- Comment on What went wrong with Skype? 2 days ago:
Yeah anyone who used Skype at the time immediately knew what went wrong
- Comment on YouTube launches a $7.99 per month, ad-free Premium Lite subscription 2 days ago:
And now you switch to Firefox. The better browser for years at this point.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
/shrug everyone likes different stuff lol.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Just keep practicing. You’ll start to see the differences if you try lots out. Others have given good input, but a lot of it just comes from doing it over and over again.
- Comment on BRASSICAS 1 week ago:
lol and I think they all taste bad.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 1 week ago:
Maybe put a “doorbell” with a light in his room that he can see.
- Comment on Google is on the Wrong Side of History. 2 weeks ago:
You’re right but people don’t care. That’s why you’re getting downvoted. In any case it’s not like it matters, does a slogan or code of conduct actually stop a company from doing shady shit? Anyone that brings it up is just doing so because they don’t really understand the situation.
- Comment on A young computer scientist and two colleagues show that searches within data structures called hash tables can be much faster than previously deemed possible. 3 weeks ago:
This is incredible, but why does the article end by stating that this might not have any immediate applications? Shouldn’t this immediately result in more efficient hash tables in everyday programming languages?
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 4 weeks ago:
This seems like a good line to draw. Does it play natively on current consoles? Not retro. If you have to use an emulator or pull out an older console then that’s retro.
- Comment on HDMI 2.2 cranks the bandwidth to 96Gbps and aims to eliminate audio sync issues forever 1 month ago:
Fiber needs like an 8” minimum bend radius… I think that’s for just a single strand.
- Comment on Subway lovers posted 2 months ago:
Subway is just about the lowest quality garbage you can get. I think McDonald’s is maybe the only thing lower quality.
- Comment on Playing Outside Simulator coming 2025 3 months ago:
Roblox came out in 2006? On what platform?
- Comment on It's pretty cruel, particularly for non-native English speakers, that 'lose' and 'loose' seemingly switched spellings, meanings and pronunciations with each other when no one was looking 3 months ago:
Or lede for that matter
- Comment on It's pretty cruel, particularly for non-native English speakers, that 'lose' and 'loose' seemingly switched spellings, meanings and pronunciations with each other when no one was looking 3 months ago:
I’m American and I’ve never heard a single person ever pronounce it “close”. Listen closely and you’ll hear that the word sounds longer. That’s the pronunciation. It’s not a hard “thuh”. It’s a soft “ths”. Say the word “cloths” but use a long “o” sound rather than “awh”.
- Comment on It's pretty cruel, particularly for non-native English speakers, that 'lose' and 'loose' seemingly switched spellings, meanings and pronunciations with each other when no one was looking 3 months ago:
Didn’t even have to click. Great poem
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
iOS literally prompts you to provide permission for that when you first start up your phone (either restore, or first use). So either you opted in or out but they’re pretty transparent about it.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
How much is it gonna cost us to create this new “D.O.G.E.” Department and pay Musk? The cost of these studies is completely irrelevant to the situation, like others have said the GOP props up ridiculous situations and makes it seem like they represent the entire situation, and they do it to disguise what they’re doing which is fleecing taxpayers money to private corps.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
Yeah how much is this “office” going to cost the taxpayers? I would guess a lot more than $100k on a sunfish experiment.
- Comment on Tiny pp 3 months ago:
Pretty sure there was a study that actually showed big trucks correlated with big penises. Crazy.
- Comment on Be happy if you woke up today and your throat didn’t hurt. 4 months ago:
Weirdly enough, I literally can right now. Usually I cannot. I don’t remember the last time this was the case and I would not have noticed without this post.
- Comment on New largest prime number discovered by former Nvidia software engineer 4 months ago:
They literally told you how it’s used for practical applications and you just ignored it. It makes cryptography stronger, hence your password less likely to be broken. National secrets less likely to be leaked. Your identity less likely to be stolen.
- Comment on New largest prime number discovered by former Nvidia software engineer 4 months ago:
No first time ever. This isn’t a supercomputer, it’s a distributed cloud network that they’re referring to as a supercomputer because it has a lot of power. It’s not a supercomputer in any other sense of the word, as it’s set up on cloud providers around the globe rather than in one location in the same room.
- Comment on Why do "realistic" AI results for man/woman have non-proportion big heads compared to their bodies? 4 months ago:
My guess is focal length. Most facial photos with tons of detail will be close up selfies with a short focal length, thus increasing size of the face proportionally.
- Comment on Google warns uBlock Origin and other extensions may be disabled soon 4 months ago:
You’re just being disingenuous.
- Comment on I don't want to call Twitter X out of spite, but calling the travesty that is X Twitter is an insult to the people that made Twitter what it was. 5 months ago:
That’s not the case at all, though it’s very often believed to be and stated as such on here and Reddit.
- Comment on Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text 5 months ago:
You’re literally using a service there that isn’t the case for.
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
The stats disagree with you, so your anecdotes don’t really mean anything…
- Comment on Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text 5 months ago:
It’s not an either or. It’s _if it’s free, you’re the product _. That’s it. It’s not saying anything about if you pay for it.
- Comment on Had to read it 3 times to make sure 5 months ago:
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
I use a Logitech mouse and do not have the problems you are talking about.