- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
projection, mostly. they can’t imagine being in a women’s space without taking advantage of it, and they don’t understand that that’s a them issue.
- Comment on Which reverse proxy do you use/recommend? 1 week ago:
Caddy all the way!
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
indeed! im a computer science student who can’t read a graph, that’s tough haha
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
you’re right lol. at first glance I thought the y axis was in inches not feet. make sense now lol
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 2 weeks ago:
doesn’t this suggest that my 27" monitor I sit a foot away from should just be 480p? that seems a little noticable to me
- Comment on Belgium's sex workers get maternity leave and pensions under world-first law 2 months ago:
spoken like someone who has never written code as a job
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
messy asf, a proper hobbiest system
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
mostly runs jellyfin for a group of about 30 users (2 or 3 on at most times). runs alpine on bare bones. the box was originally filled with foam cutouts from storing iPads in a school district I worked at. I figure it’s 20tbs of storage is a welcome upgrade. it stays cool cause I cutout half the side and put an AC fan in there. future upgrades involve the Nvidia k40 card I have, but I need to design an active cooling system for it before it can be installed as that thing gets HOT
- Comment on "Your body, my choice:" Hate and harassment towards women spreads online 3 months ago:
“your face, my fist”
- Comment on I benchmarked 6 different metal USB sticks 3 months ago:
beautiful post, thank you!! I’ve been using the same traveling USB for ages at this point and will probably upgrade soon, this research is super useful
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
I used to do that but the more I get into os programming the more I’ve found myself scrapping entire 1000+ line files and rewriting the entire thing 🙃
and I think “it’s a miracle I get anything done” is a very common thought in most programmers heads lol
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
I prefer to argue on the internet via my phone, which I can type pretty fast on thanks to the swipe to type.
and yeah programming simply doesn’t require fast typing, I tend to diagram everything out on my whiteboard before even opening my ide. I just have to write tons and tons of code since I’m in a few low level programming classes
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
I’m a programmer. I write hundreds of lines of code a day (of varying levels of quality ofc). I also fix technology (phones, laptops, desktops. tablets, etc). I’m probably one of the most “tech-savvy” people I know. I very rarely type faster than 70 wpm. it’s just not necessary for what most of us are doing.
- Comment on Studios are cracking down on some of the internet’s most popular pirating sites 5 months ago:
luckily. that seems doable
- Comment on Sloths 🦥 6 months ago:
lol this is immediately what I thought of haha
- Comment on Can't get that metallic taste out of my mouth 8 months ago:
username checks out
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
thanks for the explanation. I’ll stick with jellyfin for now, I’ve heard rough things about privacy with Plex and that explains why.
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
personally, I wouldn’t want my files going through plexs servers, especially with how shit I’ve heard they are with their privacy policy. that’s a really interesting concept tho, and makes a lot of sense. I doubt jellyfin will ever do that simply because they don’t have the resources to host that as you said.
thanks for the explanation tho! greatly appreciated
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
I haven’t used Plex in a while, but I’m confused how Plex handles WAN connections without using any port forwarding? how is that possible?
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
- Comment on Five Men Convicted of Operating Massive, Illegal Streaming Service That Allegedly Had More Content Than Netflix, Hulu, Vudu and Prime Video Combined 8 months ago:
really? I never had an issue with just sticking it behind a reverse proxy, doing some port forwarding, and setting an apex domain record, that was it. curious what wasn’t working for you?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I could never own a dell. as far as I’m concerned, they make crazy overpriced laptops that are pretty much guaranteed to need 200$ of maintenance down the road when the hinges inevitably fail.
- Comment on The Aliens did a little trolling 1 year ago:
my choice would prob be a 15k. at that point I’ll just do a half marathon, thanks.
- Comment on And now Bezos is trying to inserts ads everywhere 1 year ago:
I have been into the pirating scene for a few years, last time I was active pirate bay was the best. why not use it anymore?
- Comment on Microsoft cuts ties with the Surface Duo after just 2 Android version updates 1 year ago:
damn I didn’t realize they were arm devices, I assumed all surfaces were x86. thanks for the info!
- Comment on Microsoft cuts ties with the Surface Duo after just 2 Android version updates 1 year ago:
both of y’all should try here:…/Installation-and-Setup