- Comment on Spent half an hour on it. Felt good. 2 days ago:
I worked at a lot of different tech companies, and it will be read or at least analyzed in some way for sure. They care about your wallet and why it closes.
- Comment on How do you feel about someone taking the coins people tossed into a fountain or other public waterworks display for "wishes?" 3 days ago:
Often, that money is used to fund the historical site to which the fountain belongs, they are basically donations.
- Comment on Is using MicroSD cards a good way to store data that you can destroy quickly incase an adversary is about to seize control of it? 4 days ago:
The way to do this is plausible deniability. There is software that allows creating an encrypted volume with two passwords, resulting in two different decrypted volumes. So you give the duress password and there is no incriminating data on there.
For example grapheneOS also has a duress pin that wipes the device.
- Comment on Apple takes UK to court over 'backdoor' order 4 days ago:
Don’t trust the corpos but Apple has a history of resisting stuff lime this.
- Comment on China Reportedly Set to Roll Out Nationwide RISC-V Chip Push, with Policy Expected by March | TrendForce News 4 days ago:
It’s really funny to me how so many people are going surprised pikachu over China tech not being crap.
They started with basic manufacturing until no one could beat them, stole everything they could to close the tech gap. But behind that, invested massively into education to the point that they are producing more engineers than the rest of the world combined. They may not be super creative but they are competent enough. Also if one in a million is a genius the “West” has 800 but China has 1500. So yes, of course now their domestic designs will catch up or surpass western ones.
Basically China spent the last 50 years systematically going through the techtree and minmaxing their spies, while the west just kind of aimlessly clicked around.
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 5 days ago:
If they are owned by people, all the assets of the grocery store are personal assets and wealth of the individuals owning them.
- Comment on Apple refuses to break encryption, seeks reversal of UK demand for backdoor - Ars Technica 5 days ago:
No, because if you know its not encrypted you behave differently than when you think it is.
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 5 days ago:
I will post this every time.
Billionaires have an unhealthy concentration of power, but they don’t have a billion on their bank account. They own companies that are worth that much. They also aren’t necessarily assholes.
Germany has many medium sized companies. They mostly treat their employees really well. Good pay, guaranteed jobs for their kids, etc. Many for sure are worth over a billion. And they are privately owned, so the owners are billionaires or close to it. So what is supposed to happen to those companies ownerships? Would it really be better if they are publicly owned?
I’ve come around to think that a wealth tax is necessary, but it’s for sure complicated.
- Comment on Billionaires shouldn't exist 5 days ago:
You realize that a single grocery store with all of its stock is likely already worth more than 1000x median income? Who does the grocery have to be sold to to pay your 100% tax?
- Submitted 6 days ago to | 14 comments
- Comment on Why build for tomorrow when it's someone else's tomorrow? 1 week ago:
- Comment on i feel like a fictional character is right there, am i going insane? 1 week ago:
Get yourself a carbon monoxide detector, that stuff is deadly and should be ruled out first.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Worse, the Molotov Ribbentrop pact was dividing up Europe between the Soviet Union and Germany. That’s why the Soviet Union invaded Poland together with Germany, and took the eastern half.
- Comment on [Question] Which prosody docker image are you using and why? 1 week ago:
Exactly the opposite for me, using official container images is a major time save.
- Comment on Potential email verification issue due to a post promoting on /r/BuyFromEu 1 week ago:
Jo, 4xx is a client error, if it was a server error should be 5xx.
- Comment on Github scam investigation: Thousands of "mods" and "cracks" stealing your data 1 week ago:
I always wondered about the security aspect of gaming and mods. It feels understudied.
- Comment on Proxmox setup - help needed 1 week ago:
The containers will store their data in volumes, and ideally those volumes are individual ZFS datasets. The containers themselves are stateless, and you can just boot them up with the volume to “restore” them.
However if you want to learn proxmox anyway this is a moot point anyway.
- Comment on Proxmox setup - help needed 1 week ago:
Some concerns:
- get multiple smaller harddrives and put them into some kind of RAID / zpool with redundancy. the drives will fail.
- there is absolutely zero reason to have a VM per service when a container will do. There are no advantages. But VMs will take significantly more resources and be harder to right-size. There is no restore/backup advantage using VMs.
- for that reason there is also no reason to use proxmox in the first place, unless you want to learn proxmox. Truenas scale for example comes with pre-installed k3s.
- I would get a separate hardware firewall because it makes easier to expand the network later.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
He eats less than he burns. Could be just high level of base activity - even just walking around a bunch makes a huge difference, much more than sports. Or could be very low appetite.
- Comment on That explains a lot 1 week ago:
Unfortunately an Alcubierre drive dumps a shitload of high energy radiation in the direction of travel when it stops. We would sterilize every world we get to.
- Comment on A central tool to monitor multiple solutions via their own API 1 week ago:
Anything based on nagios supports custom checks, via any executable script.
- Comment on Any nice playbook or tutorial to host a static website from home? 1 week ago:
cp -r my-files/* /var/www``|
- Comment on Help me selfhosted, I'm in over my head! 1 week ago:
I wouldn’t use it unless you have a separate room somewhere, they are VERY loud.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on Custom Attributes in Authentik OIDC 2 weeks ago:
In the oidc provider in authentik you have to enable sending the groups. I forgot what its called.
- Comment on Custom Attributes in Authentik OIDC 2 weeks ago:
Roles in authentik are for permissions in authentik. You want a group instead. Group memberships are send via OIDC.
- Comment on How does secure boot in computers work, and how is the default Windows Secure Boot different from the Secure Boot of an alternate OS (such as Linux)? 2 weeks ago:
Basically it works by every component validating the next one before loading it.
- UEFI validates the bootloader
- Bootloader validates the OS
They do this by checking a cryptographic signature. Specifically, UEFI checks that the bootloader is signed by a certificate that is in turn signed by a certificate authority (CA). You can upload custom CA keys in the UEFI interface.
Per default, every UEFI ships with the Microsoft CA. That does not mean you can only run secureboot with Windows and you absolutely should enable secureboot on every machine you own. Microsoft does sign other signing keys allowing them to be also used with secureboot. For example, every major Linux distro has keys signed by the Microsoft CA and so secureboot works out of the box with those.
Even if you have an OS that does not have a signing key signed by the Microsoft CA, you can upload your own secureboot keys to get around that.
It should be pretty clear at this point that all of this is pointless if you do not set a UEFI password.
- Comment on Open source maintainers are feeling the squeeze 2 weeks ago:
I’m not sure if you’ve ever had a public project, but for most people, be it YouTube, twitch, github, whatever, its not so easy. Negative comments grate on you, and, over time, can really take a toll.
William Osman interviewed a bunch or creators about this:
Its not as easy as to call people out. Some people go great lengths out of spite, doxx you, send you death threats… Is it really worth it? Not that a “fuck off” will work anyway.
You say people will join you but they really don’t. The reality is there are a ton of crucial open source projects being run by one person on the edge of burnout. See curl, xy, etc.
Money absolutely would help and I wish the EU would put additional funding into this.
- Comment on Help Reviewing My Server Setup? 3 weeks ago:
I would put truenas on the NAS, also put a VM on truenas with 16-24G of RAM.
Create a kubernetes or docker swarm cluster with server 1 and the nas vm and just have everything as containers. This way you just have one resource pool, and the containers will be started wherever there are enough resources available. The containers will mount NFS shares from truenas which truenas will create automatically as ZFS datasets. ZFS supports snapshots.
- Comment on Some examples of video games with an UI layout ripped off of another game? 3 weeks ago:
I just want to voice the thought that “ripped off” is not a good term for this. It has a very negative connotation. The reality is, people try all kinds of stuff and whatever works sticks. That’s a good thing.