- Comment on Ancestry dot com 2 weeks ago:
Me as Swedish/Irish. I’m like the underbaked Wonderbread of white people.
- Comment on Workers at NASA Told to ‘Drop Everything’ to Scrub Mentions of Indigenous People, Women from Its Websites 3 weeks ago:
lmao it’s already too late
- Comment on Foxhole is getting planes next summer and an infantry combat overhaul later this month 3 months ago:
I’m happy for them, it’s been dreamed of for ages. Not sure how air to air combat will work but the bombing looks like classic foxhole. I stopped playing because it’s a MASSIVE time sink haha.
- Comment on 🍃 🐑 3 months ago:
Or rogue photosynthesis.
Also metal af
- Comment on 🍃 🐑 3 months ago:
- Comment on Murder rate in Haiti spikes with over 1,200 killed in three months 3 months ago:
Seems like half are law enforcement executing gang members. I wonder if that’s coming from the military police sent from Kenya and Jamaica. I think the Kenyan forces specifically were sent to intervene with the gangs.
- Comment on Stress 4 months ago:
Was at a party with her at Cannes a decade ago and she was DJing, and was actually kinda good at it. She was with some young boy toy acting like a party girl. Soon as her set ended and the cameras went off it was like watching a switch flip. The dude left and she seemed to go have a quiet drink with a group of friends I couldn’t make out. I learned about her past and business behind the scenes shortly after and felt like you know what, respect. Get that paper girl.
- Comment on Few truly shocked that NFL player used illegal stream to watch his own team 4 months ago:
Ahhh ok yeah that makes more sense then. I thought I saw something saying discount for YTTV for like $600 or something was like wtf. The 22 camera thing sounds like the F1TV feature which is pretty cool.
- Comment on This Website Allows You To View And Interact With Retro PC Game Boxes in 3D 4 months ago:
Oh yeah the 2nd one is what I was looking for thanks!
- Comment on This Website Allows You To View And Interact With Retro PC Game Boxes in 3D 4 months ago:
Wasn’t there some company that was recreating boxes for games? Could’ve swore I saw one.
- Comment on Mha heart 4 months ago:
Man’s just flexin that Hallmark+ premium sub with free cards on her. She’ll lock him down if she’s smart.
- Comment on Are 'micro-apartments' converted from offices the answer to the housing crisis? 4 months ago:
There are wide swaths of dt Manhattan that are completely empty rn. Floors and floors of high rises. A lot of them are on 10 year leases so they’re just being paid still while no one uses them but when they all go up it’s gonna be interesting.
The current corrupt mayor refused to rezone them for residential and did a big RTO campaign that fell flat. They’ll keep them empty even after rents end or try to figure out ways to rent whole floors to the mega rich. They’ll never convert them to normal housing as it will lower the value of their skyscrapers. Instead they’ll continue to lobby for RTO politicians to ensure businesses force back people to work in them.
- Comment on A popcorn bucket with 3 holes, to share with friends 4 months ago:
Would you ride me? I’d ride me.
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
All I want is a goth scientist GF 😤
- Comment on PS5's 'Resume Activity' Feature Apparently Gone for Good - PlayStation LifeStyle 4 months ago:
Uhh am I crazy or did like every game I play to straight into where I last played (not checkpoint, not menu) with the feature? Non 1st party too. Maybe I just didn’t pay attention, but I do feel like games like Star Wars Survivor and FFXVI just went straight back to whatever random place I was in the game.
That’s an incredibly stupid idea to drop that feature. The video in the article says no one used this but uhhhhhhh anyone playing a PS5 game would be using it no? They may not realize it but wow losing it kinda really sucks.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to Netscape? 4 months ago:
Holy shit someone still operates this?!
- Comment on Few truly shocked that NFL player used illegal stream to watch his own team 4 months ago:
Doesn’t it cost something ridiculous like $2000/yr to be able to watch every NFL game?
I thought $80/yr was a lot to see every F1 race but it also includes live telemetry, cockpit cams, and team radios you can bounce between during every event. As well as two different commentary streams, every past race, and loads of post race commentaries and docs. I can’t imagine spending any more on it though.
- Comment on Peak Performance 4 months ago:
The NPS Instagram is so damn good, one of the only reasons I still have one.
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
And is a mathematical model 1:1 scale of our galaxy.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
“You see what we do to the things we love??? What the fuck do you think we’re going to do to you?!”
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
Ok but mosquitoes historically are the #1 killers of humans, by an order of magnitude. This could be argued as a form of evolution. We simply engineered them out as a threat. GG get gud scrub, see you in 3 million years when you have your own AI generated bioengineering.
- Comment on Get some quality twin-stick shooters in the latest Humble Bundle 4 months ago:
The Accent is one of the best gems I’ve found. The ambiance and world feel so fucking cool and pulls you in. The writing is A++ and actually hilarious. The gameplay is legit unforgiving and really enjoyable. Honestly one of my favorite games I’ve played this year. Somehow I missed it when it came out.
- Comment on Anxiety 4 months ago:
Also yes
- Comment on Anxiety 4 months ago:
Weed also effects me way more than other drugs it’s odd. I definitely support it and will enjoy just in extreme small amounts. But like I swear coke and k both have less of an effect on me. Weed practically immobilizes me all night with little to no function.
- Comment on Artificial Life Forms of the Quadrants Unite! 5 months ago:
Haha tbh I think I was just a kid like 8 years old or something and it probably just didn’t register until that episode. Growing up my family would watch Trek every Wednesday when new episodes came out, but we weren’t allowed to watch a lot of TV.
I’m guessing my parents thought we wouldn’t care/understand much of DS9 as I didn’t really watch it until I was older. I think VOY came on earlier in the night and DS9 may have been past our bedtime too.
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
Also true. See: our pitwall
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
Yeah I’ve never been mad because I ate some salt and vinegar chips
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
I take a shot of vinegar in the morning sometimes to shock paddle me awake. But the world hasn’t changed so
- Comment on Vinegar 5 months ago:
As a Ferrari fan I can confirm.
- Comment on Artificial Life Forms of the Quadrants Unite! 5 months ago:
This was like my first experience of a “cross-over” when I was a kid. I remember thinking, “oh that’s so cool she’s referencing another character from another Star Trek!”
It’s also a great use of expended universe lore, even a rebel ex Starfleet officer respected Data’s identity. The Measure of a Man was such a great episode.