- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 4 months ago:
Holy logical fallacy batman. Ad hominem much?
- Comment on Russia says it might build its own Linux community after removal of several kernel maintainers. 4 months ago:
Wouldn’t openbsd absolutely take the cake then? Freaking OS is more secure than a vault
- Comment on What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs 4 months ago:
You can definitely give a VM enough power through KVM and qemu to run Roblox. You can even try your hand at single gpu passthrough if it’s worth that much time having youe kids switch to Linux. Not putting a value statement there, I think it is but that’s besides the point.
You can also give quite a bit of power to virtualbox with 3d and hardware acceleration.
- Comment on Looks like a toy 'yota. 4 months ago:
Very poorly
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
You stated a claim, the burden of proof is on you! Nice logical fallacy there.
Also yes Pew did.…/majority-in-u-s-say-israel-has-…
I hate to tell you this but we live in a dystopic world. The majority of Americans have the worst foreign policy and support the MI complex. We vehemently hate Arabic peoples and others from that region. And we really only support israel for our own imperialist needs. Look at the right’s contempt for Jewish people but praise and support of thr state of Israel.
- Comment on The feds are coming for John Deere over the right to repair: The farm equipment giant has fought against letting farmers repair their own equipment for years 4 months ago:
Just waiting for this to go to court and the SC to defer to their corporate overlords.
- Comment on The feds are coming for John Deere over the right to repair: The farm equipment giant has fought against letting farmers repair their own equipment for years 4 months ago:
They don’t even know shit about the land they farm. Western (and now global by virtue of colonization) farming techniques are abysmal. The way we grow our food and take care of our lands are awful. But God forbid those librul scientists dare to suggest change…
Farmers are absolutely necessary and are far underappreciated but god damn, are they also some of the most stubborn people you’ll ever meet
- Comment on Mystery creator of Bitcoin identified, new HBO documentary claims 5 months ago:
Cypherpunk or cyberpunk?
- Comment on This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little. The US government just hired a researcher who thinks we can beat aging with fresh cloned bodies and brain updates. 5 months ago:
Well this really exists for those billionaires and rulers. This isn’t for the common person.
They’re so mad that they’ve removed themselves so far from us and we still share a common experience in death. That’s unfair for them to have to be associated with peasants in such a debasing way. So now they’ll remind us that death is for the poor or at least not living centuries will be for poor.
- Comment on Tesla Finally Enables FSD Ten Months After The Cybertruck's Debut, But There's A Catch 5 months ago:
Throttle up to engage
- Comment on All Proton Drive apps are now open source 5 months ago:
Libreoffice does not have collab features which Open Office does
- Comment on Important information 5 months ago:
Missing a half asses serrated mess on one side
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
Oh absolutely. The threats are often internal more than external. If the employees are careless or if there are contaminants, there could be consequences. Now not meltdown consequences but costing millions of dollar worth of damages and replacements.
- Comment on Constellation Energy plans to invest $1.6B to revive the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania and sell all the output to Microsoft for AI energy demands. 5 months ago:
Extremely. Like to levels you wouldn’t believe. You need more paper work than a printer to be able to enter one. To work at one requires psych evals, tests, multiple background checks, and a whole pile of things.
There are often loads of armed guards, and surveillance everywhere.
- Comment on New panic alarm system at Georgia H.S. saved lives during shooting, officials say. Advocates want it nationwide. 5 months ago:
Then don’t. Why you gotta announce it??
- Comment on Banning TikTok Won’t Keep Your Data Safe | Pompous billionaires, authoritarian regimes, and opaque oligarchs are hoarding our data. Only an alternative online ecosystem will stop them. 6 months ago:
You don’t get it… If I don’t defend Musk and Bezos, then I have to admit I’m being fucked over. Then I have to actually deal with the reality that life is completely out of my control except for collective bargaining and class consciousness.
That takes a lot of unlearning and reformulating to do, and a lot of grace towards myself for falling for propaganda and that rails against my rugged individualism as I have been taught since childhood.
All of this takes time and effort, as well as the mentioned patience and acceptance that I am not the sole master of my own destiny. That my parents were taught a lie and lied to me, and so did their parents.
So I believe i n sunk cost fallacies and worship said billionaires.
- Comment on A millennial couple who make $250,000 say they can't find a home in their budget: 'We refuse to become house-poor' 6 months ago:
I’m guessing they think that they’re wealthy because they make 250k but they are squarely middle class, and even then what matters more is that they are working class.
- Comment on Elon Musk says Tesla is an AI company now. Here’s how plausible that is. 6 months ago:
soon-ish - Comment on Samsung delivers 600-mile solid-state EV battery as it teases 9-minute charging and 20-year lifespan tech 7 months ago:
Who’s car is only going 3 miles on a tank?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Biden’s ego is going to fuck us over.
- Comment on Notion acquires privacy-focused productivity platform Skiff | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
Notion acquired Skiff('s Dev team) and now they’re shutting their project down as stated to continue their own work.
- Comment on Diagon Lemmy - A Queer-friendly, Harry Potter-themed Lemmy Server is now live (before you block me instantly, please hear me out) 1 year ago:
Idk the slavery, the goblins, the blatant love of all the worst parts of 19th century high British society… The world is pretty wild.
And she doesn’t really set those things up to challenge them in the books, you’re just supposed to accept that they’re there and be fine with them.
- Comment on Good morning I choose family time. 1 year ago:
Fucking disgusting.
That’s not even funny. Exposing yourself to kids is… Not right.