- Comment on Sooo, where did the blatant Nazism suddenly come from? 1 week ago:
It’s always been there. Trump just told them it’s ok to be nazi in public? He’ll protect them. Because he is a damn nazi.
- Comment on Google Chrome disables uBlock Origin for some in Manifest v3 rollout 1 week ago:
Unfortunately, with the FTC rolling back net neutrality protections, I don’t see an antitrust lawsuit happening, or succeeding, anytime soon
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
Most of them were probably lying. They were voting for Trump because they wanted to make racism and sexism legal again.
- Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks ago:
No. Instead the “opposition” party is doing everything they can to chastize their own base for flooding their phone lines demanding they do something to stop the madness.
- Comment on Mexican President Threatens to Sue Google Over 'Gulf of America' Label on Maps. 2 weeks ago:
It’s showing up worldwide. Its why Mexico is threatening to sue.
- Comment on Those YouTube ads everyone hates made $10.4 billion in just three months 2 weeks ago:
What ads? My adblocker still works.
- Comment on New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony 3 weeks ago:
We have literal Nazis stealing all our private information right this second…but THIS is the bill that gets to the floor?
Fiddling while Rome burns.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago:
Gross. Sick of rich assholes enabling the fascist.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Yup. It attacks one of their core beliefs and makes them so damn mad.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Bob Altemeyer explains the phenomenon well in The Authoritarians. It’s literally how their brains are wired. The book is free here: theauthoritarians.org
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 4 months ago:
Yes. Half the country thinks Trump is for the little guy and Harris is an elitist asshole.
Trump was born rich. Harris grew up middle class and a member of two minority groups. The problem is the democrats are shit at messaging. It’s why Walz calling republicans weird took off. Democrats don’t usually come up with sound bites like that.
- Comment on Sympathy for their PTSD 4 months ago:
I am so sorry for what you’re going through, and for what my country (the US) is paying for. But please don’t begrudge yourself a small break. You can’t help others if you can’t even stand up.
I’m so, so sorry. I wish our politicans would listen when we tell them to stop this madness.
- Comment on Proud globohomo 4 months ago:
This is a joke post, right? Sarcasm? Right?
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
It’s more for things like the batgirl movie that is finshed but will make more money in tax write offs to never release it. But if they lose ad revenue from removing a back catalogue, that may also let them post a loss and claim tax breaks.
- Comment on Beware Hollywood’s digital demolition: it’s as if your favourite films and TV shows never existed 4 months ago:
The simple answer to this is to change the tax code to not allow for write offs for completed projects. And to shorten how long copyright lasts (fuck Disney so much for that one)
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
Yeah but they’ll hide behind their corporation so there’s no “person” to throw in prison.
Corporations aren’t people no matter what the supreme court says
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 4 months ago:
I would assume a company such as sony or nintendo lobbied for that law.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
I’m guessing you’re not American.
Very likely. Every worker is replacable and they may be able to replace you for less money too.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
This isn’t as easy for immigrants. If they’re on a work visa and lose their job, they can be deported. So many will stay for fear of being fired.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
Do you mean the bridge in baltimore? We lost 6 immigrants on that one, all of them with families. It’s heartbreaking.
- Comment on You'll have to use pto time to drown, but make sure it's approved first 4 months ago:
I hope the management gets wrongful death suits launched against them
- Comment on Reddit is making sitewide protests basically impossible 4 months ago:
This place feels like old reddit. When we could have actual discussions and not just be downvoted by bots. It’s so much better here
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 4 months ago:
I doubt the saudis will be very happy if Musk doesn’t repay them their investment. I’m surprised they haven’t threatened him into stepping down and handing their investment to someone who can properly manage a social media platform already
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is now worth less than a quarter of its $44 billion purchase price 4 months ago:
And may it continue to crash and burn. It’s just 4 chan at this point.
- Comment on Amazon tech workers leaving for other jobs in response to return to office mandate 4 months ago:
They may not want them, but with how many people are switching to things like AWS, they may find they need them.
And it will ultimately cost them more to find new people when they realize that they’re pissing off their customers with their poor new hires.
I will be happy to watch them squirm when they come to this realization. Karma is a bitch, Amazon.
- Comment on Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second 5 months ago:
Because that’s a chinese corporation making money.
It’s fine when a US one does it
- Comment on OpenAI Execs Mass Quit as Company Removes Control From Non-Profit Board and Hands It to Sam Altman 5 months ago:
If you can’t make money without stealing copywritten works from authors without proper compensation, you should be shut down as a company
- Comment on Don’t ever hand your phone to the cops 5 months ago:
Do you have a warrant? Then sorry officer I will not hand it over per my fifth amendment right.
From there just say you’re not saying anything else without a lawyer and then just keep demanding a lawyer.
Yes. The cop will get pissed off. But better him mad then you spending years trying to get out of a bogus charge because of some bullshit they found on your phone. Better to be annoying and demand to speak to a lawyer.
- Comment on Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers. 5 months ago:
City council meetings are public meetings. But if you go in there and start swearing your head off and using the N-word you will be removed because you are distupting the ability of rational people to have a discussion.
Twitter has decided to let these freaks scream their heads off. This disrupting its ability to be used as a public forum. It is no longer a public forum. It’s just 4Chan now. Sane people wanting to have discussions don’t use 4Chan.