- Comment on Suspicious Tesla Sales Surge Triggers Canadian Government Investigation 1 day ago:
4 dealerships total were involved, so 1200 was probably the lesser of the 4.
- Comment on What car stickers say about you 3 days ago:
That says: I support racist policing tactics, and might have guns, food buckets, testosterone creams, and dick pills at my house to steal.
- Comment on [Louis Rossmann] Brother turns heel & becomes anti-consumer printer company 4 days ago:
Makerbot after the Stratasys buyout.
There were a bunch of companies that tried right after the FDM patents expired in 2009. Most of them were completely forgotten or ignored because they were closed source (and more importantly closed material) companies and never got very far off the starting blocks.
Bamboo learned from them and decided to pull the rug out after getting a foothold with finally selling decent prebuilt hardware for less than a fortune (see Ultimaker before buying out MakerBot at least).
- Comment on This Cybertruck shaped man is destroying our government 5 days ago:
Yeah he’s rarely filmed from the side with normal lighting when he’s presenting on stage. He’s also wearing coats in press conferences to hide his body, just like his pet president does.
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 1 week ago:
Yeah, it was named Mount McKinley during that presidents candidacy, even though he never saw the mountain.
Then the during President Obama’s second term, they renamed it to the most popular/common name the indigenous peoples used, Denali
Now it’s already back to Mt. McKinkey benches Trump has a hard on for both robber barons like McKinley, and undoing Obama’s work.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 week ago:
Wifire sounds like a 90s hard drive protocol.
- Comment on Chat, is this true? 1 week ago:
The assholes are trying to retake Denali from the indigenous people too.
- Comment on immich v1.127.0 released with manual face tagging feature 1 week ago:
Apples photos also has this feature, and it was one of the last things keeping me from self hosting photos.
Gonna start a mirror for my photo library now and see how it stacks up.
- Comment on Robot with 1,000 muscles twitches like human while dangling from ceiling 2 weeks ago:
Crabs make even more sense. 6 legs makes climbing stairs even easier. 2 big arms to hold thing and manipulate doors, drawers etc.
Nature keeps making crabs, we should just cut to the chase.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
You haven’t factored in the the north’s economy was based on manufacturing things using materials from the south. Industrialists got rich from it and that’s a major factor in why New York cops were returning slaves before the war.
The Industrial Revolution was powered by coal from the south.
Before the public works and refrigerated train cars that made California a farming state, a lot of food was grown down there.
- Comment on Xenon 2 weeks ago:
Is it me or is he just slightly asphyxiated after the first breath?
We messed with sulfur hexaflouride a while back, and it’s kinda difficult to exhale it all without putting your head between your knees and breathing hard.
- Comment on Those damn woke corners. 3 weeks ago:
I think nascar already has a virtual banana peel. They also stop the race right before the end, then restart and hope for crashes then.
When they started redesigning the cars to be safer in the late 90s I’m pretty sure they were doing it because 80%+ of the audience at those races were there to see crashes.
- Comment on Incoming!! 3 weeks ago:
The seats, steering, climate controls, everything you touch, computers, and bodies are garbage, so no, most of what makes it a car is terrible for a car of that price.
Even the throttle pedals fell off the constructs before a recall about them.
By chargers, I should have said charging network. Which I think will be the only profitable business with the name Tesla on it in 10 years.
- Comment on Titan submersible implosion apparently captured in new audio 3 weeks ago:
Gotta know where those Russian submarines are at all times.
Or whales, maybe, yeah, whales.
- Comment on Incoming!! 3 weeks ago:
Eh, he’s changed a fair amount since joining the magats. His cars have always been overhyped shit though. The chargers, batteries and maybe motors are the only good things that have come your of those factories.
Fit, finish and features have been cheap and crappy all along though.
- Comment on Palmer Luckey says he wants to 'turn warfighters into technomancers' as Anduril takes over production of the US Army's IVAS AR headset from Microsoft 3 weeks ago:
Cheaper components and manufacture to use a dedicated microcontroller to run PWM to dim the LEDs than something like a 555 and transistors to change its logic/capacitor path to vary brightness.
The fact that people have bothered to modify such basic firmware is pretty funny though.
- Comment on Nazis don't rule 4 weeks ago:
Bear with this awful logic: ISIS is against Christians, Christians-fascists are Christians, ISIS is antifa.
Except ISIS is Islamo-fascist, and has more in common with the Christian-fascists than just about any other group.
- Comment on *poke 4 weeks ago:
I hope guys like you outnumber the fascists in the military. It’s not looking good in the US at the moment.
- Comment on Maybe it's just hitting the side of the bowl. The outside of the bowl. 4 weeks ago:
I’ve had so many vivid pissing dreams, but never actually pissed the bed (at least not since toddlerhood).
I still wake up in a panic assuming I did though. It’s a weird sensation, you get relief in the dream cause you finally peed, but then you realize you’re in bed and wake up in a panic, then relief again when it’s dry.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 4 weeks ago:
Add in that they think once they stop paying taxes they’ll be rich like Trump too.
Plus an serious dose of racism.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 4 weeks ago:
And now he has access to the government billing office and all our SS numbers. Don’t hold your breath for your tax refund this year.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Yeah February in WI is not a smart time to plan to stand outside. Same in most other northern states for at least another 2 months
- Comment on Study of 8k Posts Suggests 40+% of Facebook Posts are AI-Generated 4 weeks ago:
They want dumb users consuming ai content, they need LLM content because the remaining users are too stupid to generate the free content that people actually want to click.
Then they pump ads to you based on increasingly targeted AI slop selling more slop.
- Comment on What do you use for notes? 4 weeks ago:
How was setting up the server? I’m on my phone right now so so I’ll check out the docs later but were there any problems deploying?
- Comment on USB-C gets a bit more universal as the EU’s mandate goes into effect 2 months ago:
My 2017 laptop has one less than reliable port out of 4 (the rest are fine). They are the only charging ports and since the rest work I should be fine as the hardware otherwise is still working well.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
Ok, some of those must be around county sized for the US.
Many of states of the United States (especially outside the 13 colonies) are bigger than most of Europe’s countries. Which is really a better comparison to memorizing the states.
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
Nope, but I think there may be Bavaria, Westfalia, Saxony? Can’t think of any others at the moment but I assume there are a couple more.
It’s a bit trickier, since Germany was still divided when I was in grade school.
- Comment on USB-C gets a bit more universal as the EU’s mandate goes into effect 2 months ago:
I’ve got a an iPhone 5c that still charges and works well (for playing some old seasonal games my wife loves) and its lighting port is still fine. As are all the other lighting ports I’ve got (7-8 devices over the years). I tend to use my devices for as long as they get OS support (and way longer on the laptops). The cables are the first to fail when bent or mishandled while charging.
I’ve now heard a few stories about melting connectors when they’re being held (a bad habit my wife has while laying in bed, but it only hurts the cable, so it’s not the end of her phone if it happens…yet). The USB-C charging on my MacBook is finicky as fuck, but it at least has 4 different ports if one fails.
The MagSafe connectors on MacBooks are the best IMO, my older MacBooks always connect with a click and start charging with a led indicator to show status. They never should have changed it. Which is probably why they changed it back.
- Comment on USB-C gets a bit more universal as the EU’s mandate goes into effect 2 months ago:
I’m still on the fence with respect the the usb-c device side durability. Time will tell, and I guess wireless charging can make it all moot if you’re patient.
- Comment on Yay 2 months ago:
I’m gonna get shot for this, but Safari has tab groups and they’re fucking awesome especially if your have an iPhone, mac, and iPad or more.