Those idiots hahaha, but like, just for fun, can you give me a cliffnotes summary to jog my memory
Submitted 1 day ago by to
Comments 23 hours ago 23 hours ago
Nazi Germany signed agreements with European and Soviet countries to not invade them and then did it anyways. 22 hours ago
Worse, the Molotov Ribbentrop pact was dividing up Europe between the Soviet Union and Germany. That’s why the Soviet Union invaded Poland together with Germany, and took the eastern half. 23 hours ago
It’s worse: unlike Molotov, Zelensky didn’t even bring the cocktails. 21 hours ago
Too bad he didn’t. It would’ve saved us Canadians a lot of work burning the White House again. 21 hours ago
You mean bread baskets. Molotov brought the bread baskets and received cocktails. 22 hours ago
This is not a showerthought and it obviously breaks rule #3.
Moderation please. 20 hours ago
Who was surprised by it? You can just know the last 10 years of US history to be in no way surprised.
Also, yeah, not a shower thought 23 hours ago
[deleted] 22 hours ago
Trump and Vance have massive balls to be able to stand up to that guy trying to raise money and support for his country that was invaded.
Trump definitely isn’t butthurt that he was impeached during his last term because Zelenskyy didn’t say bad things about Biden while Trump was threatened to hold back US’s aid to Ukraine then. 21 hours ago
They sounded like petulant spoiled children, talking over Zelensky constantly. There is nothing statesmanlike about either of them. They’re like a couple of mouthy second hand car salesmen who think they are the bee’s knees. They don’t care for peace, only in lining their pockets. It was embarrassing. 20 hours ago
🤮🤮🤮 22 hours ago
“Glad someone other than Putin had the ball’s to stand up to (him)…”
It’s not like Donny & JD were the first to stand up to that monstrous megalomaniac. 23 hours ago
No, it’s you who didn’t get what’s the scandal about. The problem is not (I mean that also is a problem, but that exists regardless of what happened during that meeting) the political context.
It is that the bar, again, for what is doable was lowered. A literal state president was bullied in front of a nation. It was a provocation and a display of the new tone between potential allies.
And that’s indeed concerning regardless of the (also concerning) “trade” offer.