- Comment on Good mail server for selfhosting 1 week ago:
Yeah, all the threads I came across when I looked into this were like “Self host everything! Except email” so I haven’t looked into it.
- Comment on Reddit will lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says 1 week ago:
This is the reason. I can get all the Linux discussion I want on Lemmy, but discussions about an Acura RSX? That community is on reddit.
- Comment on AI chatbots unable to accurately summarise news, BBC finds 2 weeks ago:
I’m pretty sure that every user of Apple Intelligence could’ve told you that. If AI is good at anything, it isn’t things that require nuance and factual accuracy.
- Comment on Is it time to ring the alarm on internet door cameras? 2 weeks ago:
They also wouldn’t have noticed that they hadn’t installed it. Honesty in the best policy.
- Comment on Actual Budget is a fantastic FOSS budgeting tool that you can self-host 3 months ago:
This is the comment that’s going to make me try it. I love my spreadsheet, so I’ll have to see if this does everything that my spreadsheet does.
- Comment on Designed this coaster, because I wanted something tidy looking and dual color, without filament changes 4 months ago:
Gotcha. I’m not sure I’ve ever had a dishwasher with that functionality.
- Comment on Designed this coaster, because I wanted something tidy looking and dual color, without filament changes 4 months ago:
toss them in the dishwasher
Does your dishwasher have a cold wash setting or did you print these in ABS or something?
- Comment on The feds are coming for John Deere over the right to repair: The farm equipment giant has fought against letting farmers repair their own equipment for years 4 months ago:
I just got my first computer controlled vehicle, a 2007 Volvo XC70. It’s fucking insane. The same code scanner equipment and software that the dealership has access to needs to be included with the car at purchase. It’s the only solution I can think of to keep auto manufacturers from charging way to much for it like they do all of their parts/tools. You also should get all of the files that are relevant to the car with the car, in case you need to reprogram a module from another car.
Instead, community members are left to reverse engineer and scrounge around to get tools working on their own. It’s genuinely insane how impossible it is to diagnose issues with modern vehicles as a home mechanic.
- Comment on YouTube Shorts can now run up to three minutes 4 months ago:
I use Revanced on Android and Enhancer for YouTube on Firefox (or any browser)
- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
My electric skateboard still blows my mind. It’s crazy how well it works as compared to gasoline skateboards.
- Comment on They stole my voice with AI | Jeff Geerling 5 months ago:
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
Apparently a hot take, but I don’t have an issue with this, as long as they’re picture ads, not videos. An option to hide them temporarily would be good if you’re trying to read something. Maybe you’d need to hold a key or something. To me this is much less intrusive than 3 videos ads at the beginning of a video.
All of that said, I pay for premium, as I watch enough YouTube for it to be very very justified. I’ve probably saved weeks of my time not watching ads, plus it supports creators more than the ads ever do.
- Comment on Does your Duolingo app icon look sick? You're not alone 5 months ago:
And there really is no reason other than that. I assumed there was meaning behind it. There is not.
- Comment on Questions about the safety of Tesla's 'Full Self-Driving' system are growing 5 months ago:
There was an story a while back where it was discovered that Tesla focuses their efforts on the routes taken by creators (and other influencial people), to intentionally make self driving look better than it is.
- Comment on What are some video games that you would show up to a local tournament for? 5 months ago:
Me? None. I just play for fun, I’d lose bad.
If there was going to be a game I’d show up for it’d be Forza Horizon, I’ve got the most hours in that and kinda do ok when I occasionally play online against randoms. Haven’t been playing much recently though, so the former statement probably still applies.
- Comment on You can set text as a layer modifier in Orca 5 months ago:
It isn’t that bad. Just needs a bit of z-offset adjustment.
- Comment on Google Wallet now works for California driver’s licenses 5 months ago:
For me it’d be more of a backup plan in case I forgot my wallet
- Comment on Google denies reports that it’s discontinuing Fitbit products 6 months ago:
Yeah, and as if anyone would know. They’ll send out the announcement internally on the Tuesday before the next fitbit releases, then announce it to the public on Wednesday.
- Comment on Today's featured article on Wikipedia: Outer Wilds 6 months ago:
I have beat the game. I remember the gist of the solution, but I have no idea how to pull it off any more. I can’t wait to play it again, possibly with the VR mod.
- Comment on Google pulls the plug on uBlock Origin, leaving over 30 million Chrome users susceptible to intrusive ads 6 months ago:
Or just use Revanced or Grayjay, both of which are ad free and support sponsor block. Revanced is still a bit more feature complete imo, but also more buggy on my device, and more of a hassle to update.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Yeah, like the other person said, corporate IT is responsible for that stuff.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Yeah, our VMs completely died at work. Has to set up temporary stuff on hardware we had laying around today. Was kinda fun, but stressful haha.
- Comment on The app that promised to ‘use AI to weed out daters with STIs’ has been shut down 7 months ago:
What about the day you have to go around a corner?
- Comment on Elon Musk says SpaceX HQ officially moving to Texas, blames new CA trans student privacy law 7 months ago:
I think kinda everyone did. I never loved the guy, I got weird vibes and thought he was majorly overrated, but I thought he was fine, and I respected the work he’d attached his name to.
Hell, I still respect the hell out of starlink, as someone who had dial-up or old style sattelite with 15GB/mo limits until I moved out of my parents house 6 years ago. That shit’s cool as hell, I would’ve killed for it as a kid, and my dad did shell out for it when it became available.
I don’t really attribute anything cool that’s come out of Elon’s companies to him any more though, in my mind all the credit goes to the talented leaders and engineers that are “under” him. There is something to be said about that, I suppose, but I don’t think it’s as noble a mission as we all once thought. He just wants to be liked by people and make money.
- Comment on Prime Video subs will soon see ads for Amazon products when they hit pause 9 months ago:
It’s easy though, just pay an extra 36 bucks per year, bringing your total prime sub cost to 176 bucks per year, very reasonable!
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Yes, same as the normal YouTube app.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I’m still using re-vanced, as last time I used Grayjay there were still some missing features, but I did pay the 10 bucks and do come back to visit it occasionally.
- Comment on No, you don't need a 'very bespoke AOSP' to turn your phone into a Rabbit R1 — here's proof 9 months ago:
Automatic physical camera shutters? Only ones I can think of on phones are pop-up selfie cameras like the LG Wing and OnePlus 7. LG doesn’t make phones any more and OnePlus dropped the pop-up camera in their next phone, and haven’t brought it back.
- Comment on Rabbit was once an NFT company that it wants you to forget about 9 months ago:
Enshittification is used plenty often enough, we don’t need to be using it incorrectly imo.
- Comment on Congress lets broadband funding run out, ending $30 low-income discounts 9 months ago:
If I had a dollar for every time Comcast told me to check if I qualify for this rebate, even after I tell them that I do not qualify, my internet cost would make sense.