- Comment on AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants 1 year ago:
You should hate it as a manager. You're filtering out every single quality candidate because only a deranged nut job would even consider such an unhinged request.
You don't need to process every candidate. Just randomly take 5%, or 1%, or .001%, and do a real hiring process. Anything at all is better than requiring a video application.
- Comment on AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants 1 year ago:
There's also that.
But purely on the premise of "you should take the time to record a video merely for the pleasure of maybe having us look at your application", their expectations are way out of whack.
This isn't like when Google put scavenger hunts or puzzles or whatever in ads and gave job offers to people who solved them. The people who got hired by those ads were following through out of curiosity/the fun of solving the problems, and that wasn't the main/only way to get a job. It's just a new absurd demand trying to push the threshold of what's a legitimate ask.
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
The scary part is presenting it as a fucking privacy feature with no consequences.
- Comment on AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants 1 year ago:
Your company requiring video submissions for a fucking application is the easiest "this company is batshit insane and there's no possibility working for them could ever be worth it" red flag I've ever seen.
- Comment on Affordable Android Excellence: Best Smartphones Under $200 in 2024 1 year ago:
That's not abuse.
If the developers choose to support that hardware, they have a reason. In either case, there is no way to use open source software that's abusive, with the exception of stuff like Amazon taking an open source project, modifying it without distribution so they're not obligated to share their changes, and selling the product as a service (at a scale that makes it extremely difficult for the authors to compete). That's against the spirit of open source even if it wasn't foreseen when licenses were written and is hard to legislate.
Using open source software to save money isn't.
- Comment on AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt 1 year ago:
This is like saying putting logs on a fire is "one or two breakthroughs away" from nuclear fusion.
LLMs do not have anything in common with intelligence. They do not resemble intelligence. There is no path from that nonsense to intelligence. It's a dead end, and a bad one.
- Comment on Controversial benchmarking website goes behind paywall — Userbenchmark now requires a $10 monthly subscription 1 year ago:
The actual "single core", "multi-core" were basically fine last I was aware, but they went so far into apeshit meltdown about the fact that AMD was offering better value than Intel with Ryzen (which is kind of back and forth since, but AMD is the reason I could get a 16 (real, capable of demanding single core loads too) core for $500 a couple years ago, not too long after Intel was selling 6 cores for more than that.
Anyways, UB's owner didn't like that AMD had good shit so he kept changing the "gaming/desktop/whatever" grade formulas to tilt the comparisons to Intel using more and more hilarious mechanisms. It started with a reasonable "you don't really benefit from games past 4/6/8 cores" and de-emphasizing super high core counts that hadn't really been an issue before, but it quickly degraded into obviously cheating hard by whatever means necessary to punish AMD, with even worse diatribes in the descriptions to match.
- Comment on Affordable Android Excellence: Best Smartphones Under $200 in 2024 1 year ago:
Abusing their hard work to buy cheap devices and get their longer OS support for free is not cool.
This is literally a core
- Comment on Christians think gay people are trying to convert them to being gay *because Christians try to convert people to being Christian*. 1 year ago:
Also Jesus pretty much tossed out all the "unclean" nonsense in Peter's dream or whatever.
I wonder how many of them follow the diet though.
- Comment on Why were so many people believers in the conspiracy that 9/11 was an inside job 1 year ago:
"Controlled demolitions take weeks of planning" because under normal circumstances, the risk of waiting is not that high. That doesn't mean that subject matter experts aren't capable of making an intelligent plan in a short period when a building is catastrophically damaged in heavily populated area where waiting can very easily result in more damage and more risk of casualties.
As for "melting iron", if you're talking eyewitnesses before the demolition, they have no idea what was melted. If you're talking after, no shit they used demolition-grade explosives. It was a fucking skyscraper in the middle of a massively populated city that wasn't stable. It had to come down.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I don't mind fulfilled by Amazon. I'm selective, but there's still value there.
If I could permanently remove everything that isn't in an Amazon warehouse from showing up in search results the platform would be way less annoying, though. De-emphasizing that nonsense is a huge value add as far as I'm concerned.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
When that lifespan is at the cost of meaningful extra bulk you have to carry around, there are plenty.
It's not saving them money. It's because being required to carry a giant battery no matter what you want to do is a bad product.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
Don't buy it if you don't want AR.
But it's beyond idiotic to trash the first device on the market actually capable of functional AR because you personally don't care about the tech people have been waiting decades for.
- Comment on Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever” 1 year ago:
Nintendo's drives are tiny, capacity wise. And expensive enough that publishers won't pay for the "high capacity" (that's still not big enough for games anywhere except the switch, due to how low res assets are) ones.
- Comment on Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever” 1 year ago:
You can have different libraries and only share some of them with others.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
A "decent battery" is bigger and more weight to carry around that plenty of use cases don't want or benefit from. It's not small for cost reasons. It's because it's a worse device if you force it to be huge.
The price is high, but only if you ignore how much tech is in it. A lesser but close dumb display from anyone else is thousands in its own.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
The design makes perfect sense. You can trivially add an additional pack with capacity if that's your use case. The included pack does the power management and has enough for plenty of people without being in the way, and it's as simple as plugging in any source of USC-C power at appropriate specs to extend it.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
So I asked, and you can't do captures to use for the backgrounds with the headset (I'm guessing they use better equipment and maybe some processing), but it does do "spatial photos and video". That was part of the demo in the store and they're really impressive. The 15 pro can also capture a 3D video that still looks cool, but has noticeable less depth than the captures with the headset.
I'm not sure the exact technical details, but there are a whole bunch of cameras and other sensors. I'm assuming it uses all of them combined to capture the 3D photos. But there was a lot of depth in the version I saw in the demo.
- Comment on Apple Vision Pro Owners Are Struggling to Figure Out What They Just Bought 1 year ago:
I want it like crazy. No chance I'll wear it in public after I pull the trigger.
I probably would throw it in my backpack on hikes to do some captures of stuff like waterfalls and nice mountain views. They're really nice and not something you can do with my regular camera.
- Comment on Plex for books? 1 year ago:
On kindle, if you tap the middle of the screen, then click the little Aa up top, you get formatting options. On reflowable formats, you can go to the more tab and uncheck the animation button. On ones that are fixed pages, it should be one of the only options.
- Comment on Plex for books? 1 year ago:
Same, have a boox, getting a second boox, and really wish I had a better option to track location across devices. KOReader is a nice reader experience, but browsing books sucks. I use a blend of moon reader and the built in app depending on my mood, but neither feels as good as maple reader on my iPad, and nothing I've found can really sync my location.
- Comment on Plex for books? 1 year ago:
I keep not getting to it, so can't vouch for it, but Kavita looks like it's worth trying.
- Comment on LockBit remorseless in latest children's hospital attack 1 year ago:
It's not "digital" when it literally kills people.
- Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago:
Those nature videos as backgrounds in a room with a strong color scheme?
Except I wouldn't even sort of trust them not to veer into some jackass ranting about something stupid.
- Comment on YouTube and Spotify Won’t Launch Apple Vision Pro Apps, Joining Netflix 1 year ago:
I'm not talking about passing monitors through. I'm talking about having multiple virtual monitors in your field of view.
A shitty virtual 1080p screen taking your entire field of view is not even vaguely capable of being used for productivity purposes. It's not remotely close. The whole point of multiple physical displays is to have a meaningful amount of information directly visible at once.
- Comment on YouTube and Spotify Won’t Launch Apple Vision Pro Apps, Joining Netflix 1 year ago:
There is no comparable tech.
You can't get just a headset with comparable resolution, without the high quality low latency passthrough or the computer), for meaningfully less.
- Comment on YouTube and Spotify Won’t Launch Apple Vision Pro Apps, Joining Netflix 1 year ago:
No you can't.
The resolution is not close to sufficient for a monitor with any meaningful amount of text on it. Your eyes will be bleeding in about 2 minutes.
- Comment on YouTube and Spotify Won’t Launch Apple Vision Pro Apps, Joining Netflix 1 year ago:
All you have to do is not block the iPad app though.
- Comment on Cable Firms to FTC: We Shouldn’t Have to Let Users Cancel Service With a Click 1 year ago:
That's just the cost of doing business.
The system now is that you have to call them, get bombarded with ads and berated by their customer service for an hour, then maybe they'll think about cancelling you. And gyms are even worse.
- Comment on This console generation seems skippable 1 year ago:
An SSD on PC is definitely a step up from anything before this gen.
This gen (at least PS5, which leans hard into the tech with hardware decompression on top of the silly raw speed of the drives) is better than PC, though (for now). The hardware you're buying now can do pretty much everything the PS5 hardware can, but because the software stack to use it isn't the same and universal, there's definitely more loads. It's similar to how PS4 games load fast (especially compared to on the actual PS4), but get blown out of the water by PS5 games. I die in Horizon: Zero Dawn, it's 5-10 seconds. Which is fine. But I die in Forbidden West, which is prettier and has more complexity (mechanically and the environment) and it's maybe a second.