Like, we all know women love the finger fish hook in the mouth thing, the violent rubbing of the clit (until she has to physically move your hand away), the slapping of the face, the cock down the throat until she gags and phlegm comes out her nose etc etc.
Are you assuming all women like the same thing and all dislike the things you’ve mentioned? Because that’s not true, and you can take a trip to sex friendly commnunities for women and quickly find someone who “likes it rough” or whatever. You can say most people might not like that, and that could be true, but there are still people who do.
If you want to teach sex ed with a better focus on sexual pleasure, then you can do that in the last year of high school or college (when everyone has already reached the age where they can legally have sex), whichever is preferable. We don’t expect to learn maths from a sci-fi movie, but it certainly can inspire smart people to try for new scientific advancements - just like porn can inspire people to try new positions and techniques, if we actually educate people alongside so they’re aware of what is or isn’t necessarily pleasurable to everyone and that you should ask and talk to your partners to get to know what they’re into.
Wow i love the normalisarion of resteicting parts of the internet. Its almost fitting nineteen eigty four was set in london.
Not sure what it’s like in the UK, but some countries block all porn websites. To all ages.
We are headibg down a fucked path and its gonna damn hard to unfuck it
I think this might end up doing some good. Google unveils save-your-face-to-view-porn-inator, and some whiz kid somewhere will figure out a way to either bypass or fuck up facial recognition.
Hold up a picture of an adult in front of your phone.
Hold up a picture of a conservative politican, then dig in!
It being a bad idea aside, couldn’t teens just show the camera any picture of an adult? Supposedly the system doesn’t save the photo anywhere, so how would it know?
Ha. And the UK will buy it too
How are they going to stop someone bypassing it by just holding up a photo of someone older? Like cameras can’t tell the difference between 2d and 3d.
Imagine getting carded by your phones AI (random person on task rabbit) because you look to young to look at porn. 1 year ago
People about to view porn love to have their picture taken and uploaded to a database. I see literally no problems with this whatsoever. 1 year ago
Would make more sense to do that on people in the videos. Prevent child pornography or teen nudes. Let teenagers watch porn, we did that in the 90s