- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 4 days ago:
Just curious, are you american or that white kind of European?
No worries either way. But yea america is in a very visible stage of capitalist controlled oligarchy. The billionaires who run said oligarchy are using propaganda to make it seem like the oligarchy will help the voters who voted for the puppets of said oligarchy.
Ummmm hope this helps or I die before i need to pay a utility bill for oxygen!
- Comment on Rate my breakfast 1 week ago:
Ida gone with a more basic corn chip myself, not a big doritos person.
Curious, are the beans warmed up at all? Any added spices? Ill fuck up a can of beans any time of day but the barest of effort makes them more enjoyable.
On a scale of 1 to 10 id rate it pretty good. Extra marks for simplicity of prep and clean up.
- Comment on Replace "call in sick" with quit your job. 2 weeks ago:
Dont wanna be homeless or have to move back in with the folks.
- Comment on Emma 2 weeks ago:
Noice. Ill also have one weed cake dick please.
- Comment on He's so negative. He's so weird. 2 weeks ago:
Fat Nuts
- Comment on Sounds like a problem for them, not me. 2 weeks ago:
Can someone put his image over the philly crowd on broad st… my coworkers would love that.
- Comment on Yeah, let's stop with this "don't judge people for their poiltics" bullshit 2 weeks ago:
History does judge people. The nazi soldiers have caught a ton of grief, even in my lifetime. The israli soldiers currently serving are frequently compared to nazi soldiers both in meme and article form.
Yes the leaders get most (and should) of the blame. But people do remember the other people making it possible. (google the Yaroslav Hunka scandal for a example).
Ill probably be considered a fascist myself in my descendants eyes, having not run for office or started/participated in a violent revolution. (I am holding out hope I might still be able to participate at least).
- Comment on Good morning I choose creativity and recycling. 3 weeks ago:
I love everyone commenting about this will add microplastics to your water. We are already full of them.
- Comment on Choosing pink is chaotic evil? 1 month ago:
If take the purple pill, can I do that to anyone anywhere on Earth? Or just people nearby? Anywhere on earth, the purple. Just nearby, toss up between purple and a weed gummy. Do I know the strength of the weed gummy?
- Comment on The difference is the working class gets a stick shoved up its ass. 1 month ago:
I feel like the corn dog has a wide variety of possible tubular meats inside. That picture appeared to have some sausage, I won’t lie if it’s breakfast I’ll take any sort of pork sausage over beef. But proper cooked beef over a hotdog when you need a meal? Wild.
- Comment on Important 1 month ago:
I want to say I won’t either, but I got 6 and a half hours left. And I’m gonna use coffee to be able to stay up a bit later tonight. So who knows?
- Comment on I could be friendly... *for money*! 1 month ago:
One of my coworkers occasionally catches their train home from the same station/platform as me. Its so much fun taking that mask off together. Laughing and talking about the public and what not. Good times.
- Comment on Don't worry, my computer phone will remember things for me. 1 month ago:
Rookie move. 3 minutes? That’s a timer. 3 and a half hours? That’s a timer. Everything in-between and most time outside of those, that’s a timer.
- Comment on Ice cream machine is also broken 2 months ago:
Yes we can.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 2 months ago:
Nothing new yet. Well, the last few weeks I started a new character in Valheim, the first one for me since the mistlands biome update.
Valheim has been on steam for a year or so, but is only just nearing 1.0 release. I had gotten on fairly early to play with budddies, and it was 20 bucks well spent. Played a good bit with my buds, Iv played a lot more solo. Survival/Base builder. Norse mythology setting. Not sure the price now with release imminent, but worth adding to the watch/wish list if the genre is right or you.
But, iirc the game is called Druidstone. Turn-based tactics game, foresty magic pg 13 looking. Been on my steam list for ever and was 5 bucks recently. Gonna play it soon I swear. I’m a little disheartened because it looks like you are stuck with 3 specific characters, instead of building a party. But hey maybe skill trees? Anywhoots I’ll post more about that one later.
- Comment on little roombas 2 months ago:
Yea noy unless you attack them first.
- Comment on goldcrests 2 months ago:
Whatever you want.
- Comment on Be a rebel, pick up trash. 3 months ago:
Wow that’s gotta be a record for fastest evolutionary change in response to man made disasters. Good work jellyfish!
- Comment on Preference 5 months ago:
Hamburger style. I’m not picky tho.
- Comment on Slapping Chicken 5 months ago:
It is about 1:06 when I first heard him call it a meat beater.
He needed a faster meat better. Bruva, we are right here!
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
Good question. Not an expert. Or even a amateur. But yea eating the venom can’t be good.
- Comment on Smoking PSA 5 months ago:
Who’s goddammed white baby is that?
- Comment on I just got out of the shower. what is with the product placement ? 6 months ago:
I don’t fucking believe you. No way that ass nugget eats anything resembling healthy. That pos probably has his cronies remove the non marshmallows from his lucky charms.
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
Is laying down really a thing with a grizzly? What’s that do?
- Comment on IQ Test 6 months ago:
You saw it? Cause I read about it, but iirc they didn’t videos. I could be wrong on the video thing, and obvs people where there to see it. But… where you one of the people there to see it?
- Comment on Pronouns 6 months ago:
It’s a description not a measurement.
- Comment on Pronouns 6 months ago:
My partner showed me that video and until she pointed it out I thought I was just watching how quickly he went to sad face.
Bro how long have you been pole vaulting and you don’t know to… well… I don’t compete that way but I’m sure they have a whole term for strapping you dick in to keep a sleek profile.
- Comment on Feeling cute. Might delete later. 6 months ago:
Now it’s wood.
- Comment on Kids and their computers these days. 7 months ago:
It’s like a Dr Bronners bottle on bath salts.
Hmmm… maybe they ate (smoked? Boofed?) bath salts in the bath while cleaning with Dr. Bronners.
- Comment on The fine art of negotiation 8 months ago:
6 days with 1 john is probably a lot less work than 30 1 hour sessions with varying johns. Also getting a discount when buying in bulk is pretty common with most goods. Not sure if it’s so with sex work in real life tho.