- Comment on Meow 2 days ago:
Oh I’ve got the link, but it’s paywalled. I’ll find the full paper later.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
Thanks, this seems more in line with what I was wondering. but I’ll need to see if I can get access to the full paper. The example given in Australia actually fits my hypothesis since they historically lacked felid predators. So I’d like to see the full list to see the location and severity of the effects they’re reporting.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
I guess you are going off of the genus Felis which is probably valid since I expect their hunting behavior is similar enough. However the map I saw showed they were absent from most of Russia and China, so there are exceptions.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
Again it would depend on where those are—threatened species are disproportionately located on those islands I mentioned. Furthermore it doesn’t assign any causation to cat predation.
Maybe cats are a serious conservation threat on continental areas but I’m just saying I haven’t seen evidence of this.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
I’ve seen a lot of stats about cats and it seems very likely they have important conservation implications in island ecosystems where birds did not evolve with similar predators.
But I’ve not seen evidence of conservation impacts on the mainland where we do and did have similar predators in the past. Just stating that cats eat a lot of birds doesn’t mean they’re a threat to overall populations.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
Even in the Americas we have cats though. Bobcats are slightly larger but not completely dissimilar. We even used to have ocelots across much of the US. So I find the claim that mainland birds are not able to handle cat predation to be a bit questionable. However I am not fully educated on this topic.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
I don’t think it’s true that they’re native to 2/3rds of the earth, is it?
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
I can see the logic but it does feel like the cat’s already out of the bag on this one. There are so many free-ranging and feral cats that I wonder if it makes any difference at this point.
- Comment on why do some straight people deny their loved ones’ homosexuality? (keyword: SOME) 1 week ago:
Ironic because bi is the largest demographic but also the one that can blend in the easiest which hasn’t forced people to advocate for acceptance.
- Comment on What do you guys think of 1 week ago:
I think it’s a cool feature. Newest version of Lemmy allows admins to block communities from appearing in all while still allowing subscriptions. I think this is the best approach, although it would be nice if this could be done in a more automated fashion instead of admins having to expand the list as more rss feeds are added.
- Comment on place yer bets 1 week ago:
So what level of calamity are we talking about here? 3% doesn’t sound that low to me.
- Comment on Are mood problems a “turn off” for people even when they’re hard to manage? 2 weeks ago:
Yes, if you are unkind to people many will not wish to be around you regardless of your reasons for it.
You’ll need to work to change your behavior if you want to avoid this. Many people have anger issues. It’s hard to control how you feel but you may have success in changing how you act when you feel this way.
- Comment on You Can Post Your Way Out of Fascism if You Own the Means of Posting 2 weeks ago:
I think the fediverse might provide a supporting role in information sharing but it can’t really replace in person organizations.
- Comment on Are there communities to post videos of police brutality / excessive use of force? 3 weeks ago:
Might be a better idea for a local project to start with?
- Comment on Democrat teams up with movie industry to propose website-blocking law 4 weeks ago:
Democrats are not your friends. Allies on many issues and in the fight against fascism yes but friends no.
- Comment on Why is Trump orange? 2 months ago:
He kinda looks better. If he just stopped making that face he would look like a normal human.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
Well plants and leaves can definitely help with this. Your state DNR may have resources on which plants are most effective for this in your area and site conditions.
Also, if you are getting a lot of runoff from upslope, you might need to investigate whether changes are needed at the source of this runoff rather than in the immediate area of erosion. If you can slow that upslope water and allow it to absorb in the soil up there, that help a lot even without changing anything lower down.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
Well, based on our prior conversations I suspect you know far more about soil science than I do, I only know the basics necessary for arboriculture.
So what you wrote is of course accurate but I understand both to be at play here—leaves break down into humus that chelates minerals and supports fungi that can hold onto nutrients and keep them from leaching away in rain. Leaves also provide a physical barrier that protects soil from physical erosion. But let me know if I got anything wrong.
My overall point was mainly just that you don’t need to replace leaves with fertilizer if you are removing them, but it’s still a good idea to leave them in place for other reasons.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
I’m sure it does vary—my impression is that N fixing trees in particular are going to have higher N levels in the leaves they drop but I’m sure it varies by species as well.
But from my experience, most urban shade trees don’t really need to be fertilized unless they are exhibiting symptoms of nutrient deficiency—and even then, this is often a symptom of poor soil and root health overall more than a specific lack of a nutrient. Most urban soils tend to be fairly high in nutrients due to air pollutants, excess fertilizers, pet feces, etc.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
Fallen leaves are generally pretty low in nutrients, so you probably don’t need to fertilize shade trees whether they stay or go. The bigger issue is that removing a huge input of carbon into the soil leaves you with low organic matter and lowered ability to retain what nutrients do exist. This poor soil quality will stress your trees, but adding fertilizer doesn’t address the root issue.
Fruit trees generally do need to be fertilized since fruits are much higher in nutrients and are not generally returned to the soil unless you’re doing some kind of poo composting scheme.
- Comment on Dyk, Bobby? 2 months ago:
Too many leaves will definitely kill the grass.
Whether that’s a bad thing is a separate question.
- Comment on it's just a suggestion 3 months ago:
These days, they usually use a variety of financial instruments distributed across a wide variety of accounts in tax havens.
- Comment on Mollusks 3 months ago:
Thank you. I’m getting some slightly different answers here though so I wonder if everyone even agrees on what this means.
- Comment on Mollusks 3 months ago:
But what does Nobody: mean? How does it relate to the second part of the meme? Why is it funny??? I’m still confused.
- Comment on Mollusks 3 months ago:
I’ve been consuming this meme format for years and it still makes absolutely no sense to me
- Comment on If a leftist ran for president, would liberals support him? 3 months ago:
I think democrats would, for the most part, perhaps less enthusiastically, but since they hate Trump, I think it would not be a major issue.
The question is, how would low-information unaffiliated voters respond to having a socialist in the ballot? This is a difficult question to answer. Traditionally socialism is a bad word in US politics, albeit less so with younger voters.
Personally I don’t really buy the “Bernie would have won” stuff but there’s really only one way to find out.
- Comment on MOREL DILEMMA 3 months ago:
Is the dilemma that I can’t take the tram to my foraging grounds? If so I agree that is a problem.
- Comment on Foot Fungus 3 months ago:
Also this one:…/from-the-grave-dead-mans-…
- Comment on Optimisation is a Slow Process 3 months ago:
I see the problem, you forgot to clear your browser cache before evolving. closes ticket
- Comment on Know Nut November 3 months ago:
A friend is getting married there next year. I’ll have to keep an eye out so I can try them.