My Observations
- Political labels are pointless. Because the meaning changes depending on the perspective of the person giving the definition.
- “Conservatives” ala Donald Trump, MAGA, Ted Cruz. Would be better described as "Regressives ". (Because they pine for time that didn’t really exist in the 20th Century).
- Dismissive terms are all that you need to sway the opinion of a trumper (call something “woke” and BAM!. You’ve convinced them.).
- All USA media talking heads (specifically talking about podcasters and news shows, not talking about non verbal). Are propaganda which its users are addicted to. (Outrage addiction)
- The word “Christian” is now synonymous with hate and bigotry. I’ve made the distinction to now call people who are religious (Christianity) “Followers of Christ”. 3 days ago 3 days ago
I need to clarify what I mean by this.
In the context of what I am thinking about the use of labels, I mean whenever people use labels to describe their out group, they use them as a dismissive tool.
For example, if you are not 100% pro-Trump and you say anything negative about Trump or his administration to somebody who has died in the wool, they will call you a liberal.
It has gotten to the point where anything that you say will get you labeled as woke or a liberal. So long as it is something that goes against magga and Christian nationalism.
Therefore, the political term liberal is all but meaningless.
Because it doesn’t hold a unified definition across the aisles.
Besides this, political labels as a whole are mostly bullshit because people use them to describe themselves as being part of a group. But whenever you question them as an individual, you find out that they don’t align with a lot of the shit that other people who use that political label ascribe to. 3 days ago
First of all, let me say that I think it’s great how you’re dissecting all of this.
You might enjoy this video:
He talks a lot about that idea in a very thoughtful way.
This is, unfortunately, not an accident. First it was “the Commies,” then “the Gays,” then “the occult,” then the Liberals, then the “trans people,” then the “groomers,” and then, and then… The people in charge right now know exactly what they did and what they’re doing: shortcutting people’s ability to reason.
This is common in religious cults and other abuse structures. It’s also no accident that fundamentalist religion is a major component of a lot of MAGA, since it already primes people not to question anything their leaders say.
Until facts once again matter more than what our favorite political/billionaire celebrities say, they’ll continue to weaponize our worst impulses against us. Recognizing that you deserve to think for yourself is the first step in resisting.