Comment on In what way(s) are my observations wrong? 3 days ago
- Political labels are pointless. Because the meaning changes depending on the perspective of the person giving the definition.
Words do have meaning, political labels included, changing meaning of them depending on the context is usually a sign of dishonest arguments. ‘Left’, ‘right’, ‘progessive’ ’ conservative’ and the like are defined terms that carry meaning. People trying to change those are most often trying to shift the perception of reality, for example calling Hitler ’ left wing’ is clearly revisionist nonsense trying to white wash their own agenda.
- “Conservatives” ala Donald Trump, MAGA, Ted Cruz. Would be better described as "Regressives ". (Because they pine for time that didn’t really exist in the 20th Century).
From Wikipedia: Conservatism has varied considerably as it has adapted itself to existing traditions and national cultures.[…] Conservatism may be either libertarian or authoritarian,[14] populist or elitist,[15] progressive or reactionary,[16] moderate or extreme.[17]
Simply put ‘Conservative’ is just the family name, the currently governing conservative flavor in the US you could call regressive, true, but in other areas of the world you might not.
- Dismissive terms are all that you need to sway the opinion of a trumper (call something “woke” and BAM!. You’ve convinced them.).
No argument here. Punchlines are always easy especially if they meet frustrated minds.
- All USA media talking heads (specifically talking about podcasters and news shows, not talking about non verbal). Are propaganda which its users are addicted to. (Outrage addiction)
It’s a lot more complicated than that I’d say, but a lot of it fits the description, fair enough.
- The word “Christian” is now synonymous with hate and bigotry. I’ve made the distinction to now call people who are religious (Christianity) “Followers of Christ”.
Similar to the first point ‘Christian’ is just the family name, I think what you’re trying to describe are ‘Christian nationalists’, with emphasis on nationalist. 3 days ago
OK that’s right. I suppose it’s better to describe them as Christian nationalist rather than giving up the word.
But that doesn’t dissuade from the fact that Christian now has a horrible smell about it.