for those interested in the app he runs that YouTube is threatening Louis over
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
I know the FOSS fans within our community don’t like the terms of Grayjay. That said we have options like NewPipe, ytdlp, nvidious, Libretube, etc. which are FOSS and AFAIK each have different extraction mechanisms, so one change on the page end can’t reliably shut down every method. I get that Louis is against Sponsorblock and his personal feelings and morals influence the direction of the software too.
The Grayjay app is a bit more like Shareware, Louis himself described his app’s monetization scheme like an infinite free trial. He knows many people are going to use it for free. He knows that others will pay the one time payment for a license, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be linked to the install or anything.
The thing is that diversity in the space makes us stronger in the face of the gigantic monolith that Google is. His repair foundation or whatever that was means that he has a few more resources pooled together than the rest of us to put up a legal fight that in the end will hopefully effect change that helps all of us. 9 months ago
If only he didn’t decide to call it “open source”, when it has quite an egregious license. 9 months ago
I get that Louis is against Sponsorblock and his personal feelings and morals influence the direction of the software too.
Louis may be against sponsorblock, but sponsorblock is supported in Grayjay, so at least he’s not letting his personal feelings get in the way too much of what his userbase wants.
I hope Louis does well in case they go up against Google. I just hope they get a good judge that has a decent understanding of how the tech works and how a decision one way or another will really affect everything. 9 months ago
Just use Newpipe. It supports similar functionality and is on F-droid under the GPL-3 or later license.
The other option is libretube. 9 months ago
It just comes across hypocritical. He demands everyone else be open, hardware vendors, video hosts, yet himself wants to be closed. 9 months ago
Smartube is the king amongst men 9 months ago
source available but not FOSS…
hmm even if this is made by Rossman not sure if I like 9 months ago
I personally wouldn’t use it but I’m also not a Louis fanboy either 9 months ago
This man is a national treasure. His app is desperately needed and could solve the biggest problems YouTube has created for content creators (and therefore viewers). We should all be using it. 9 months ago
I’m still using re-vanced, as last time I used Grayjay there were still some missing features, but I did pay the 10 bucks and do come back to visit it occasionally. 9 months ago
I don’t know, I save videos all the time. Does revanced have a download video feature? 9 months ago
So two things…1) Nebula is totes worth subscription…2) NEWPIPE for Smart phones and Smartube for TVs. You’re welcome. 9 months ago
Third: you can use Nebula on Grayjay, as well as ad-free YouTube, Odysee, and a bunch of other streaming platforms.
So use Grayjay if you want, or use Nebula, or use both together. 9 months ago
I think Rossmann tends to be a drama king about things sometimes, but the general overarching message he is trying to get across, sometimes poorly, is something I usually agree with. This included.
The whole thing reads like just some lawyer that was sent a memo to send a threatening sounding letter and no further thought or research went into it on Googles part. 9 months ago
Yup. Here’s how I understand the flow of events:
- YouTube hears about Grayjay app
- YouTube sends threatening letter
- Rossmann responds, essentially saying: we never agreed to your TOS and we don’t use your API
- crickets
- Repeat step 1
I doubt this will go anywhere unless Grayjay gets popular, at which point we’ll see the lawyers gear up for a lawsuit. 9 months ago
Say what you want about him, but this guy is at least willing to stand up to the tyranny of these companies. 9 months ago
4 laws passed in 3 states over the last 2 years with 1 million dollars.
Clever and impressive. Will YT brush this off and move on or double down and wade into it? Would you want to pick a fight with clever, eloquent nerds who seem to enjoy battling dragons, or EEE while quietly going about other business? 9 months ago
They’ll forget this and try again in 2 years. 9 months ago
Is this the guy who always is over the top with his emotions in his videos? 9 months ago
Ah, he’s emotional. People shouldn’t be outwardly emotional, especially men. Otherwise I can’t absorb the content of their message. /s
Joke aside, did you have a point? One could alternatively say that he’s passionate about the fights he chooses. Should we not all aspire to be passionate about the fights we choose? 9 months ago
I mostly got tired of the constant repetion. Felt like most of his rant videos could have been half the length and had the same content. 9 months ago
I’m not familiar with his videos, and I haven’t watched this one, but I can say for sure that people who over-act for YouTube videos are a turn-off. Yes, I know it gets people to engage more, but it’s almost always at the cost of being informative. 9 months ago
💀 at making it a men’s rights issue.
From my perspective, it’s toxic to always get your audience worked up over minute things. That kind of content is what I tried to avoid hence my move to Lemmy 9 months ago
Whoa. Calm down. That comment seemed a little emotional. We can’t have that here 9 months ago
As opposed to being bland and boring? 9 months ago
That’s a loaded question. 9 months ago
Threatens Part 2. It’s a part 2 [bot] 9 months ago
Here is the invidious link:
Invidious is a privacy friendly frontend for Youtube. 9 months ago 9 months ago
Every time I see his videos I can’t stop thinking about how comfortable that fucking recliner looks. It’s comically large, and I bet it feels like sitting on a cloud. 9 months ago
With the cat next to him, he’s channeling Dr. Claw energy 9 months ago
All he needs is a cat on his lap. 9 months ago
It’s this one, listed under ‘Equipment used’ in the description! 9 months ago
What’s that with a 3000 usd used cock ring on his merch shop lol??? Used cock ring