- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 day ago:
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 3 days ago:
Fuel pumps are operated by gas station attendants by law in NJ.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 3 days ago:
When these batteries burn, they can’t be put out except by cooling them down somehow because they contain their own oxidizer. So fire departments tend to just let them burn and send whatever metals and other chemicals into the atmosphere. A gasoline fire can be put out with fire suppressants that deprive it of air. Apart from that, the batteries are also hazardous in terms of their manufacturing and disposal lifecycle and also just by making vehicles heavier. Heavier vehicles mean more energetic collisions and they also require bigger brakes, which means more brake dust pollution.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 3 days ago:
What do domestic roles have anything to do with this topic?
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 3 days ago:
Aren’t EV batteries already big enough? As in, you probably shouldn’t drive more than 8 hours or so in a day without taking a long break and getting a good night’s sleep. There many models on the market with that capability, right? Also, if that’s the type of driving you’re doing frequently, an ICE vehicle or ideally an FCEV would be a better choice, just in terms of avoiding battery wear and tear and reducing the amount dead weight you’re schlepping around. If you’re only going on long drives occasionally, just rent a suitable vehicle or consider another from of transit like a train or a bus and then rent a little EV near your destination.
- Comment on Yunohost vs FreedomBox vs CasaOS 1 week ago:
- Comment on Yunohost vs FreedomBox vs CasaOS 1 week ago:
I run Yunohost and it’s good for a dummy like me who hasn’t figured out Docker yet. I mainly use it to run AdGuard Home, Pixelfed, and Lemmy. These Yunohost apps have their bugs and maintenance issues, especially Lemmy, but on the whole it’s been a very workable solution for me. I haven’t tried the other projects you listed.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
Which buses are those?
My position is that the development of long range BEVs (and all the externalities associated with manufacturing and disposing of these batteries) has been an incredible detour. We already had the technology for fuel cell EVs with as much range as ICE vehicles. Meanwhile, short range BEVs are great because they solve the problem of refueling and avoid the problem of recharging, since you can do it while you sleep work. Long range BEVs just trade refueling for “fast” recharging, which is actually slower and more inconvenient than refueling. Where we really need innovation and development is in mass, public transit.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
Take a bus or a train. Public transit is of course the real solution. Transitioning from ICE personal vehicles to personal BEVs doesn’t really solve much and arguably creates more problems.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
I just think installing these BEV charging stations everywhere is a bad idea in the first place.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
I’m inclined to agree that all motorized personal vehicles and their attendant infrastructure should be eliminated. However, you’re making a false equivalency. I live in New Jersey, so it takes maybe five minutes for me to completely refuel my car with gasoline. My understanding is that it takes six times as long to charge a big EV to ~80%. Therefore, a single fueling station can serve many more people with a much smaller footprint. Furthermore, fuel gets consumed, whereas batteries are mostly dead weight that occasionally do the thermal runaway thing.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
That is an interesting position. How do you figure?
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
I don’t care about any particular EV brand. Trying to use battery powered EVs for such purposes means that they need to built with heavy, oversized, extra hazardous batteries. The responsible, proper use case for BEVs is short trips with plenty of time for charging at home or work.
- Comment on Tesla Installing Countermeasures as People Are Hacking the Cables Off Superchargers 1 week ago:
l’d say that it’s pretty necessary for long-distance trips.
Battery powered EVs should not be used for long-distance trips.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 43 comments
- Comment on Made a quickie 3D model of Pucky from the Hartford Whalers! 2 weeks ago:
This is great! The Whalers had one of the best sports team logos, too!
- Comment on Reverse Osmosis water system for sink and fridge 3 weeks ago:
Are you sure that your water supply won’t install a PFAS/PFOS removal system in the next few years? If they do then your investment will have been for naught. It took my town’s supply about two years to get a system installed and running.
- Comment on How is everyone doing with their home improvements? 1 month ago:
If you haven’t checked it already, the vent valve on the radiator might be closed or worn out.
- Comment on How is everyone doing with their home improvements? 1 month ago:
Steam radiator?
- Comment on What do people (as in, IRL) actually think of the [alleged] perpetrator involved in the NYC shooting? 2 months ago:
I haven’t talked about it very much with people off line, but when I have no one has had anything sympathetic to say about the victim or unsympathetic to say about the alleged assassin. The women I’ve discussed the case with agree that this Luigi guy is handsome. Idk fellas, I hate to do him like this, but we might be better off if he stays locked up.
- Comment on Are anyone else's texts getting delayed after the RCS switch? 3 months ago:
What I’ve noticed on two Samsung phones, my dad’s and my wife’s aunt’s, is that the Samsung messaging app silently fails and some messages don’t get sent or received. I’m not sure if it has anything to do with the OS of the user on the other end, but in my dad’s case he wasn’t getting messages from my mom who has an iPhone. Switching them to the Google Messages app solved the problem.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Can harmless viruses be engineered to deliver vaccine payloads for different actually harmful viruses? 3 months ago:
No, that’s why I asked. Hopefully someone can enlighten us.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 13 comments
- Comment on "Boner" is a good word for a reanimated skeleton or a decoration of such. 3 months ago:
Team member: “Maybe it’s bone spurs.”
Boner: “It’s never bone spurs.”
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 6 comments
- Comment on Is it cheaper to use a plug-in oil radiator to eat an individual room, or run the central heater to heat an individual room and living room? 3 months ago:
It’s probably better to use a space heater where and when you need the heat. That central heating kit is basically the same thing, but it’s using more electricity providing heat to the entire home, including the rooms you aren’t using. Just set the thermostat to a minimum temperature to keep the pipes from freezing.
- Comment on Is it cheaper to use a plug-in oil radiator to eat an individual room, or run the central heater to heat an individual room and living room? 3 months ago:
What type of central unit do you have?
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
The girl who’s reading this.
- Comment on How can we get to Mars faster 4 months ago:
Why can’t it stay liquid?