- Comment on Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal 2 months ago:
lol yeh
- Comment on Claude AI to process secret government data through new Palantir deal 2 months ago:
Clod AI. Palantir. Anthropic.
Peter Thiel, of the apartheid uranium nuclear weapon mines?
fuck them all
- Comment on Big Ol' Beavers 3 months ago:
Global Scientific Survey Deploys Giant Autonomous Vaginas to Assess the Planetary Situation
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 3 months ago:
Food service workers do not scrub down like OR personnel. They really need to wash their hands routinely and wear hairnets and not touch their privates. The whole thing of Subway employees donning a new pair of gloves for each sandwich is just theatre. Go into any professional kitchen away from public view and you will not see the cooks and chefs wearing gloves.
- Comment on Badgers 3 months ago:
yeah 3 am riding my little motorcycle through an appalachian holler so slowly because the mist was overwhelming and blinding and suddenly i was surrounded by a couple deer and a giant buck… i was like i don’t know if they can accelerate faster than me but i’ll try. i made it out, but if i hadn’t been so slow, i would have crashed into a deer or swerving
- Comment on How you know the Democrats think Trump is going to win 3 months ago:
Article written by former Trump staffer Mick mulvaney, he was OMB director and then acting WH chief of staff
[democrats] are complaining more and more about a relatively new, entirely fabricated, but certainly sinister sounding boogeyman that could steal away the election: the “Electoral College bias.” Nothing screams “we are going to lose” more than saying the game was rigged in the first place.
No sir, the electoral college is a known shit process
- Comment on How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord? 3 months ago:
Your creds could be diminished based on which usenet forums you frequented. I had a little while in my 90s youth obsessed with researching marihuana, libertarian ideals, and discrediting Scientology in the alt.scientology groups. Not great, kind of normal for usenet, but there were much darker places to inhabit there. Worst of all was posting from my university account with my real name.
- Comment on Is 24/7 a common idiom throughout the world? 3 months ago:
The frilly bits might serve as shoddy feathering if you wanted to launch them from a tiny compound bow
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
So that movie Coherence except your character got annoyed and left early so they had no clue of the shenanigans, and slept well.
- Comment on Is 24/7 a common idiom throughout the world? 3 months ago:
omg the babylonians, fielded the best footie team in all of existence, except for other examples.
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
People are amazing at dinnertime.
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
Nah I lived with a woman in Burbank. Not my scene. Out of all the people in the LA suburbs I met whom I didn’t like, that annoying valley girl accent never came up.
- Comment on Is 24/7 a common idiom throughout the world? 3 months ago:
Didn’t the Egyptians figure it out? Or someone before them was like “SHADOWS! SHADOWS THEN! SHADOWS NOW!”
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
Is that what you meant by valley girl?
- Comment on Is 24/7 a common idiom throughout the world? 3 months ago:
Well now there are two plus me, and this is fantastic content for role playing
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
Whatever that is, sounds like it might be toxic, typing it into my ancient-ass tablet broke everything and now the browser will only load the wiki page on neoliberalism
- Comment on Why do all languages share the same intonation for questions? 3 months ago:
That’s a sexist stereotype, but it’s true for anyone feeling really unsure about their statement. You don’t even have to change the note at the end of the sentence. Could just trail off… or add a whole new half sentence like "thoughts? "
- Comment on Is setting a box outside a viable trapping strategy for felines? 3 months ago:
I initially thought they were catching multiple cats at once, and that can not go well for the humans. But the brutal honesty is if there are too many cats on a farm, it would be cool if they humanely euthanized them or just neutered all the toms. That is not necessarily how it works.
- Comment on What? 3 months ago:
The human versions also call themselves snowbirds. The rich ones mostly fly somewhere “nice”. Train kids and modern hobos hitch a ride to a more hospitable climate. The likes of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas travel in corporate-funded luxury RVs. The Sonora Desert is full of the same assholes fucking up Florida. They see “desert” and think it’s a wasteland, instead of a functioning ecosystem.
- Comment on What? 3 months ago:
This recalls a forgotten memory. Some adult/teacher was explaining that birds (in general) go north for the winter. We’re midway up somewhere in the northern hemisphere. I was maybe 6 and just couldn’t grasp why birds would go north in the winter toward colder weather. The adult went off on a condescending rant about having to repeat themself and migratory patterns and birds being birds. I still know very little about birds.
- Comment on Is setting a box outside a viable trapping strategy for felines? 3 months ago:
I agree. I guess I was just imagining contrapositions to the “crazy cat lady” stereotype
- Comment on What can be the reasons for self-sabotaging behaviours when it comes to relationships? 3 months ago:
it’s not a fear of success
Nor of closeness
But of going through life
Feeling known
A little song in case you want to feel okay with the way you are distant. Clem Snide “I love the unknown”, it’s on the web
- Comment on Is setting a box outside a viable trapping strategy for felines? 3 months ago:
Imagine a blind date where the other person brings their cat. Could be eccentric epic-level trolling, or could be a red flag. Would it matter, or would you wait a bit to grasp more context? What if the cat is not leashed, but polite and charismatic and seems so well trained as to understand English? Would you guess the date is a witch? Or If the cat is leashed/caged, and feral, and might be a skunk, because they work in animal rescue and routinely bring wild animals with them?
- Comment on Would it be weird if I took something my neighbor put out for trash? 3 months ago:
Homie. I wish you better luck in future recycling adventures. I think you might meet cool like minded people along the way.
- Comment on Does the word "burger" have any extra meaning in some parts of the gay or lgbtq community? 3 months ago:
Ha ha ha classic internet it’s like the old Who’s on First
- Comment on fwiends 3 months ago:
OGs see a repost and understand that’s how meme culture is, because that’s how language is, how art is.
- Comment on fwiends 3 months ago:
You into throwback ad hominem politics or just general misogyny? Why not both? Check out… I won’t even say the name. Fuck you.
- Comment on fwiends 3 months ago:
This is why it’s okay to make out with randos at parties and such. You get mono for 6 months plus accretion of zillions of new friends.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 3 months ago:
Hmmm “how to diy replace stolen catalytic converter” “96 Ford esprit strange smell and noise in roof” Youtube: buy this $90 grand all terrain thingy on credit!
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 3 months ago:
Sounds standard for Comcast or whoever they are now. Couldn’t find anything though. Curious