- Comment on What host names do you use? 2 days ago:
Desktop: HAL9000 laptop: HALjr Phone: HALnano Then HALserver, HALprinter (octoprint), HALhome (home assistant) and so on… Big fan of Stanley Kubrick haha Tried to get the domain name but it was taken…
- Comment on Brother accused of locking down third-party printer ink cartridges via forced firmware updates, removing older firmware versions from support portals 5 days ago:
Fuck I just got rid of my 2008 BW laser brother and bought a new one that hasn’t arrived. Thanks for the warning, at least I will be able to set my firewall before I even connect it to my network
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 week ago:
I mean, it’s quite clear that there are Jewish space lasers, I saw them in this documentary many years ago
- Comment on Let's talk about Prusa Printables contests. It might need some fixing. 8 months ago:
Lol yeah that too
- Comment on Let's talk about Prusa Printables contests. It might need some fixing. 8 months ago:
Honestly my biggest issue is with not moderating out the dozens of ridiculous entries that are either unrelated or just tinkercad screenshots of unprintable objects that were slapped together without even knowing how to use the align tool. Bonus for the ones that are not even screenshots but photos of someone’s monitor showing their ridiculous tinkercad thing. Like, what are they thinking? Why even submit?
I like contests as curated collections for me to browse through, and the scrolling through all that crap kinda annoys me. Maybe they’re curating them out now, it’s been a while since I looked through them. I know it’s a minor pet peeve thing lol
- Comment on I'm a professional. 10 months ago:
PS.: peeked your profile after responding, and ehrmmm I am actually going into IT work, which is what I have done on the side to sustain life while being a professor. I have been divided between tech and humanities for a long time, and have mixed both in my career. Also keep my side gig doing custom 3D printing for local artists, but that’s just because I enjoy it :)
- Comment on I'm a professional. 10 months ago:
Well, I am a professor at a university, which involves teaching and research (at a research focused gig, so not excessive on the teaching load). I wouldn’t call myself a historian of aviation really, but a historian of technology - but my dissertation and hence first (and only) book is primarily about aviation so that would potentially cause lots of folks to think historian of aviation, but I already moved on to other topics, so aviation was not my focus really, but rather aviation’s role as a technology in a particular process that is the actual thing I was focusing on (territorial expansion and colonization through aviation). So, if historian colleagues ask what I do, it’s history of tech and history of the geographical region I focus on. If someone outside the profession asks, sure, history of aviation.
All that said, my long and (pejoratively speaking) academic explanation is kind of a moot point, since I am unfortunately quitting academia because I am too underpaid to guarantee my kid a secure future. So the next project I had, on the history of hydroelectric dams and their environmental impacts, will not come to fruition
- Comment on boogie worms 11 months ago:
Ha, I lived there for a brief period of time. Never thought I would see Sopchoppy’s Worm Grunting Festival mentioned on Lemmy lol
- Comment on Help finding a new notes app 11 months ago:
Yeah, I just learned about this but I’m gonna stick with it. Might offer some help to the guys starting the fork organization
- Comment on Help finding a new notes app 11 months ago:
Oh man, I just got super invested into it a few months ago, bummer. Well, I guess I am sticking with it though for now, works well enough for me as-is, and hopefully the guys that are organizing the fork of it are successful!
- Comment on Help finding a new notes app 11 months ago:
I am really happy with Trilium. Powerful enough to do lots of things, simple enough to just take notes. The install comes with some neat templates for the advanced stuff. Running on docker on my Synology, I can use the web UI there but I prefer the desktop client.
- Comment on What is your favourite camera setup? 11 months ago:
Had never heard of mainsail before, looks so nice !
- Comment on What is your favourite camera setup? 11 months ago:
I did a nozzle cam setup with a cheap borescope out of eBay once, and definitely loved watching that first layer. Eventually it gave in to the heat and I haven’t bothered to replace yet though. Also multiple cameras on octopi was a bit of a pain to set up when I did it, but that was 2-3 years ago
- Comment on Google develops selfie scanning software ahead of porn crackdown 1 year ago:
Fancy exploits… Or at first maybe just a 17 year old wearing a costume mustache haha
- Comment on how much backing up would you do of a media server? 1 year ago:
I was just thinking about this recently. For my original data I already have multiple copies: 2 desktop PCs, home and office, synced with a home NAS, adding a server in the office soon too, laptop has everything but photos (which is a lot since I am into photography and timelapses). My non original media has only one copy, but will soon have a second copy in the server at my office.
But I can’t count on using my office at my job as a long term thing. For my original data, I have been planning on getting something like Backblaze for a full professional off-site copy. For all my non original media, well… It would be ok to lose it I suppose, but I would rather not. Would this be a good use case for some sort of other stable media? I forgot what it was called, but I recently saw a post about some high density disk (like some sort of multi TB blu ray disk thing?) That seems like a decent solution, better to lose 1 year of piracy instead of 20 years of piracy haha. I have lots of obscure stuff that would be hard to get again, curated by and copied from cinephile and audiophile friends, rare movies I ripped from university library DVD discs and even VHS tapes!
Maybe I need to start learning about some alternative storage media for that stuff. Anyone have suggestions? Some sort of tape or disc for this kind of large but immutable media?
- Comment on After I’m Gone Backup Solution 1 year ago:
This is really good, I just realized I read it a while back, and it prompted me and and a technically competent friend to at the very least be each other’s bitwarden “killswitch” users - forget what it’s called, the person that can take over your vault if you are dead/disappear, it is configurable in different ways, like if they request access and you don’t respond by X days, they get it. We don’t have the same skill set, but are both competent enough to figure it out or find someone that can access everything needed if given all the credentials stored there. I should do more and document, but this is a first good step if shit hits the fan
- Comment on Enjoy it! 1 year ago:
Came here to say 8 years myself, now I’m on year 7 on TT and about to say fuck it and go into industry
- Comment on First Print with a 0.8 Nozzle! 1 year ago:
What’s that filament?
- Comment on I'm a professional. 1 year ago:
I am a historian, who even in this scenario would be one of the least useful… But I work on history of aviation, so maybe that could work out somehow lol
- Comment on Seed Sprouter 1 year ago:
Looks great! Saved it to my gardening collection for when I finally have time for hobbies again (work sucking the life out of me right now)