If TikTok disappears, I will miss the algorithm.TikTok gives me the right amounts of all of the things I’m interested in. I don’t have the same experience elsewhere. Do you?
The shorts format died for me the day Vine went down
Submitted 10 months ago by paf0@lemmy.world to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world
If TikTok disappears, I will miss the algorithm.TikTok gives me the right amounts of all of the things I’m interested in. I don’t have the same experience elsewhere. Do you?
The shorts format died for me the day Vine went down
I don’t use TikTok or Instagram and I block shorts on YouTube. The average lenght of the videos I watch is somewhere between 10 to 20 minutes.
Vids are too long today though
Define too long. I like videos of up to 15 minutes. That’s long to some people. Occasionally I’ll enjoy longer videos but almost always I think to myself “you could have said the same in a much shorter video”. And I won’t even start the 4 hours bullshit rambling videos. Do people actually watch that or is it just on in the background?
Can you block shorts in the settings?
You need an addon for that. YouTube lets you block shorts for 30 days at a time.
I would like to avoid shorts entirely. If I never have to hear that ear grating robot voice ever again I will celebrate like you wouldn’t believe. Also, hearing everything 2 times because a video is designed to loop unnoticed is causing my blood to boil with unmatched hatred. Also, stop up-talking every time you speak you brainless degenerates. >:-(
If this stuff could stop polluting our ears and our eyes, I would love that.
Having said that, I think they’re banning it because of all the people talking shit about them on there. I can’t imagine an American politician doing a good thing for good reasons.
Consequently, I find myself in the position of being a pro-TikTok TikTok hater.
Right there with you; I despise the app but am against banning it.
It should tell you a lot about what the app is actually for if bytedance is going to completely remove it from the market rather than sell it off to allow it to keep running …
I don’t use tiktok, and I use revanced (patched youtube client) partially to hide all of the shorts.
I am using the official YouTube app and there is a button to disable shorts.
I hate it because I watch it but don’t enjoy it at all. It just wastes my time. It’s addictive but not in the good way like a video game that draws you in, but in the “help I can’t control myself” kind of way. FUCK THE ALGORITHM
Never been into that format regardless of the website/app/service
Good for you, it makes one attention span short as a little kid, … I hate it when my friends get their phone out while we’re outside and start doom scrolling ( switching ) shorts on YT/Tiktok… whatever…
At first I was patient about it, but now as soon as they switch to the second short I tell them to hide their phones, it’s so @#&@% rude…😤
I dont use any of them
They van eat my shorts.
I really despise the short form content format, bit YouTube does a good job of recommending long form content that I’ll enjoy
I use YouTube shorts but it mostly shows me garbage I don’t want to watch, sprinkled with videos from channels I already subscribe to. For a company so hungry for my data, Google sure is terrible at recommending relevant videos to me.
I’ve heard YouTubers say they aren’t making as much from their regular videos and that YouTube is pushing shorts. So the Youtubers have started to focus on shorts. I don’t like short so I don’t watch them.
I prefer video to not be filmed in portrait, so no, I don’t find any platform with them appealing.
They should take down their shorts.
I’m a professional performer, and the majority of my friend circle is also performers.
At best, we tolerate Instagram but in reality most of us absolutely HATE it and die inside because we’re forced to use it for reach. Specifically, we have to go where the general public goes. Instagram imposes the ethics of a celibate Amish priest on performers- especially queer performers and performers of color since they’re more likely to get reported. It’s entirely normal, hell EXPECTED to get censored heavily or shut down for nonsensical bullshit. I’ve had videos flagged as sexual activity because I said the word “breasts” while dressed in street clothes. Pasties may as well be full frontal.
Hell, my bio is currently flagged as inappropriate. I have 6-8 active flags at any given time, and most performers are on their second, third, or fourth accounts.
My story with head to toe coverage is censored
Fuck Instagram.
TikTok is actively censoring any criticism of the CCP - a much larger global actor who is currently erasing the Uighur and Tibetan cultures.
I hate shorts and never used TikTok. I resisted on YouTube for so long, but they just worse what you see and you’ll click them eventually.
I’ve noticed I’m scrolling them more and more and I don’t like that they’re able to do this to our brains. Particularly those of us with things like ADHD.
I don’t have social media but I can’t get rid of YT coz I use it for work sometimes. Shorts are good if I want to see something practical like a crochet tutorial with all the chat before.
YouTube Shorts are ok, but YouTube knows what I like.
Too addicting, I try to stay away.
The only good shorts I’ve seen are from NileRed and Vsauce.
They’re both bad :/
We would still be able to access TikTok.com
I don’t use TikTok but would say no, their algorithm is poor at predicting what I like. But I have little interest in short videos like that. Most things worth saying take some time to explain.
I want to read content, not watch it, and I want it to be silent so no thanks
Yep not even close anywhere else. Plus I don’t like google/meta as it is so it’s all frustrating :/
YouTube Shorts have been pretty good at recommending content from games i play (Street Fighter 6) or from martial arts/Boxing/MMA accounts that i am actually interested in
Haha, you’re right on that last bit. A bit of random curiosity on my part and it might have been the wrong place.
It's like asking "how much RGB is the right amount for a PC" or "Do you prefer Windows or Linux?"
The crowd here is almost self selecting to be the kinds of people to answer those questions in a near uniform way.
"When in Rome..." i guess
new_guy@lemmy.world 10 months ago
Nope. I don’t like the format.
A 30 seconds video is like repeating the same mistakes that turned Twitter (yes, even before Elon Musk) to what it is today: a place that there’s no shade of gray, no nuance and everything is outrageous. A Short has no time to elaborate on anything and can simplify the subject so much that it becomes just misinformation.
Also I don’t believe it’s worth for creators in the long run. I’m not a creator myself but I believe that the time-effort to create a video is not linear with its duration. They can make a short so elaborated and viral that it would be more worth to create a full video in regards of sponsorship, ad revenue and subscription retention.