- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 3 days ago:
It gets even worse, I more and more see the use of NeoRetro when “Games that looks and feel old” are referenced. We already have words for that, but the gaming scene seems to be fixated on the word Retro alone.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 5 weeks ago:
A modded version of Final Fantasy Tactics
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 2 months ago:
Cyberpunk is a great game, it has a great story that is marvelous told. That is the games biggest strength and one of its biggest limitations too. Heavy story driven games like cyberpunk don’t mix very good with a open world with its many detractions and side quests. If a game has a strong story that will capture the player, making side quests and open world design a burden, or into something that gets ignored.
Logically viewed everything that V would do after having Jonny implanted in his/her brain should be laser focused on the task to learn more about it and to find a cure or solution. There should be no driving around and playing mommy or daddy for some freaked out cabs or other side quests. Yes, doing side quests could be explained as a way to get resources for the main tasks, but as those side quests are completely optional there is nothing really backing that explanation up.
So you either have to ignore a life threatening condition to play side quests or ignore that huge part of the game and fixate on the main quest.
Cyberpunk has no real “sandbox” moment because the open world really only opens up after you get the world largest cyber brain virus implanted deeply.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
There is so much to do and to see in the game, I have so many hours in and still find new stuff that I had not seen before.
25h is barely the main quest and there is so much else to see and do then the main quest. Faction quests, side quests, radiant quests, base building, ship building, new game plus, DLC, mods.
Starfield is packed full with stuff to discover, people just have to be open for the game. Yes it has lots of flaws, the awful temple puzzle was the first thing that I changed with mods, and yes the loading screens are not great. I can forgive the game it’s flaws, maybe because I never over hyped it as so much other did.
I am playing Bethesda games for over 20 years now, since Morrowind, and I have a very good idea what to expect from a Bethesda game and where the strength and limitations of the engine are. Due to this I never expected to be able to do atmospheric flights or to travel over huge parts of the planet in one go, or to have huge interplanetary or interstellar areas. The engine is not made for that kind of things, not at all, so I never expected the game to have those features and so my expectations for the game were very similar to the delivered product.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
I still play Starfield, I really like the game but have it modded a lot now.
Never had any fun with No man’s sky, for me the story is boring and the rest of the game can’t hook me. In my eyes Starfield is a way better game, but I can see and understand why other think different about this.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 2 months ago:
In descending order: Skyrim Fallout 4 Starfield
Morrowind is a game that has extreme hours too, but not sure if it is 1000+ (yet).
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 2 months ago:
My comment was more in general for all of society, not only political parties.
But yes, for political parties that would be great!
- Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 2 months ago:
Yes, it gets problematic as soon as extreme positions and mentalities enter the equation. All extrem positions are toxic, extreme left, extreme right, extreme religious (any religion), extreme fans of a sports club, extreme anything doesn’t matter.
If we could find some kind of balance, some true middle ground without huge extremes, then the world would be a much nicer place.
- Comment on There should be a term for people who never really returned from the pandemic's social isolation 2 months ago:
My socializing during the pandemic was more or less the same as before or after the pandemic. I am very sensitive to sound, a introvert, a huge nerd and don’t care for most of the topics “normal” people talk about like sport. I have no reason to go outside, I don’t like to be at places with many people and I don’t any knowledge in topic that can be used for smalltalk.
Due to this the biggest part of my social bubble is located all over the world and we communicate purely online. It was called lockdown but for me it was just a normal Tuesday.
- Comment on Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered and the long-awaited 2.0 patch update for Warcraft 3: Reforged have just launched on PC for Warcraft's 30th anniversary 2 months ago:
There exist a few but I personally had the best results with Dune Legacy: sourceforge.net/projects/dunelegacy/
- Comment on Warcraft 1 and 2 Remastered and the long-awaited 2.0 patch update for Warcraft 3: Reforged have just launched on PC for Warcraft's 30th anniversary 2 months ago:
There are open source engine rebuilds for Dune 2 that offer lots of QoL/UX refinements so it is really great to play but at the same time those changes make the game way to easy.
Dune 2 was designed and balanced with the limitations in mind and removing them utterly breaks the difficulty.
- Comment on Coming on Lemmy and complaining because there are too many Linux users is like going in to a brothel and complaining that there are too many hookers 3 months ago:
And with Gentoo you have to spin your own yarn before the knitting 😁
- Comment on Classic SNES RPG Illusion Of Gaia Gets Fresh Translation 30 Years After Its Western Release | Time Extension 4 months ago:
Not for emulators, but with Everdrives for example it is possible to play it on native hardware and there load times matter. So improving loading times is a great feature
- Comment on The mod who bypass' the PSN login for God of War Ragnarök got removed on Nexus Mods 4 months ago:
According to public sources at Nexus Mods he has taken it down preemptively out of fear for possible consequences.
But there is always the possibility that the cease and desist letter came with a firm request to not talk about the cease and desist letter, but that is highly speculoos - Comment on The mod who bypass' the PSN login for God of War Ragnarök got removed on Nexus Mods 4 months ago:
Yes, I know. Never said anything else.
- Comment on The mod who bypass' the PSN login for God of War Ragnarök got removed on Nexus Mods 4 months ago:
It can be made the argument that the mod is a way to circumvent copy protection and due to this in conflict with the DMCA (and all the equal laws in many other lands).
A mod like this is not the worth to go to court over, so it is only understandable that the creator has pulled it from the net the best he could. And even if Nexus had pulled the mod down over a DMCA notice nobody should blame them. We may not like the laws but Nexus Mods is bound to it. - Comment on The mod who bypass' the PSN login for God of War Ragnarök got removed on Nexus Mods 4 months ago:
From the Nexus Mods Discord:
God of War No PSN Requirement Mod Hi <@&1116364961757790238>
We’ve had several questions from the community about the NoPSSDK mod for God of War Ragnarok which is no longer available on the site.
We would like to clarify this page was removed by the mod author and not by a member of our team.
I’ve reached out to iArtorias to find out what happened, but we suspect that Sony may have requested they remove it as they’ve deleted it from GitHub too.
- Comment on Humans should lay eggs 4 months ago:
If by “fuc” you mean pushing cloaca at each other then yes they fuck. But for most bird species males don’t have a penis for penetration
- Comment on There exists a position inside the earth where it is possible to cook a perfect pizza just by leaving it there 4 months ago:
This is the place where the hidden ancient civilization of P’zz’r lives, a mystical forgotten place deep in the earth
- Comment on Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game? 5 months ago:
Yeah and everything IRL is just a wild mix of gluons, mesons and other strange particles. I would say that going so deep down is a bit much 😄
- Comment on Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game? 5 months ago:
Not really, because it is in it’s core the same engine with the same limitations. It has the same worldspace and cell system as the original engine from Morrowind. Yes it has shader (a modern feature that is in the creation engine at least since Fallout 76, most likely even Fallout 4) and a LUA script engine besides the official creation script engine. This could be added to the engine very easily and that the Creation Engine doesn’t has this is a design decision not a engine limitation.
- Comment on Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game? 5 months ago:
The cells and worldspaces are needed for a engine that allows huge amounts of persistent dynamic objects that can be removed from and added to the world freely., That is the reason why we don’t see games with large worlds like this in other engines. Even more so when the game has to run on consoles too. Neither No Man’s Sky, nor Outer Worlds or Cyberpunk have worlds or places full of persistent dynamic objects, nearly everything is static and hard baked into the world.
- Comment on It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring 5 months ago:
Strange but interesting, thank you!😊
- Comment on Are we ever going to see a remake of any Bethesda game? 5 months ago:
Skyrim has not the same engine as Oblivion and Starfield has not the same engine as Skyrim. There always were huge upgrades and changes to the engine, saying the Starfield has the same engine is like saying the Unreal 5 is the same old engine as Unreal 1. It is the same engine in the same way as I am the same as my father or grandfather. We share lots of features and DNA and have the same last name, but we are very different in many ways.
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
As far as I know no engine out there is able to do what the creation engine can, and that is having world spaces with tons of persistent dynamic objects. If they would switch to another engine they would loose one of their core elements of the game, the possibility to take all the junk that is laying around in the world or to add things literally wherever the player wants. But this feature comes with the price that the world spaces have to be comparted in cells which are separate by loading screens. This can be minimized with streaming and dynamic data transfers but this has its limits too, even more so on resources constraint systems like consoles.
- Comment on Web printing 5 months ago:
Sounds like you want savapage www.savapage.org
It by default runs on its own port but that is easy fixable with a reverse proxy.
- Comment on It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring 5 months ago:
Is it then also the “state of being poisoned-ring”?
- Comment on It's called a wedding ring, but surely it should be called a marriage ring 5 months ago:
In german it is “Ehe-Ring” which literally translates to marriage ring
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
I don’t fully understand that comment, but game mechanics and world building are two very different things.
- Comment on Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work 5 months ago:
Gravjumps are Instant, there is literally no time to move on the ship. And the loading screen for gravjumps takes a second or two on my very middle class system, yes it short fades to black but why should I care?
Maybe I am way more tolerant to loading screens because I am old and my first experience were with C64 and Amiga 500. Or maybe I just like the game so much that the loading screens doesn’t bother me.