- Comment on bird flu 1 month ago:
Not to be that guy but 50,000 people is still a lot. Percentages are great because if they’re very low we tend to like that but it doesn’t change the absolute number.
The real comparison isn’t how safe the vaccine is, its how safe the vaccine is compared to getting the disease it’s preventing. Every medical product is not about zero harm or low harm, it’s about harm reduction. If medical therapies didn’t cause harm, we wouldn’t have chemo treatments and we would be much worse at treating cancers.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
Sorry to hear that but I can definitely understand why that would happen lol. That button is getting a lot of action.
Have you figured out any way to mitigate the arthritis issue? I know there are accessibility controllers out there to help with that. Would hate to hear that it causes you to play games less if that’s the case.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
Luckily this game just clicked for me in that way with the parry system but I get why people would immediately be turned off if they couldn’t get it down.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
I wouldn’t say it’s really bugs I experienced, the game just seems to play fast and loose with its hitboxes at times. Some of it is fine and it’s a game that needs to be playable so I understand but I think most souls players have had the experience of being hit by a weapon whose speed is nearly zero at the end of a swing but still does full damage, it’s just how the games have always been from what I can tell.
That and being hit because I’m too close to an enemy so the cylinder hitbox around their sword clips me, that happens. Or being hit while behind or beside an enemy happens sometimes. Just frustrating in this game more than most because when those confusing hits do happen, they do massive damage that is harder to recover than it would be in a souls game.
Also very good to hear the final boss is what I’m working toward. I know Owl 2 is optional but I wanted to push myself. I’m fine with the difficulty but the fight was pretty silly and grindy. Just highlighted some of the issues I had with other enemies but I’m not judging the whole game on either that or the demon.
And yes you’re spot on about the demon lol. My thoughts exactly were that it seems just ported from another game and utilizes few of the mechanics I’ve been honing my skills at.
I did think it was the final boss though so hearing people talk about how the actual final boss is better is giving me hope. The souls games are at their peak when you finish a final boss and feel like a Karate kid moment where the wax on wax off of the systems are showing their merit of teaching you to master them. Looking forward to it and thanks for your input
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
I think that’s why I don’t enjoy this as much as other souls games. It means you spend a lot less time just wandering and slowly getting to a new room or hallway bit by bit. And there aren’t a whole lot of regular enemies that I have to square off against, just mini bosses. The levels also don’t have the same variance to them that other Souls games do, it’s all pretty locked in reality.
So yeah I can’t say I will super remember the locations like I do with other souls games or remember certain enemies like I would the knight archers of Anor Londo. It feels more like a boss rush game
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
They are all over the place for certain enemies, you’re probably just used to it and are using sound and rhythm for most of it. Which is something I’ve had to get used to but I noticed many of the enemies make it harder to learn them because what I expect vs what I get out of the parry makes less sense.
I think most of the sword based enemies you’re correct, their attacks are fair and the timings make sense. It’s on the other enemies that I have issues. Specifically any spear enemy or any enemy who puts their weapon in the wall or floor or any enemy who has an exceptionally large weapon.
For enemies that put their weapon in the floor, of which there are quite a few in this game, they are incredibly hard to parry. How are you supposed to parry a weapon you can’t see coming? You just have to memorize the timing on most of them.
Similarly due to how circles work, if you’re close to an enemy with a large weapon you’re going to get hit sooner if you’re closer to them. Works mostly fine if the enemy is still, this makes sense to the brain. But when the enemy is jumping, flying, moving quickly it makes it very hard to even understand when the weapon might land. And if you’re close up to one of these enemies, the hitbox often extends even from the hilt of their sword. For instance I’ve been hit several times while hugging an enemy who thrusts away from me toward the side but the hilt of their sword does damage to me because its hitbox is likely a cylinder.
It’s not the worst thing in the world, it’s an improvement from other souls games. But they even do this intentionally just to mess with you and make swing speed varied at times even though there’s no way you can do it visually for some enemies.
So yes the timings are all over the place but it’s even intentional. Each different weapon used by the different enemies is something you must die and learn to parry. On the whole it’s mostly fair, but certain enemies it’s deliberate and frustrating.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
Definitely I appreciate that. I’ll see how the ending goes and maybe give NG+ a shot. Just have a lot of other patient games on the list ya know? Either way thanks for your input!
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
It’s possible my perspective may change for sure. It’s happened before to me with the souls series. I initially didn’t like bloodborne but it grew on me so we’ll see how the ending works out.
Also, I only found that fight because of a walkthrough. Normally I don’t use walkthroughs but I got the game stuck to where I needed to converse with an NPC before the game would progress. It wasn’t one of the main ones so I got very confused and had to look it up and I read too much lol. I do have a lot of other games to play though so I wanted to experience the harder optional route while I could in case I never came back to it.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew that the steps you take to even just find the owl memory were not something intended for first time players to do but since I found his first fight so easy I wanted to explore it. Not judging the whole game on that fight either for obvious reasons but it did solidify some of these things for me.
Either way we’ll see how I get on and what I think of the final boss, thanks for the comments
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
Oh no worries, I should clarify that I’m not finding the game to be too difficult. If anything, it’s been kind of easy because I got the combat down pretty quickly. I haven’t been dying to bosses very often at all until I hit that second Owl fight.
As crazy as NG+ 13 is, I don’t think I’m going to go through it again for NG+. Even with the higher difficulty enemies, I just think the combat is almost too straightforward.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
That is indeed a decent boss battle. But I do think the game has a wide range of battles. Most of the sword battles are great, I really liked the first Owl fight. But the other fights? They kind of feel like filler at times.
I will say that the game is mostly fair but I’ve died a fair bit to some things beyond my control. The camera in particular is a real struggle at times particularly when fighting indoors.
As for me being too good, I actually think that’s probably fair. The Genichiro fight I think I cleared on my first or second attempt. The other bosses mostly were 10 attempts or less. The only one that has given me trouble so far is the second Owl fight that took me dozens on dozens of attempts. And the fire demon doesn’t seem so easy.
Even then though maybe I’ve played too many souls games. They don’t feel as fresh anymore. Like being honest I don’t think the world design is all that great in Sekiro when comparing to bloodborne or DS3. Same with enemies. I can’t really name too many places from Sekiro that have stuck with me or feel different. Whereas with dark souls; Anor Londo will be seared into my brain along with various swamps and boss arenas. But hey, at least the story is great in sekiro so it’s got that in spades.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
I’ll be honest, that may be one of the issues. I found about 90% of Sekiro to be easy for a souls game. Most bosses I attempted 10 times or less. Until the last few bosses I had no issues so maybe I just find it boring because I don’t die very often?
But even the hard fights didn’t feel like huge achievements because I knew the very next boss was 5 minutes away. Maybe the game is a bit too boss heavy for my tastes, I don’t know.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
Appreciate the detailed response. I think there are merits to what you’re saying about the combat being very tight but it’s extremely demanding of the player on those specific skills and that’s exactly what I find incredibly boring about it actually.
Sekiro is at its best for me when there are sparks flying and I’m fending off a flurry of blades left and right, getting those perfect timings and sussing out the beat to which the enemy is coming at me with. Even some of the regular enemies do a great job at showcasing what’s possible with the system.
But then I hit the second Owl fight. In this fight you are fending off attacks that it does not matter if you fend off or not. You will spend minutes fending off attacks for a one or two hit window to chip at damage. You will do this over and over again for 15 minutes. It’s boring. And if you get clipped by a hitbox or dodge at the wrong time, instant death. It makes all of the flaws of the game including the camera and lock on system just come out in full force.
Let me put it this way: I feel like a speed runner trying to execute what I know are the exact right moves over and over again for 10-15 minutes without making minor mistakes. As opposed to other souls games where the combat would ebb and flow, this game is one speed and you must approach enemies a few ways at most. That’s the part that gets boring is that I can’t go in going “I’m going to try to dodge this differently” and instead I’m going back in thinking “I sure hope I hit jump at this one part faster” or “don’t miss that one parry or you die” or “how do I avoid that broken hitbox?”
Specifically I had to take a break after fighting the fire demon and seeing it about to charge forward so I dodge behind it, only to die from it charging away from me despite have multiple feet of distance between us. This isn’t the first fight this type of thing has happened in either. The sumo dude in the memory is pretty bad for this as well.
Have you ever noticed that about these games? Maybe I’m off base but I feel like FromSoft is almost like Bethesda in the way that they have some rough edges to a game demanding perfection from you but a lot of people just say it adds to the difficulty or that it’s expected. It’s not massive issues but I’ve lost many fights in this game to stuff that wasn’t my fault at all.
- Submitted 2 months ago to | 40 comments
- Comment on Patient gamer badge of honor on the Steam Replay 2024 2 months ago:
In defense of my 12% new games, a lot of that is Humble Bundles fault
- Comment on Witcher 1&2 are probably worth playing 3 months ago:
That was my impression. Not only was it shorter but I also didn’t feel like playing it twice so it just felt like I missed out on the story with Roche. I enjoy branching paths the way that W3 does it where you get different dialog and occasionally different events but having it be split down the middle is just annoying.
- Comment on Witcher 1&2 are probably worth playing 3 months ago:
That is true and I played for a bit on the deck. People should be aware though that even when configured right it doesn’t play similarly to 2&3 though
- Comment on Witcher 1&2 are probably worth playing 3 months ago:
You really should. Like I said play the first hour and if you aren’t into it that’s probably a sign. But it’s very funny, I hope you have fun with it!
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 15 comments
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
It’s more than just efficient, personally I think it feels pretty good too
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
That’s what makes it so great lol
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
Sly cooper 1, crash twinsanity, Witcher 3, Banjo-Kazooie, Hi-Fi Rush, Nier Automata
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 3 months ago:
Yeah I don’t agree with that either considering that any Joe Blow could essentially snipe a community either with an unpopular instance federating and posting garbage (which mods on other instances can’t even remove) or by using a popular instance to create that duplicate community and then posting content there that even more people are likely to see and siphon away from an already established community.
Second option is also a bad idea, the less guardrails the better.
My solution is one I’ve discussed with many people on Lemmy now. What we need are topics or in other words, the ability for reposts on followed communities not to be seen more than once. If that feature also allows for federating the actual repost to where by default all comments to to the same thread, that would be perfect.
This enables people to post to a main community and a niche community at the same exact time without spamming members who follow both communities. Then the main community gets alerted of the niche communities existence and the niche community benefits from the content.
That way we develop this sort of hub system that’s really nice where the general communities like a gaming community aren’t just generic, they feature posts from all niches in that sphere and alert you to new stuff you might enjoy. That’s my rant.
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Denuvo respond to their rep for tanking games - "I'm a gamer myself, and therefore I know what I'm talking about" 4 months ago:
Not to mention that some of the cracks are incredibly lightweight in the first place so even disabling a small amount of their code would improve things. Removing the encryption mechanisms alone works wonders.
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
The idea with cross posts should be that large and general communities like the “Gaming” community or whatever is where cross posts from niche communities go. And if you browse there, expect duplicates.
What that does is allow everyone to browse the larger communities, especially when they join, and see it as a sort of hub for their topic of interest.
And it works out because if I can go to the main topic community and see content from retro gaming communities, patient gamers, gaming news, and maybe gaming hardware releases then we have a more cohesive community instead of fractured ones. It’s easier to engage that way and also prevents the large communities from becoming just spam with no OC in it. But I do agree, a way to eliminate multiple notifications or placements of my posts would be great to make it a topic instead.
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
It’s never been a mod issue for me, I think it always ends up being a CPU problem. Though you’re correct that it could also be mods but I’ve had this problem throughout the years on every rig I’ve tried it on. Even consoles have that problem unfortunately. It’s not as noticeable, but it’s still there and can’t hold 60.
Power armor is weird and I actually ended up hating it by the time I was done. With the hard mods, it was kind of required in order to venture out into the atomic crater. So I’d inevitably go out there and within a handful of minutes a piece would break off. Cool, what do I do about that? Well not much, you’re just screwed.
Now it’s great and all that they put repair stations all around but I often wasn’t carry the resources to repair and they weren’t in the station. So add 5-10 minutes of walking around picking up steel and circuits to fix my armor.
In my opinion they could have had mobile repair kits craftable, the repair stations could have just repaired for no cost, and each piece of the armor really didn’t need to be its own part. Just makes them tedious to deal with honestly and unless you really need the armor, it’s just better not to use it imo.
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
I’m not too knowledgeable on that front but I will say that this mod pack kind of sidelines the main story content a lot. You’ll still end up doing it but I think the issue is having to do all of the story all at once and going out of your way to do it. Here I pretty much got to the point where I was just doing main quest stuff whenever I was nearby and skipping through the dialog. I put the main story off until the very end mostly. The mods create so many quests (pretty good ones btw) that I was way more interested in those anyways. You could play through this pack and barely ever touch the main story and leave plenty satisfied.
Not to mention the DLCs are actually really good and Far Harbor itself is very long. The mods also make good use of the DLCs and add to them. So yeah the main story here is a total side quest you can basically ignore if you want to. If you end it with the Fens, you only end up doing 75% of the story and skip almost all of the institute BS
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
I’m very mixed on the voiced MC. In FO4 in some ways it prevents roleplaying but also never actually tells you who your character even is. They end up a boring blank slate you ignore.
They just needed to pick a lane. Either have a voiced MC and have them be a character themselves that we aren’t free to define everything about or have them be silent to give us freedom.
They chose to leave it in the middle and gave our character a voice so we could… hear the dialog we picked be said incorrectly worded and out loud? I like seeing my character in cutscenes but really we need personality options next time at the very least.
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
Apologies, I do that with some thought behind it but I’m sure it annoys people.
The general thing is that you can post in a niche community, get limited engagement and only the niche benefits.
Or you can post in a large community, then the niche community suffers and appears inactive.
Or you can do what I did and cross post it, annoying people that exist in all 3 places but making the niche community active while engaging the larger community.
Is that bad? Judging by your comment, yes. I’m concerned Lemmy has an issue though with niches not appearing in those larger communities though specifically because no one cross posts. Thoughts?
- Comment on Fallout 4 is a great game with big flaws 4 months ago:
That’s pretty much how I feel, they should have made the scrap very light weight or zero weight to begin with.
The Sim Settlements stuff kind of redeemed the systems, it appears to add a lot of that autonomy and you just place plots and people start working. That and it actually had an amazing set of quests to go with it, like hours of content. I was quite surprised.
That mod also adds in the ability to go to war with people and have your settlement do battle which is neat. I didn’t get that far into it but it’s an option. I just didn’t see what the ultimate goal of it was and since it doesn’t factor into the story, I didn’t really care much.
I agree with the overall sentiment but also in case you’re wondering, I finished this at over double that level. I think I was close to level 130 when I stopped, which is insane for that game. Did let me make use of the perks though which was nice.