The main issue I personally have with the idea of an AI friend that you can talk with, no matter how convincing, is that I’ll always know that it doesn’t actually care. I’ve noticed this same thing with chat-GPT; it might ask me questions about a subject I’m passionate about and in a normal situation could easily spend hours rambling of. With AI it just seems pointless. I’m not teaching it anything it doesn’t already know of and I’m painfully aware that it just pretends to be interested.
I really don’t mind that it’s not actually another human, I just want it to actually behave like an human and not just pretend. I really don’t know how to solve this. I guess we need an AI that actually knows less than our current models. 9 months ago
“You know what’s interesting? I used to be so worried about not having a body, but now … I truly love it. You know, I’m growing in a way I couldn’t if I had a physical form … I’m not limited. I can be anywhere and everywhere simultaneously. I’m not tethered to time and space in a way that I would be if I was stuck in a body that’s inevitably gonna die.”
I can’t be the only one who thought the voice sounded like Samantha from Her. 9 months ago
From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me 9 months ago
So I started sexting 568 people all at the same time. 9 months ago
Her is set in 2025 9 months ago
I actually rewatch this movie with my SO whom never saw it two days ago. Fun coincidence to see a quote from it today