- Comment on Welcome to the Public Domain in 2025 | Internet Archive Blogs 1 day ago:
Good point, I didn’t even think of that because the GPL and MIT are so permissive.
- Comment on Welcome to the Public Domain in 2025 | Internet Archive Blogs 1 day ago:
Also, why is it that different things enter the public domain at different times? For example, I learned of a movie from like the 1970s called The Last Man on Earth that is public domain, or at least I’m guessing it’s public domain, and yet it’s from the 1970s, where this is talking about stuff from 1929. I obviously know some stuff is made and released immediately into the public domain, such as open source software, etc. But I wouldn’t figure a movie would be like that.
- Comment on Welcome to the Public Domain in 2025 | Internet Archive Blogs 1 day ago:
I know that it’s important to get things into the public domain, but I feel apathetic about this as I have no interest in works this old. Music of this era is extremely low quality and so are films, etc. It’s like, okay, whatever, I guess.
- Comment on Starlink broadband attracting residents to remote West Virginia - West Virginia Explorer 2 days ago:
You should read Gray Mountain by John Grisham.
- Comment on Starlink broadband attracting residents to remote West Virginia - West Virginia Explorer 2 days ago:
I have a friend who lives in northeastern Kentucky and so I’ve been there a couple of times and completely agree it’s absolutely beautiful country but that area is very economically poor because it was so big into coal mining. If I remember correctly, the county where she lives is one of the poorest in the United States.
- Comment on PeerTube has launched a limited mobile app for iOS & Android. 3 weeks ago:
I downloaded it from the Aurora store just to have a look at it, but I will be waiting for the F-Droid release to start using it frequently.
- Comment on Cable ISPs compare data caps to food menus: Don’t make us offer unlimited soup 3 weeks ago:
Well, we recently learned how to deal with health insurers.
- Comment on Cable ISPs compare data caps to food menus: Don’t make us offer unlimited soup 3 weeks ago:
Depending on what kind of line it is and whether it’s dedicated to you or being shared between you and other people, it actually can have a negative effect on other people using the service. Take cable for example, where you’re sharing it with like 32 other neighbors. Another example would be 5G home internet. It works really well, but it can bog down under high utilization. But for dedicated customers such as fiber? Yeah, I don’t see any excuse for this.
- Comment on Noob stuck on port-forwarding wile trying to host own raw-html website. Pls help 3 weeks ago:
Glad you got it working, but you could have hosted it with a tor hidden service and not had to pay for a public IP address and shit.
- Comment on AI in Mobile Phones: The Era of Smart App-less Interfaces 3 weeks ago:
Until it’s open source, I’m so not interested.
- Comment on Scientists develop the world’s first carbon-14 diamond battery, offering a 5,000-year lifespan — the device uses radioactive decay to generate low power levels 4 weeks ago:
I think it would really depend on just how much power the damn thing could produce. For example, it mentions sending back data from Voyager 1, and that’s great and all, but it seems like those transmitters would probably need more than what it could provide along with the science equipment. I would say to accomplish that you would either need a bigger version that produces more power or you would need some sort of super capacitor or something to store the charge in for short bursts at high power.
- Comment on What do you want for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
It really depends on just how many people around you also have mesh-tastic and how high their nodes are because if there’s a good high node or a lot of people you can make some very distant contacts.
- Comment on Something to Remember Us By: Device Confiscated by Russian Authorities Returned with Monokle-Type Spyware Installed 4 weeks ago:
If your device is ever taken from you by an agency and then returned standard operating procedure should be to just ditch that device entirely as it is highly likely to be compromised.
- Comment on GenCast predicts weather and the risks of extreme conditions with state-of-the-art accuracy 4 weeks ago:
As much data as meteorologists have, it seems like they need more data. For example, I can look at the temperature in my weather apps and see two totally different measurements than what I see from the thermometer outside my house. Just simply due to the fact that the weather stations that are used for the apps are not at my house and so the conditions are different there. If there were more stations, for example, they could report and then take an average of all the reports that came in to get a more accurate measure.
- Comment on What do you want for Christmas? 4 weeks ago:
A meshtastic node. The ones you put together yourself can be purchased for like 20 or 30 bucks, but the ones that are assembled already can cost anywhere between about 60 and 100.
- Comment on Starlink with self hosted? 5 weeks ago:
If you wish, you could always host your stuff through tor and use it as a hidden service.
- Comment on ISPs say their “excellent customer service” is why users don’t switch providers 5 weeks ago:
I think the fixed wireless providers such as T-Mobile, AT&T, and Verizon Home Internet are really a game changer here because they force these crappy cable providers to actually provide good internet or lose their customers.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 5 weeks ago:
My mistake, so many people don’t realize that gift cards are a thing, but that there are other options as well.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 5 weeks ago:
I mean yeah, I know you can buy lots of things with gift cards by buying the gift cards with the currency you intend to. But I mean like directly. As in you pay someone directly or narrow or Ethereum or whatever and they will send you a toaster or a coffee maker or a crockpot or whatever.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 5 weeks ago:
Do people price items in ETH or is it just a utility token for the Ethereum network? Because it seems more like the latter rather than the former. Like, will somebody sell you a toaster priced in ETH? Because I will sell you a toaster priced in Monero today.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 5 weeks ago:
True, but the market decides what it’s ultimately worth. For example, Monero, on the 365-day moving average, is worth $152.31. And it fluctuates within about 6% of that level, almost always.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 5 weeks ago:
I don’t see how considering that Monero, which is actually used by people as money, has a supply inflation of less than two percent. And if I remember correctly, Bitcoin also has a supply inflation of less than two percent. Other cryptos are not money. They are either utility tokens to be used for a specific purpose or complete and utter degenerate scams such as meme coins.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 5 weeks ago:
Cash still loses value at the whim of the central bank and therefore is good in that it cannot be confiscated electronically but bad in that it can be confiscated quite well through inflation. Sure, you absolutely may have the same amount of notes in your pocket, but those notes buy less and less over time.
- Comment on API error knocks PayPal, Venmo offline around the globe 1 month ago:
Easy fix, use monero and cake wallet
- Comment on Apple's controversial iPhone accessory may have been discontinued 1 month ago:
I thought so.
- Comment on Mastodon sees a boost from the 'X exodus,' too, founder says 1 month ago:
Most definitely go back, but some stay, and those who do stay, cause a growth over time. The activity stays somewhat elevated and never goes back to exactly where it was. It’s always just a little bit higher.
- Comment on Apple's controversial iPhone accessory may have been discontinued 1 month ago:
What about the iphone SE?
- Comment on Apple's controversial iPhone accessory may have been discontinued 1 month ago:
- Comment on Apple's controversial iPhone accessory may have been discontinued 1 month ago:
Seems a little early doesn’t it? I know the iPhone 15 and 16 have a USB type C, but don’t they still sell devices that have the lighting port?
- Comment on India cenbank plans 2025 launch of cloud services, countering dominance of global firms 1 month ago:
Honestly, I don’t blame them one bit for wanting to bring data back on shore, where it’s theirs to control.