- Comment on A Mysterious Wave-Like Structure in Our Galaxy Found to Be Slowly Slithering 1 year ago:
The Radcliffe Wave formation is a bunch of gas that is apparently, wiggling, in incredibly huge time and distance scales, like a sinusoidal wave.
So, imagine very, very long ago, before the Milky Way formed you have a particular dense gaseous regions.
Dense gaseous regions tend to give birth to new stars. This region did so, and then one of them supernova’d.
Next, the Milky Way ended up forming in the void created by this supernova.
Then, this dense gaseous region was basically incorporated into the Milky Way over another absurdly long period of time.
But, for some reason, it is wiggling, in a manner that dense gaseous regions have not been observed to behave in.
Thats the best I can do here, I am not an astrophysicist, though I did take two quarters of intro level astronomy in college lol.
Probably worthwhile to note that the article says that their data ‘suggests’ not ‘shows’ or ‘proves’ the bit about the supernova clearing the Milky Way void.
To actually prove that would encompass, among many other things, running the clock backward on star orbits/trajectories over billions of years using extremely complicated models and mountains of data I am absolutely not qualified to comment on.
Im just trying to very broadly explain the chain of events here if this supernova really did cause the void the Milky Way formed in.
- Comment on How often do you attempt to use preternatural abilities on the world around you? 1 year ago:
Myself never, but there probably … millions? tens of millions? of tiktok brained Americans that believe in ‘manifesting’, so being irrationally delusional is pretty trendy right now I guess.
- Comment on Kingmakers Brings Medieval Combat With An Amazing Twist 1 year ago:
This does not look to be what I would call a challenging game, but it does look like a blast.
Ill buy it if you can invent telegrams ala Michael Chricton’s (sp?) Timeline.
- Comment on Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to JavaScript Sets 1 year ago:
If you need to be able to do unions and you are doing it in javascript, you are being absurdly inefficient compared to setting up a postgres db, but i wont be able to convince you of this because of basically nonsense brainwashing from your corporate conditioning.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
I very much remember wanting to get the limites edition phone that they actually made, an actual working phone that was pretty darn close to the one the characters used in the 2nd and 3rd Matrix movies, haha.
/Then I would be cool/ rofl.
- Comment on Union, intersection, difference, and more are coming to JavaScript Sets 1 year ago:
Ah yes, javascript, the database language.
Jesus fucking christ I am so glad I don’t work in the corporate tech sector anymore.
- Comment on What is the strangest thing that you ever experienced? 1 year ago:
Saw a TR 3B hovering above a Boeing hangar outside of Boeing Field in south Seattle.
- Comment on Schools in America apparently have their own army recruiter 1 year ago:
When I was in high school, during the last 3 months of the school year … I forget if they were the Army or the Marines, but they had a table with a display and two guys in the hallway right outside the cafeteria.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
I know that from an actual standpoint of generally speaking most bang for your buck, pc’s have made more sense for over a decade.
But, console gaming is still a huge part of marketshare. Yes, it doesnt really make sense. But literally millions of people still haven’t got the memo.
Only people I know who still use consoles basically just have them for that /one/ exclusive they can’t wait to play.
The wider gaming landscape is not like us though.
Basically, there are still a ton of kids and/or casuals. We are likely inundated and affected by literally decades of following industry news and learning at least a decent amount of the technical hardware and software capabilities and principles… a huge amount of people still basically just view games with very little of that background knowledge.
- Comment on Imagine a man - born, live, die, in a shoebox. His universe is a constant air-conditioned 8x13x5. What does that do to his perspective, values, science...? 1 year ago:
Does it contain a pick up truck?
Or an aircraft carrier?
Your metaphor does not make any sense with your clarification.
- Comment on Imagine a man - born, live, die, in a shoebox. His universe is a constant air-conditioned 8x13x5. What does that do to his perspective, values, science...? 1 year ago:
If all hia friends are stuck in this box with him as well, theres a good amount of psychological studies pointing toward they will all try to kill each other within 6 months to a year, possibly less.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
Oh hey Im surprised that all even posted, my connection crapped out right as I hit send.
But uh haha yeah.
My one saving grace is I have a lot of time on my hands.
But I expect it to take probably at least 6 months before I even have what Id consider a working combat prototype with a variety of different weapons and Ai routines, and maybe a barebones model of a procedural map generator.
Im guessing that me soloing a whole project like this could take 3 years, but if I can get a prototype working, I might have enough money to pay for some 3D assets to speed up dev time a bit.
Almost certainly not enough money to hire anyone lol, and I really really do not want to do kickstarter or early access and deal with the community and possible total failure.
Im the exact opposite of a PR person.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Except that you cant actually use it as a computer without DRM without a ton of fucking work, nor as a gaming device without DRM without a ton of work.
MSFTs development notes and such for the Pluton CPU architecture heavily draws from wanting to be able to stop people hard-modding existing Xboxes.
Thankfully the linux community appears to have neutralized that threat for PCs running Linux, at least.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
Probably similar in many ways, but ideally I would like to make it as or more in depth with other features from something like xenonauts.
Youve got resources such as vehicles of differing kinds you may choose to deploy or not, but you have to store them somewhere and also be able to repair them.
Maybe you want to go a more special forces type route and have a few exceptionally well trained / equipped soldiers and leverage things like helicopters to do infil and exfil and leverage the element of surprise.
Maybe you want to act more like a conventional military and go with larger numbers with decent equipment and a wider array of possible vehicles and support systems.
Maybe you want to focus as much as possible on gathering intel before missions, maybe you want a more intelligent active battlefield info you can access in mission via various sensors.
So… what I am aiming for is something that eventually allows for a more broad array of mission profiles and sort of map archetypes, which, depending on many factors, will have surprises that may occur, like an enemy force having the ability to call for reinforcements that maybe you did not know about, and might force you to withdraw.
Or maybe some missions will take place with a relatively high number of civillian AI running around and your org you work for/run will suffer massively if you just go scorched earth.
I dunno, these are all ambitions at this point, and Im going to focus on at the very least getting a functional combat prototype done first, and then testing out how well that and what I can make combat AI actually do.
Its possible I’ll find some kind of thing that really works well, or really doesn’t work, and change scope significantly.
So far all I have really figured out is that a near future setting would seem to work best with the scope of either my minimal working concept, or a more extended version of it.
- Comment on Get ready — your Google Workspace subscription is about to see an unwelcome price hike 1 year ago:
Dont worry though, it’ll be approximately a decade before the general public realizes this is not ‘innovation’ and is basically stagnant monopoly/oligopoly behavior.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
See, yes, exactly.
I guarantee you their upper and middle management would convince themselves this makes sense.
I used to work for them. The management is basically all fucking delusional, out of touch psychopaths.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Oh my god please be Yboy and include an absurd marketing campaign designed by boomers, aimed at zoomers, looking to re popularize 2000s era skinny jeans emo-lite sort of fashion with unimaginable pretention, but with absurd zoomer/gen alpha lingo.
Be a Yboy. Play a Yboy.
Get you a man that plays on Yboy.
Girls be like: Nah, he don’t play Yboy?
Only one thing to say: Y, boy?
(as the mixed race female instagram influencer manically switches from sultry disappointment to extreme anger, then to giggling, while leaning down exposing her cleavage as she wags her finger)
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Xbox Y
- Comment on 1 year ago:
The Xbox 12 will run on Windows 12 and is basically a locked down PC that runs another Xbox DRM layer on top of Windows 12 that makes it so you cant actually use it as a PC.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
Everyone in the single player fps demo is replaying the old good games, or seeking out like custom doom wads or the occasional actually good indie fps single player game, having at this point long given up on large studios being able to make a compelling single player fps.
Sure, a lot of us enjoy lots of other kinds of games too, but good lord is there an unscratchable itch for a new, compelling FPS campaign thats actually interesting and challenging.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
Quite seriously I am actually looking to attempt to solo indie dev a sort of fps/tactics/management hybrid FPS that would at least start out as single player, and titanfall 2’s is something I am drawing inspiration from.
My basic idea is: What if you had the squad management and mission planning depth of basically Xenonauts, but you actually played out the missions in first person, with combat systems and load outs and player (and enemy) capabilities that resembled titanfall2’s mix of athletecism and gunplay?
Im in very early stages, but yeah basically titanfall2/xenonauts hybrid with (this is likely the hard part) procedurally generated, 3d levels, strung together with a kind of narrative generation engine, something sort of like rimworld’s system that simulates world conditions and then generates certain events based off of them, but also responds to certain specific things you do or do not do in mission, or what missions you choose to embark on over others.
Probably Im gonna focus on core gameplay systems and not really worry about graphics or assets at all until I can get any of this to an actual working concept level.
- Comment on EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" 1 year ago:
Yep, nobody enjoyed playing through Half Life 1/2, or FEAR or Deus Ex, or the early Medal of Honor or Call of Duty campaigns, or the Doom series or Battlefield Bad Company or the Wolfenstein Series.
Just because most modern popular FPSs are basically cartoony tf2/overwatch clones/derivatives and there are a lot if highly competitive multiplayer FPSs doesnt mean theres no market for a single player FPS.
It means that making a single player FPS game these days is apparently too hard modern game devs to figure out how to do.
- Comment on If one day our Fingerprint ends up Getting Stollen, Is There a Way we can Change it? 1 year ago:
Youre right, I got my eyeball parts confused.
- Comment on U.S., Missouri Republican senators vote against allowing abortions in rape, incest cases, arguing that "giving birth in the cases of rape and incest could help the mother recover" 1 year ago:
I believe one of these people publically stated something to the effect of continuing through with an incest or rape pregnancy to birth is actually therapeutic for the mother.
Welcome to Gilead!
Population: Hopefully not me soon, Im getting the fuck out of this dumpster fire of a country as soon as I can.
- Comment on If one day our Fingerprint ends up Getting Stollen, Is There a Way we can Change it? 1 year ago:
You could.
Good luck with resetting your account credentials though.
Also: Please for the love of god do not apply this logic to cornea scans.
- Comment on Twitter goes down in Pakistan amid Election Results delay 1 year ago:
If memory serves, this would not the the first time that Pakistan shut down its internet near or during an election.
- Comment on 4chan daily challenge sparked deluge of explicit AI Taylor Swift images 1 year ago:
Not sure of the timeline, but yes I remember that.
I would not be surprised if something like 2% of the people who saw that were aroused enough or bored enough to… take the next step, leading to the … autophilia stuff.
- Comment on ‘Zombie Offices’ Spell Trouble for Some Banks - The New York Times 1 year ago:
Thats a key element as well, the insane corpo manipulation that only exists if you can prove it even though everyone who doesnt up their head up either their own ass or someone elses knows is absurdly rampant… but youre too busy to record it all!
- Comment on ‘Zombie Offices’ Spell Trouble for Some Banks - The New York Times 1 year ago:
Yep, Ive been saying this for years now as well.
We have giant mostly empty office buildings which could be converted into mostly apartments, with even make shift permitted commercial zones for basically street vendor / convention booth style shops every 10 floors.
Instead it apparently makes more sense to not do this because it makes more sense to keep them empty, heated and lit 24/7, as basically a way to prop up the retail property market.
Capitalism is a farce, and it has already doomed us all: we have now breached the 1.5 C warming barrier, even more rapidly than most of the worst case scenarios predicted. Permafrost in Siberia and Northern Canada is already thawing and releasing methane.
Enjoy the collapse of human civilization in your own lifetime as people and governments continue to squabble and combat each other over scarcer and scarcer resources as our entire way of life becomes too expensive to maintain.
- Comment on ‘Zombie Offices’ Spell Trouble for Some Banks - The New York Times 1 year ago:
Yep, been saying this for years now, the vicious and irrational hatred against work from home employees is driven by two main factors:
At a systemic level, despite work from home being obviously less costly in the long run than maintaining an office space, if work from home were allowed to proliferate it basically pop the commercial real estate bubble and then basically every corrupt mayor and idiots in upper management would be shown to be corrupt idiots.
At a more personal level, upper and middle management people essentially get their kicks from seeing busy little worker bees near them, and they would personally have existential crisis when they realize that 90% of what they do is negging and then ommitting or misrepresenting that in actual meetings. Actual meetings which can easily take place in zoom, or often replaced with just an email.