Personal politics, what age do they live in? Gender neutral has been the norm for quite some time. Females are welcome to exist, both as users and as developers.
don't use ladybird browser lol
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
As a non-native speaker, I really have a lot of problems using a plural word as singular. When I read it, I always have to read twice to check whether one or more people are meant. I rather read and use “she/he” even with the additional typing. 7 months ago
Some people don't identify as either of those. And there already is a common word that can be used for either singular or plural, which is "you." 7 months ago
you don’t understand the language and thus everyone should comply with you? i’d rather read correct english than what you find more understandable 7 months ago
“they” ist kein Pluralwort. “they” ist ein Pronomen der 3. Person Singular sowie der 3. Person Plural. Das ist genau so, wie “you” ein Pronomen der 2. Personal Singular und der 2. Person Plural ist. 7 months ago
The issue is 3 years old, I honestly dont know why it is being dredged up again. I also dont know why any of this matters, use something else if you care about the dev beliefs some years ago. 7 months ago
The Ladybird browser, which is highly related to this project, just did a PR event yesterday. That’s why it’s coming up years later, right after people were alerted to the project and it got more scrutiny. I appreciate knowing about this, as opposed to not knowing about it. It gives me the chance to evaluate whether I want to dedicate energy into supporting a browser primarily being developed by a sexist who thinks not being a cis male == politics. 7 months ago
Because trolls have nothing better to do. 7 months ago
They live in the C++ age. 7 months ago
You joke but I realised I feel exactly the same about this as I do about the choice of C++, which is: deep sigh ok sure 7 months ago
Not allowed to call them “females” any more. 7 months ago
I must’ve missed that announcement at the last antifa meetup. 7 months ago
Not every development team sees these issues as significant. Please fuck off, riling up a 3 year old PR is not a good look. 7 months ago
What an odd thing to double down on 7 months ago
It’s understandable to get offended at this, but really it could be a lot worse. Also probably we should separate the project from the developer, because with this logic, we shouldn’t even be using Lemmy, since the main devs are controversial to some people. 7 months ago
Not everyone here uses Lemmy. 7 months ago
…what? You’re on Lemmy. THIS is Lemmy. I don’t get what you mean. Or maybe you don’t get what you mean? 7 months ago
Who are Lemmy’s main devs controversial to? 7 months ago
AFAIK the devs are supporting communist ideologies, especially maoism and they like the USSR’s demolition of independence revolutions like the hungarian 1956 and the checzh 1968 uprising.
They also made a controversial statement about the Uyghur genocide too. I’m not sure about the specifics tho. 7 months ago
They run lemmygrad and are dedicated communists, as well as having a very opinionated “bad words” filter that’s hard coded into the lemmy server software and not configurable without building it yourself. 7 months ago
some people 7 months ago
sane people 7 months ago
Almost everyone. 7 months ago
additional transphobia… 7 months ago
This framing made me read the comment in the link as a transphobic joke (“ha ha I won’t accept your change of gender ie will misgender you”) which would have been a pretty smoking gun if left there, and in case anyone else makes the same incorrect interpretation I’d like to warn them that they’re talking about grammatical gender, in the PR.
I think it’s a stretch to call this transphobia; if anything it’s good ol’fashioned sexism, but a pretty tame one. 7 months ago
user could be used by an advanced alien specie, trying to understand the technology underpinning operating systems in order to launch an attack against the humanity. Thus, the developer is specist against non human entities.No? Too extreme? Where do we draw the line between leaping to concussion and labeling people? Refusing to change a gendered pronoun to a gender agnostic one isn’t a great look. One can most certainly make an argument that it’s a sexist view of the landscape in favouring male users over others; but no where in the discourse that I could see did they attack transgenders, so it wouldn’t be fair to label the developers as transphobic. I think it’d be prudent to address the issue as they are, not leap to conclusions and apply labels. 7 months ago
And to build independent browser not sponsored by google is a soft of an ideological motivation. If only it is not a pure marketing lie. There are no technical reasons for being sponsored by Shopify but not by Google. I would say there is no much of an ideology either. 7 months ago
Now that is news, and a much, much worse thing when it’s an expressed policy than when it’s “please don’t submit a tiny change to only documentation as a PR that’s just annoying”. 7 months ago
And other things about the project are also concerning me:
- It uses Qt for UI, while modern browsers can draw UI with their own engines. A redundant dependency which also will harm modularity and embeddablity.
- Modern browsers have complexity of operating systems. It’s just a waste of resources to build an independent browser from scratch, but not to make the engine reusable.
This is a poor choice.
The other things: It’s so independent (from google), but already got sponsorship and changed the landing page to a typical landing of a startup. This independence is populism. Just enough one for feeding their adepts with promises. I won’t be surprised of possible advertisement integrations made “for maintaining independence”.
NGMI. 7 months ago
[deleted] 7 months ago
FWIW they didn’t merge it, they closed the PR without merging, link to line that still exists on master.
The recent comments are from the announcement of the ladybird browser project which is forked from some browser code from Serenity OS, I guess people are digging into who wrote the code.
Not arguing that the new comments on the PR are good/bad or anything, just a bit of context. 7 months ago
The line has been changed to be gender neutral 9 hours ago. Victory! 7 months ago
3 posts about… pronouns in the build log?
If you go through life looking for things to take offense, you will always be outraged. 7 months ago
One doesn’t have to go looking, there’s lots of assholes who think it’s “apolitical” to assume that everyone working in software is a dude. 7 months ago
Bad example at the end though, loads of of people use “dude” as a gender neutral term though. But yeah I take your meaning about assuming men in dev. 7 months ago
Does offense have to factor into it when judging other’s behavior as undesirable? 7 months ago
I was referring to OP, who decided today was the day to stir up a 3 year old PR on a small project run by a volunteer.
That’s not the way to gain allies. 7 months ago
This is what I tell my sister. She got angry at me for hanging my hats on these little hooks that hang off of closet doors. I have many hats, and not much room. She got mad that the outside of my closet door had hats on it. 7 months ago
Sometimes it’s the only way to feel anything 🤬 awww it didn’t work.