Doesn't the average internal combustion engine car go something like 600 to 1000 miles on a tank of fuel?
I'm guessing you don't actually drive. 6 months ago
We are almost there. Doesn’t the average internal combustion engine car go something like 600 to 1000 miles on a tank of fuel? If so just a little bit more and the “range anxiety” argument will no longer be valid.
Doesn't the average internal combustion engine car go something like 600 to 1000 miles on a tank of fuel?
I'm guessing you don't actually drive.
Na, a blind guy driving would be horrible for me and everyone else. Lol
Doesn’t seem to stop a lot of drivers
It’s more like 300-500 miles per tank
Ah, so this actually be better than ICE in range, but time to charge will be the next challenge to tackle.
I honestly think both of those “arguments” are stupid anyway, given that you can charge it at home daily. I doubt anyone driving an ICE car empties anything close to their entire fuel tank in a single day.
A big tank in a fueled personal vehicle makes sense because you don’t want to have to stop and fill up every day. However, big battery in an EV doesn’t really make sense since it should be plugged in every day when you get home for a few hours.
Only when we’re road tripping and the 20 mins every couple of hours is all our bladders can take anyway.
Just a matter of faster charging, takes me maybe 5-10 minutes to fill up and pay, would take a lot longer for an EV. Certainly not an issue if every accommodation had charging points, as I’d then be unlikely to need a full charge during the day.
And yes, for regular day to day driving I would just charge at home, as I’m fortunate to have a garage. Not the case for many folks, sadly.
Definitely great news, and it’s looking good that my next car will be an EV.
One car I had I could just about reach 600 miles if driving carefully on the highway. That was a diesel with a large tank. No other car I’ve had did better. My first car has a 300 mile range.
I might tap the center of that if I was doing near 100% highway, hypermiling and ran out the tank. But typically 300-500 in either of mine and I drive about 20 miles a day maximum. 6 months ago
No, it’s more like 3-400. The key point here is not the range, but the charging time 6 months ago
Who’s car is only going 3 miles on a tank? 6 months ago
Who’s going -397 miles? 6 months ago
Indeed, I had a BMW that when it got 250 miles I was happy!