Its a 3500 dollar computer you wear on your face, that can only perform basic computing tasks which can more cheaply be performed on a cell phone, draws enormous amounts of attention to the user when used in public spaces, and both the ability to use it in public spaces and the attention drawing nature of it are marketed as pros.
Ok, so its now exceedingly clear that anyone who would get this thing is a wealthy idiot who has 0 experience with an impoverished community, as if you walked through a poorer area, you would just get mugged and have this high value device stolen from you.
And frankly at this point I would morally support that happening.
Not that it likely will, as anyone both dumb amd rich enough to have this happen to them generally has any kind of on foot commute through any such impoverished area. 1 year ago
It’s the same problem google glass had. It can be the most information rich and user friendly device in the world but if you look like a dingus wearing it, it will never catch on. 1 year ago
That’s what I thought about the elephant tusk looking AirPods yet here we are.
The Reality Distortion Field sometimes makes things hard to predict when it comes to Apple products. 1 year ago
People on here are wired.
Air pods just look like regular apple headphones just without wires.
They sure as shit look less goofy than my huge pixel buds that stuck an inch out of my ear. 1 year ago
You’re probably thinking of the current gen AirPods rather than the original (comparison). 1 year ago
I’m kind of surprised people felt that way about AirPods. I don’t remember that at the time. They seem quite mild to me at this point - people didn’t mind wearing regular earbuds around, why worry if there’s a cord or not? 1 year ago
I thought they looked like uncooked long macaroni. 1 year ago
They look like puss leaking out of the ear to me. 1 year ago
What if I already look like a dingus? 1 year ago
Then if you wear it you’ll be an even bigger dingus and make other dinguses look less dingusy. It would kinda be a public service of sorts I guess. 1 year ago
The lesser known brother of the Overton window - the Dingerton window. 1 year ago
Two dingi don’t make a right. Or something. 1 year ago
Pronounced ding eye? Dingii? Ding gee eye?
My brain hurts now. 1 year ago
Don’t they cancel each other out?