- Comment on Lately I feel like the second coming, yet I am afraid. Am I crazy? 2 weeks ago:
My name is his, my last name means he who supplants.
I do not feel I am god, nor that I am Jesus. I just want to be. Since 8 I wanted to be a buddhist. At my age now, I just want to find meaning in the madness I witness.
The only meaning seems simple, a stoic life. An ancient philosophy, far beyond mine. I regularly use weed and it’s how I was allowed time to meditate. I felt i could control my thoughts finally, and all I see is to be kind.
Now my dependency is ending, for I have found what I want to do. I want to help people, the only thing I wanted as a child. I was just too afraid.
I regularly drink, eat and sleep. I am happy with my life and this is not ego, narcissism, or anything. I feel shame, for I feel unworthy, incapable. The only thing I have is my name, my part in the script the world orients.
An act most heathenous and self righteous.
I appreciate your input. As I know these things and it is nice to reflect and put these thoughts to writing. It is why I asked here, only social forum I can see genuine interactions.
I do not feel I am god, or Jesus. I am me. Think more the eastern philosophy of upbringing. How you raise someone, with a set of expectations of beliefs and ideas. Eventually someone will roll the dice, in the right storm to form. Every person is unique for this very reason. It’s why I fear, I do not want to forfeit my life, my comforts, for this. I am content, however I find it inexcusable to take my wants over those of the ones I encounter.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to | 7 comments
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 2 weeks ago:
It’s to the point i believe myself the second coming. Rapture always perplexed me.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
If you think technology isnt analogous with socio-political development then you have definitely missed a huge point in the tech-sphere.
Technology is not your friend. It will consume you, destroy you, and ultimately replace you. Not in a philosophical way, but rather literal sadly.
It’s not a new thought, decades old.
If you do not want to be aware, please close your eyes. Life will eventually force them awake.
- Comment on As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for holes. 3 months ago:
Homebrew and backing up your legally owned software. They’re usually called dumping tools.
- Comment on Mozilla is eliminating its advocacy division, which fought for a free and open web 3 months ago:
The cyberpunk future just seems more and more likely to me. When’s v2.0.0 of the Internet dropping
- Comment on Castlevania: Symphony of a Broken Man | Civvie11 4 months ago:
Crimeinpartner still has the best playthrough of this game. From the secrets and glitches to real world context.
- Comment on Meta has suspended several Threads and Instagram accounts that track the private jets of celebrities such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Kim Kardashian, and Donald Trump 4 months ago:
Sounds like an RSS feed